Please read. Threatened while flying my drone!

I’m saying you had a choice in whether you needed to involve the police. All you have done now is created a bad relationship with this neighbour. There is a big differences between doing “nothing wrong” as you put it- that is technically obeying the law and doing what is reasonable. If he has a strong objection (as it seems he does) to you flying over or close to his property then stay away. That shouldn’t be difficult.

sir you don't get it. he threatened me. I have no beef with this gentleman. when you threaten someone you need to involve the police.

He could have calmly came here and explained his opposition of my right to fly my machine. He didn't, he chose to use vulgar language and threaten us.

This is bad for so many reasons. We are good people who would not hurt anyone. Or ruin someone's privacy.
sir you don't get it. he threatened me. I have no beef with this gentleman. when you threaten someone you need to involve the police.

He could have calmly came here and explained his opposition of my right to fly my machine. He didn't, he chose to use vulgar language and threaten us.

This is bad for so many reasons. We are good people who would not hurt anyone. Or ruin someone's privacy.
If there was a genuine perceived thhreat of personal Harm sure- call the police. Hard to appreciate how that might have been the case, idle threats are common when there is heated emotions.

Stay away with your drone and i suspect with almost certainty the vulgarities will not be an issue.
Offer neighbor's child the chance to fly your drone...?
Call it a fun toy...
(once its up in air, child pushing up-down & left-right joysticks, etc.)
(you holding RC so no accident)
After that, consider buying child cheapest drone toy gift,
probably under $15...?
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He had a choice. People make idle threats all the time. We are probably only getting one side of the story here also. As is usually the case.
If someone threatens you and they have the means to carry through on the threat, you are well advised to take it seriously. That may or may not involve calling the police. Judgement call on the OP's part. It's easy to armchair general from the safety of the keyboard. Seems like it's turned out ok so far. Although I think the OP is far to gingerly walking on eggshells with his hours etc... but that's his call.
I've had a neighbor who has done work at my home just yesterday get very angry and threaten me. He was screaming at me f you, i'll shoot that thing down.... and on and on he went. He never came on my property, just carried on from his home, very vulgarly, which is two home from mine, about 1 acre away.

I called law enforcement, told him what just happened. I invited him (sheriff) in to look at my flight logs which clearly indicate I was at 150 feet and flying in LOS the whole time, and not above his home constantly as he thought.

He (sheriff) went to the gentlemen's home and told him I was in complete compliance with part 107 and was doing nothing nefarious or wrong. The neighbor informed him it was "scaring" his daughter and that he would take necessary actions against me if it continued. The officer told him to bring his daughter over to my home and check out the drone and would not in anyway hurt her. He also suggested my neighbor brush up on the rules of drone flying before making allegations against me. I'm trusting he wont hurt us now the law enforcement is aware.

First and foremost I fly by the 107 rules. I don't fly early in the morning or during supper time. I don't fly on Sunday so neighbors don't have to see or hear the machine. I usually fly above 300 ft to eliminate noise and sound. I try to be a good neighbor. I've never had a cross word with him until a few days ago.

This has really impacted and bothered me and wife. I'm concerned if I go to speak to him he will want to get into a physical confrontation. I'm not about that. I just want to know how I can fly and not bother him or anyone else (never has any issues with anyone else) in my neighborhood and enjoy the sport that I love.

Any advice?
Wow, living out in the country and should have no barriers to flying. Have you tried inviting the guy to watch you fly and see what it's like? He may be all paranoid thinking that you're able to spy on his family. if he sees what you can, he may relax a bit and not be so freaked out about it.
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In the few years I have been flying recreationally I have always been amazed and baffled at the number of pilots whose main thing is flying over neighborhoods. This is risky and just asking for trouble, IMHO. We live in tense times when a lot of folks are edgy and unpredictable and guns are everywhere. Violent incidents in which somebody "just snapped" or went "over the line" are in the news every day. A drone in the sky seems like a fine way to push somebody too far.

