I am unsure why you might need to calibrate compass/IMU as has been suggested. I would be checking to make sure battery has latest firmware and updating if necessary however.
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IMU calibration is recommended for a new bird after shipment or if you dropped it or crashed it.
Compass calibration is recommended if you travel 100 miles or more from home. I don't remember exactly the distance but it takes about 30 seconds to calibrate compass.
I'm sure some people have never done either and had good luck.
Why risk a fly away on your new phantom?
It seems the OP has acquired a new battery for an existing AC. The new battery will have no effect on compass or IMU performance which might make the suggested calibrations necessary.
Just bought a new battery for my P3S. Do I need to do anything to it other then charge it and fly?
Yes, update it's FW. Make sure the last FW you installed in the drone is on the SD card inside the gimbal, than when you power on it will update itself.

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