P3 camera and gimbal on P2 vision with gimbal removed

May 11, 2017
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sorry ,if it's no doubt been asked before ,however I couldn't find it if it has,but I'm new hereand to forums,so not sure if I searched correctly .
Do any of you fine gents know, if I can fit a p3 4K camera and gimbal on a old p2 vision that came without its gimbal and camera .The shop I got it from online removed it prior to me buying it ,I've since found one (p3.4k camera and gimbal )on eBay for £150 about $200 I believe
I just can't afford to buy something that will not work !
Thank you for any info you have on the subject .
sorry ,if it's no doubt been asked before ,however I couldn't find it if it has,but I'm new hereand to forums,so not sure if I searched correctly .
Do any of you fine gents know, if I can fit a p3 4K camera and gimbal on a old p2 vision that came without its gimbal and camera .The shop I got it from online removed it prior to me buying it ,I've since found one (p3.4k camera and gimbal )on eBay for £150 about $200 I believe
I just can't afford to buy something that will not work !
Thank you for any info you have on the subject .

Sorry you cannot use the camera nor gimbal on a P2 vision as the electronics are completely different than that of the P2 vision.
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Thank you Jason ,it confirms what I had read since posting . Like most things there seems to be work a rounds but I'm not that clever or technical .
people can do so much it make me feel a bit ,well a lot Stupid.
I've decided not even to go the add a gimbal and 4K sports camera route even though I own the latter. I'm just going to buy a second hand vision plus.my nest is going to be overcrowded soon ,f550,p2without camera or fpv,and a p3 pro that's in transit to arrive shortly ,unfortunately not before this weekend so DJI will be able to hobble it :0( I
I know some of the guys here have managed to flash downgrade but my head nearly exploded trying to follow them ,so I'm not even going to attempt it :0(
I had already purchased the p3pro from the states to not have the range cut in half as is the case in Europe but it looks like that will be an epic fail with the new software update from DJI!
I hope it gets hacked the sh#t out of and some clever clogs invents a programmer for numpties like me to use .
Once again thank you for replying ,it's much appreciated .
I had already purchased the p3pro from the states to not have the range cut in half as is the case in Europe.

Errrm I think it works out where it is from GPS and changes the power to suit, so buying from the states wont make it more powerful.
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Thanks for that ,does that mean as soon as it picks up lats and longs from Europe it halves the transmission distances ,what with that and dji new update this weekend I'm thinking ditch dji or eastern block hackers needed ;0)
You guys pay less and get twice the distance ,typical . !!!!!!!!!! We pay $1300 for a bare bones mavic you guys pay $750 there is no justice in this world !
I just read this from DJI on a different forum .
1. Is there possibility to switch from CE to FCC mode or should i sell my current EU model and buy FCC version (in US?)
2. How should i determine when i am buying FCC version. I do not want to buy EU version again.
3. What should I do when i buy and FCC version and i got a contract in Europe, how to switch from FCC to CE to not break a EU law?

And DJI answers:
1. Yes, only way is purchase another drone.
2. We suggest you can purchase from a USA dealer or DJI store and remark you need a FCC version.
It will tell the version on the packing box.
3. No access to switch the version. In theory,yes, it will breaks the local law.

So EU clients, are clients of the second category. I will move to US in a few weeks and i would lke to fully use an advantages of 20dBi. And i can have a contract in Europe, and then i cant switch it to 16dBi back.
Only one solution is to have two drones or deal with the half range of cropped product in EU version..
It would seem that American version will not demonise in power , nice if its true ? I also wonder the if I should buy p4 pro plus later from Cina to avoid being throttled back or hobbled by DJI ?
Any thoughts or anyone know better ,please anyone in the
Know ?
Please ignore the info in the above post a few more articles in and the dji contacted the chap saying he had got it wrong and it is controlled by software ,Argh !! My head hurts and I'm none the wiser .
I got involved with a high level phone hacker a few years ago and we cost Nokia hundreds of thousands ,if dji continue with this I'd love to do the same and it may well give me the motivation to do it !
Anyone fancy a box where you plug your drone and controller into it and it flash downgrades it at the push of a button ?
Anyone fancy a box where you plug your drone and controller into it and it flash downgrades it at the push of a button ?

Its not a downgrade thats needed, its the ability to write a flash to it thats needed.
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Like I said I'm lost sorry if I used the wrong terminology I thought it was flash downgrading ,l I did say I'm not that clued up however we used a device that used to reflash the phones wouldn't this be similar ? For motorolas we used a emmi box to flash language packs change emei numbers unlock etc .
Unless you know the proprietary code and language that DJI have written the program in then you won't be able to.
Like most companies DJI keep things a secret for a reason.
That's what Nokia thought ! until I met a Romanian hacker then 2 years of not being hacked went in the bin , if hadn't been secret we wouldn't have made such large amounts of money ;0)

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