And rationalizing this topic doesn't work because most people aren't rational most of the time. You can take a manly stance, quote regs and call cops all day and still have a bullet hole in your drone or worse. I enjoy my flying and want to continue it. Confrontations shouldn't be necessary and would certainly kill the enjoyment, so I fly as far away from people as I can get. I would guess that most people can get to a reasonably unpopulated area within a half hour's drive or so. Those that can't might want to consider another hobby. End of rant.
Wow, living out in the country and should have no barriers to flying. Have you tried inviting the guy to watch you fly and see what it's like? He may be all paranoid thinking that you're able to spy on his family. if he sees what you can, he may relax a bit and not be so freaked out about it.
I don't know him and after his conduct, id just like to say away from him.
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I've had a neighbor who has done work at my home just yesterday get very angry and threaten me. He was screaming at me f you, i'll shoot that thing down.... and on and on he went. He never came on my property, just carried on from his home, very vulgarly, which is two home from mine, about 1 acre away.

I called law enforcement, told him what just happened. I invited him (sheriff) in to look at my flight logs which clearly indicate I was at 150 feet and flying in LOS the whole time, and not above his home constantly as he thought.

He (sheriff) went to the gentlemen's home and told him I was in complete compliance with part 107 and was doing nothing nefarious or wrong. The neighbor informed him it was "scaring" his daughter and that he would take necessary actions against me if it continued. The officer told him to bring his daughter over to my home and check out the drone and would not in anyway hurt her. He also suggested my neighbor brush up on the rules of drone flying before making allegations against me. I'm trusting he wont hurt us now the law enforcement is aware.

First and foremost I fly by the 107 rules. I don't fly early in the morning or during supper time. I don't fly on Sunday so neighbors don't have to see or hear the machine. I usually fly above 300 ft to eliminate noise and sound. I try to be a good neighbor. I've never had a cross word with him until a few days ago.

This has really impacted and bothered me and wife. I'm concerned if I go to speak to him he will want to get into a physical confrontation. I'm not about that. I just want to know how I can fly and not bother him or anyone else (never has any issues with anyone else) in my neighborhood and enjoy the sport that I love.

Any advice?
Perception is reality. Your neighbor perceives you as a threat and for now that’s his reality, by trying to engage him and bring him out of his “reality” is going to be time you wasted, instead use your time to explore this beautiful world of us, my suggestion if weather permits, pack some sandwiches, grab your family and go explore and have a wonderful time somewhere else, the world is big and full of places to fly safely!
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So he is your neighbor, is fair to say out of 4 directions he is your neighbor of only 1 of the 4, isn't simply don't fly to his direction quite easy? Is not about right and wrong, you are in the right we know but at the same time if someone is really offended by it then just try your best to avoid would the nice thing to do. ALSO sorry if I offended anyone by saying this, but these days, you never know what others are going to do if you know what I mean, so does it worth it if you are risking your family on it?
Threatening to "shoot down a drone" is a an act of terroristic threatening and if reported to the FAA will be investigated and reported to the FBI... my contact at the FAA here in Hawaii told me a story just like this... and the FBI paid him a visit. No further complaints. AT 300ft it is barely noticeable and far less noisy than a weedwacker or lawn mower... It is the "perceived" notion that you can watch them taking showers or a dump that freak out most of these people... Because of the military use of UAV's the word "drone" has such negative connotations for a lot of folks. Good luck brah...
If someone threatens you and they have the means to carry through on the threat, you are well advised to take it seriously. That may or may not involve calling the police. Judgement call on the OP's part. It's easy to armchair general from the safety of the keyboard. Seems like it's turned out ok so far. Although I think the OP is far to gingerly walking on eggshells with his hours etc... but that's his call.
I you missed I did state the obvious in suggesting to engage the police if feeling genuinely threatened.
I've had a neighbor who has done work at my home just yesterday get very angry and threaten me. He was screaming at me f you, i'll shoot that thing down.... and on and on he went. He never came on my property, just carried on from his home, very vulgarly, which is two home from mine, about 1 acre away.

