Phantom 3 and 3D Terrain Modeling

If you only use the internal gps of the drone you get 3-5 metres accuracy. If you want better you should use ground control points. The resolution is 2-5 cm and depends on the altitude. There is an app in appstore "Map Pilot" where you could plan and fly your photogrammetric missions. Worth every buck...
I'm trying out Map Pilot right now. That reminds me I need to go DL some more How To videos LOL!
Dear Pedro,

Saw your post, and I am equally interested in the landscape mapping using the drones, I have downloaded the app "altizure" on iOS I am not sure if android has it. However this is possibly what you wanted to do. I haven't had time to explore this myself, I am an architect, i thought it will be really useful if I can get these into a 3D model of my site and start modelling my design using the model produced by the drone.

Try this and see if this helps you. From my understanding how it works is in fact taking whole bunch of photographs as the drones fly through the specific pattern as designated by the apps, then it starts to compile these images with calculating the approximation of colours and image density of each images taken then put them at the approximate location to reconstruct the 3 dimensional model of the site you have flown. So if that's the case everything will get recorded - trees, entourage, vehicles people..

Have a look - altizure apps

Here is the MapPilot run for my first terrain map, using MapsMadeEasy. Note that you pay for points - bigger the map the more you pay. Compare with PC software that costs thousands like Agisoft Photoscan.


3-D model (modern browser with WebGL required)
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Interested in this as well.

Thought I found a money maker, but last week just noticed Google Earth is now in 3D in my part of the world (turn 3D buildings on).
I'm really enjoying Map Pilot and then processing the images with MapsMadeEasy. I just need to spend more time and learn how it works on the small projects (small projects are FREE) before I start spending a lot of $$ on it.

Bob how many projects have you done thus far?
Just a side note... anyone using Map Pilot or any "Autonomous" piloting ap you must take into account any objects between your launch point, your mapping area, and your return flight. I find it best if I locate my aircraft fairly close to the mapping area and minimize any potential "conflicts" between aircraft and other objects even though you can fly this a LONG way from home.
I use a Phantom 3 Pro, the iPad app Map Pilot from maps made easy to capture the images using a grid flight mission and then process the images with the free pix4d explorer.
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Sorry for the off-topic but what are the "limitations" in the free Pix4D? I suppose I could get it, but I can't tell from the web site or I failed to find the info.
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Thank you... Fly thru video only. I installed it and tried it. Looks great! I am struggling with the $10/day since I am doing this for personal education. I saw that non-profit is 1/2 ($5000) but I am non-revenue. I will need to find an alternative for now. Maybe in the future if I go commercial...
While somewhat off-topic, here's a 360 panorama I shot with a P3Pro and stitched together using PTGUI. It is rendered as a photo bubble using KRPano. There's a black area because I missed a couple of spots. Rather than shooting stills I just turned on video and slowly panned around and down. The stills used to make the pano were captured from the 4K video.

While somewhat off-topic, here's a 360 panorama I shot with a P3Pro and stitched together using PTGUI. It is rendered as a photo bubble using KRPano. There's a black area because I missed a couple of spots. Rather than shooting stills I just turned on video and slowly panned around and down. The stills used to make the pano were captured from the 4K video.

Interesting to use video to create pano... did you use any software to extract the photos from the video ?
Hi Pedro, are you from Brasil? I'm from SP and as an architect I've been using drones for topography for some time now. I know of 3 SWs that currently do 3D orthorectified modeling (that I'm aware of, that is...) but I'd say only 2 of them offer good or satisfactory results IMHO. And that also depends on the project, sometimes it's not practical or accurate, not in the sense of precision but usability in some projects.

Pix4D is one of them and are on the verge of releasing a P3 compatible app but for the time being we're stuck with the other models they run on, like the 2 and V+ if we're talking about DJI. But you have to be careful with the cam/lens used, that's why I'm eagerly awaiting for the P3 app. They had a beta running some time ago, I wasn't able to qualify but I guess it's already in fine tuning stage for final release. They're pretty cool you can contact them anytime.

What I do with Pix4D is data collection for 2 or 3 projects and then grab a 1-month lease to run the batch. That's good if you want to split the lease cost among 2 or 3 clients/jobs, but I acknowledge it's not always possible as demand varies.

Either way, most clients at this point are hiring us for the novelty and to experiment with new tech and/or to stay ahead more than anything, like to showcase to investors and potential clients, stuff like that. IMHO it's advancing fast and will soon be 100% but for now I still have to rely on old tech for accurate topo at times!
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This could truly be the future of land surveying.
Aerial photogrammetry from high altitude does not render the accuracy as the the low and slow drone.
The game changer will be when someone produces a lightweight Lidar unit to hook up with the drone
Looking to do some oblique imagery for 3D modelling. The company in this video is using Pix4D.

Around one minute and 20 seconds into this video there is a cut of an orbital pattern with image capture positions. Is there an app that can do this for the P3P?


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