P4p New Update

A few (me included) have experienced a problem when the camera is pointing straight down, and the AC stops. The image inverts and white balance is screwed up. Only fix is to revert to the previous FW.
A few (me included) have experienced a problem when the camera is pointing straight down, and the AC stops. The image inverts and white balance is screwed up. Only fix is to revert to the previous FW.
Yes Ive had the same issue.
I installed the firmware, tested it at my place in a forest region (no electic wires etc), then took it to the beach to get some shoreline shots. Bad move...the controlled tightened up (couldnt move the craft smoothly) and after 10 mins then the camera chucked a wobbly...it racked 180 degrees in the opposite direction I had been filming (originally forward). Got scared and took it away from the ocean. Lesson - be carefull where you film for a while after a firmware upgrade.
So how do I dump this version and withdraw to the previous FW. Thx
Just plug it into DJI ASSISTANT and select the lower FW to downgrade.
As has been said repeatedly, release notes with firmware updates would be helpful. DJI is the only company I've run across which doesn't do this in some form or another. So, I take the conservative path and let others go before and find out what the update does, screws up, etc. I'm skipping this latest one as I have no interest in pano mode or adding third party apps to the P4P controller.
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