I called law enforcement, told him what just happened. I invited him (sheriff) in to look at my flight logs which clearly indicate I was at 150 feet and flying in LOS the whole time, and not above his home constantly as he thought.

He (sheriff) went to the gentlemen's home and told him I was in complete compliance with part 107 and was doing nothing nefarious or wrong. The neighbor informed him it was "scaring" his daughter and that he would take necessary actions against me if it continued. The officer told him to bring his daughter over to my home and check out the drone and would not in anyway hurt her. He also suggested my neighbor brush up on the rules of drone flying before making allegations against me. I'm trusting he wont hurt us now the law enforcement is aware.

First and foremost I fly by the 107 rules. I don't fly early in the morning or during supper time. I don't fly on Sunday so neighbors don't have to see or hear the machine. I usually fly above 300 ft to eliminate noise and sound. I try to be a good neighbor. I've never had a cross word with him until a few days ago.

This has really impacted and bothered me and wife. I'm concerned if I go to speak to him he will want to get into a physical confrontation. I'm not about that. I just want to know how I can fly and not bother him or anyone else (never has any issues with anyone else) in my neighborhood and enjoy the sport that I love.

Any advice?
I have a neighbor I don't know if it has anything to do with my drone never been closer than 1/4 mile from him! But for several weeks every time I went out to fly he would start shooting! His house is on a hill over me over 200 ft! Well bullets started hitting the trees above my house and I heard many sing over my house! I called the police I'm not gonna face somebody with their guns out! That stopped the bullets for one month it has started again! So I'm faced with calling the police again or worry with getting shot any ideas?
I've had a neighbor who has done work at my home just yesterday get very angry and threaten me. He was screaming at me f you, i'll shoot that thing down.... and on and on he went. He never came on my property, just carried on from his home, very vulgarly, which is two home from mine, about 1 acre away.

I called law enforcement, told him what just happened. I invited him (sheriff) in to look at my flight logs which clearly indicate I was at 150 feet and flying in LOS the whole time, and not above his home constantly as he thought.

He (sheriff) went to the gentlemen's home and told him I was in complete compliance with part 107 and was doing nothing nefarious or wrong. The neighbor informed him it was "scaring" his daughter and that he would take necessary actions against me if it continued. The officer told him to bring his daughter over to my home and check out the drone and would not in anyway hurt her. He also suggested my neighbor brush up on the rules of drone flying before making allegations against me. I'm trusting he wont hurt us now the law enforcement is aware.

First and foremost I fly by the 107 rules. I don't fly early in the morning or during supper time. I don't fly on Sunday so neighbors don't have to see or hear the machine. I usually fly above 300 ft to eliminate noise and sound. I try to be a good neighbor. I've never had a cross word with him until a few days ago.

This has really impacted and bothered me and wife. I'm concerned if I go to speak to him he will want to get into a physical confrontation. I'm not about that. I just want to know how I can fly and not bother him or anyone else (never has any issues with anyone else) in my neighborhood and enjoy the sport that I love.

