Reading DAT files ?

@lickitysplit11111 , @Fly Dawg the correct .DAT is FLY300.DAT. This was explained back in post #28
Reading DAT files ?
There were two disconnects that occurred beccause the signal strength dropped to 0. When the first disconnect happened at 641 secs the P4P initiated an RTH
View attachment 100346
The P4P was here (where the yellow A is)
View attachment 100347
Thank you Sir ,Ill forward a copy of the file to DJI they asked me for it so they can take a look, may I ask the distance when the disconnects happened, I only remember one...
@BudWalker Yes, that is true. The issue here I believe is in regard to the Device data ( CS to be exact ) The original issue was a return RTH with no outbound data. Since you reminded and/or corrected me on the fact that the upon complete signal loss, the Device will create a new .txt file, as opposed to a downlink only loss, which would continue the existing file, this is where I suggested the .dat files to verify that the complete flight was recorded. He was really just trying to figure out his numbers from Airdata. Which I now believe should be correct, assuming that he has the outbound data in another .txt file.
Thank you Sir ,Ill forward a copy of the file to DJI they asked me for it so they can take a look, may I ask the distance when the disconnects happened, I only remember one...
The first disconnect occurred at 645 secs with a distance to the HP of 7,652 meters.
Ok thank you , do you have any idea why the txt file would be missing from the mobile device ,it only recorded from when I exited RTH at around 16,000ft ...
Looks to me like there should be 3 .txt files associated with FLY300.DAT. The one you submitted was the 3rd. If the others don't exist there isn't much I can add beyond what @Fly Dawg has said.

But, I gotta ask. Why do you need those .txt files? Seems that the cause of the disconnect is clear. The P4P was 4.75 miles from the controller in a heavily populated area where the RF congestion will be very high.
Looks to me like there should be 3 .txt files associated with FLY300.DAT. The one you submitted was the 3rd. If the others don't exist there isn't much I can add beyond what @Fly Dawg has said.

But, I gotta ask. Why do you need those .txt files? Seems that the cause of the disconnect is clear. The P4P was 4.75 miles from the controller in a heavily populated area where the RF congestion will be very high.

Well with the copter to get the dat files there’s no record of the flight which if something goes wrong there’s no way of knowing what went wrong with the flight , No ?
I tried out the Crystalsky display which I found the display itself to be great but if it can’t reliably record flight records it’s a deal breaker for me that’s why I reported it to DJI with the hopes of them being able to correct the issue in the future,
Well with the copter to get the dat files there’s no record of the flight which if something goes wrong there’s no way of knowing what went wrong with the flight , No ?
I tried out the Crystalsky display which I found the display itself to be great but if it can’t reliably record flight records it’s a deal breaker for me that’s why I reported it to DJI with the hopes of them being able to correct the issue in the future,

Well without the copter to get the dat files there’s no record of the flight which if something goes wrong there’s no way of knowing what went wrong with the flight , No ?
This is true, but what you have to remember is if you have complete signal loss on a flight AND lose the quad during that time, the fact remains that you still will have no data to trace the flight, because of the transmission loss of telemetry. This is why very long flights out of transmission range are risky. If something goes wrong and/or something happens during RTH, then you will never know.
This is true, but what you have to remember is if you have complete signal loss on a flight AND lose the quad during that time, the fact remains that you still will have no data to trace the flight, because of the transmission loss of telemetry. This is why very long flights out of transmission range are risky. If something goes wrong and/or something happens during RTH, then you will never know.

Hmm I’m not sure my iPad mini 2 acts this way it records everything upto the point of disconnect it doesn’t recorded nothing like the Crystalsky did ,I tried it Sunday just to confirm

I’ll redo it this weekend
Hmm I’m not sure my iPad mini 2 acts this way it records everything upto the point of disconnect
That is correct. If you lose video downlink you also lose telemetry. So at the point of downlink loss, that is where the log stops. If you still have uplink ( Aircraft Control from RC), then once the signal is re-aquired, the log continues from the point of downlink loss, it will be the same .txt file. Alternatively, if you lose both downlink and uplink ( Complete signal loss ) then if the RC re-connects during RTH, that starts a new .txt file. Make sense?
Hmm I’m not sure my iPad mini 2 acts this way it records everything upto the point of disconnect it doesn’t recorded nothing like the Crystalsky did ,I tried it Sunday just to confirm

I’ll redo it this weekend

You may be looking in the wrong place on the CrystalSky - it records the same logs (.txt and .DAT) as any other mobile device as far as I can tell.
That is correct. If you lose video downlink you also lose telemetry. So at the point of downlink loss, that is where the log stops. If you still have uplink ( Aircraft Control from RC), then once the signal is re-aquired, the log continues from the point of downlink loss, it will be the same .txt file. Alternatively, if you lose both downlink and uplink ( Complete signal loss ) then if the RC re-connects during RTH, that starts a new .txt file. Make sense?
So your saying the missing file is normal ?
I know where to find them its just the outbound part of this flight is missing, Post #40 in this thread is the whole flight
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Another way to look at it is that you're missing all but the last .txt. Maybe it's changed now. I.e. A new .txt is started whenever there is a disconnect followed by a reconnect, but the previous .txt is discarded. As I said this wasn't the behavior that I saw, but it's been a while.

I think there is a simple test. I'd do this if I had time. If I'm not mistaken the .txt starts being recorded at motorStart. The test would be to start the motors without the props. Then place a metal garbage can over the P4P to simulate a disconnect. Do this a couple of times and see how many .txt files get created.
Another way to look at it is that you're missing all but the last .txt. Maybe it's changed now. I.e. A new .txt is started whenever there is a disconnect followed by a reconnect, but the previous .txt is discarded. As I said this wasn't the behavior that I saw, but it's been a while.

I think there is a simple test. I'd do this if I had time. If I'm not mistaken the .txt starts being recorded at motorStart. The test would be to start the motors without the props. Then place a metal garbage can over the P4P to simulate a disconnect. Do this a couple of times and see how many .txt files get created.
But I'm still missing files thats the point,
Heres another flight where I had a disconnect but the only part thats missing it when the copter was in RTH, I'm fine with it being in two txt. files but IT MUST BE RECORDED, thats all im saying
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After exiting RTH
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Here's my first flight using the Ipad Pro which also happens to be my longest flight to date with the small screw on antenna from 4Hawks, even though there was a disconnect the ENTIRE flight was recorded, and I'm able to review the "Entire " flight record

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Coming back was a nail biter, it Autolanded @10% when it reached me :eek:

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