Aug 18, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I have a Phantom 3 Advanced which I have owned for over a year. I've performed many flights with this Phantom and not had any issues.

I use the Litchi app because I like its features. Starting 2 days ago I cannot get the Phantom to take off. Usually what happens is when I perform the CSC command the motors spin about half speed for a 1/2 second then immediately turn off. After that, CSC does nothing and cannot get motors to start. Video feed remains live and the top line reads "Ready to fly".

After waiting 2 days, today I tried to take off and it worked on the first battery and I filmed some videos. I then went to my next battery and cannot take off again.

I've flown at this location many times before and had no issues. Tried a different USB cable, different battery, etc, but nothing works. It can still take videos and everything seems right, just no motor start with CSC. Anyone have any ideas?

Also twice today the automatic landing triggered mid-flight and I had to override that and then I landed it manually because I was scared it would land somewhere I didn't want it to land. Don't know if that is related or not.

Thanks so much!!
Did you update the firmware on the AC and RC, prior to this occurrence?
Did you update the firmware on the AC and RC, prior to this occurrence?

Actually I tried to update last week but neither the AC nor RC would update. I put the microSD / card reader with the .bin update file in both but they wouldn't update.

I was worried about not flying with the updates but I had an important video to film these last few days. I will try to update again tonight when I'm by my computer.
Personally, I would not update. That is the reason I asked. There have been so many issues with firmware of late, and I do recall seeing a battery change issue around as well in that regard. I have not updated in over a year and still flying just fine. I use Litchi exclusively, by the way.
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But if you do decide to update. The RC is done through the app these days, not via SD Card. Th Aircraft still uses the micro SD for the update bin files.
Personally, I would not update. That is the reason I asked. There have been so many issues with firmware of late, and I do recall seeing a battery change issue around as well in that regard. I have not updated in over a year and still flying just fine. I use Litchi exclusively, by the way.
I would also rather not update but I have no idea what to do. I can't even fly my drone now even though everything looks like it should be fine.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I could try?

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