Any advice?
Gregg, assuming you live in America, should fly your drone where legal. Being respectful is never a bad thing but this is supposed to be the land of the free and as such, one has to be able to put up with certain things that may bother them. If for no other reason than to not have somebody complain when THEY are doing something they enjoy.We are banned from flying in plenty of areas as it is. Trying to talk to your neigb would be ideal but we must resist this ever tightening noose around the neck of freedom. It's drones today, tomorrow it'll be something else that's offensive. Where does it end?
Ratter than wasting law enforcement time and resources [Language Removed by Moderator] around looking a your flight records you should have just spoken to the neighbour directly. If it’s really that much of an issue fly somewhere else. All you have managed to do is annoy him more.
I tend to agree with you on the leave the cops out of it part. But disagree on the fly somewhere else part. This is 'Merica! And Greg if you are legal and respectful (which you seem to be) there is no need for you to bend your life around an unhappy person.
I have a neighbor I don't know if it has anything to do with my drone never been closer than 1/4 mile from him! But for several weeks every time I went out to fly he would start shooting! His house is on a hill over me over 200 ft! Well bullets started hitting the trees above my house and I heard many sing over my house! I called the police I'm not gonna face somebody with their guns out! That stopped the bullets for one month it has started again! So I'm faced with calling the police again or worry with getting shot any ideas?
That's insane. He could KILL YOU OR YOUR FAMILY. I would move heaven and earth to recover a bullet from that tree and INSIST that law enforcement conduct a proper investigation, match bullet to barrel, etc. I don't think you are lying, but dang, I hope that's not all true...smh
I tend to agree with you on the leave the cops out of it part. But disagree on the fly somewhere else part. This is 'Merica! And Greg if you are legal and respectful (which you seem to be) there is no need for you to bend your life around an unhappy person.
That’s it...... it’s a fine line between what you might be lawfully entitled to do and what’s reasonable. I can start using garden power tools at 0700, play music and leave the pool pumps running until 10pm (midnight on Friday and Saturday), park boats and car trailers outvthe front of their property and many other things that have the potential to cause disharmony with my neighbours. If a particular neighbour has a strong objection to your flying over their property it’s probably not a war worth having. Trying to resolve any concerns with them without going straight to authorities is a great place to start though. Calling the cops as a first strategy is likely to poison any future efforts to resolve anything.

Think about what the potential next eventualities might be here. A neighbour makes an allegation that you are perving on them or their kids. It probably has no basis in fact but it would lead to a lot of unnecessary embarrassment and time consumed.

There are lots of things most neighbours could do that might cause annoyance and they would be entitled to do them.

That’s all I’m saying- what you can do and what’s reasonable is the issue.
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Gregg, assuming you live in America, should fly your drone where legal. Being respectful is never a bad thing but this is supposed to be the land of the free and as such, one has to be able to put up with certain things that may bother them. If for no other reason than to not have somebody complain when THEY are doing something they enjoy.We are banned from flying in plenty of areas as it is. Trying to talk to your neigb would be ideal but we must resist this ever tightening noose around the neck of freedom. It's drones today, tomorrow it'll be something else that's offensive. Where does it end?
Thank God for a voice of reason on here.
I have a neighbor with dogs that bark at random times.
I have a neighbor that mows the grass early in the morning.
I have a neighbor whose teenage kid plays the music loud and I hear it every time he drives by.
...should I demand that they all STOP because I don't like it?? Of course not! We live in this thing called SOCIETY and part of that means that sometimes we need to tolerate things that we may not appreciate. I make a point to be kind, respectful, and considerate when deciding when and where to fly. But many on here seem to be leaving the realm of kindness and entering the realm of pacificity (DOORMAT). My view is to not let jerks decrease my enjoyment in life when I am doing nothing wrong.
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What is that old saying ... You can never please everyone ...

Drones are media hype material and those who are ill-informed read such rubbish and believe it. Sadly there is not much can be done about it.
Second some of the individuals who object to drones - they are not only items people object to - are unapproachable to have reasoned conversation with.

How to live with it ? $64,000 question ! We live and learn to try and avoid such. If it means not flying over that location - its a small price to pay for peace and quiet.

There are more than enough confrontations on Youtube that illustrate the difficulty of trying to discuss with another. IMHO - the videos do not actually help us - they may in fact increase the gulf between us and them.

Too often you read / watch the 'smart' drone operator trying to 'educate' the other - if you want to inflame a situation - then that sure as eggs is eggs will do it ... you might as well start using bad language as that is what the other person feels is happening.

Most situations unless really necessary, as in a commercial operation and can have support of Police / Official, is to pack up and move on. Why spoil your day by having an argument that often does not resolve satisfactorily.

My belief:> Live to fly another day.

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