Overview of AeroScope, a New DJI System to Track and Identify Drones

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The US is far from being a victim in the world of hacking, in fact they might be an industry leader.
The US is far from being a victim in the world of hacking, in fact they might be an industry leader.
So are you saying China hacking your bank accounts, drivers license, health information, and credit cards is perfectly acceptable, but the US is the real villain in the world?
I not really sure where you’re going with this?
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So are you saying China hacking your bank accounts, drivers license, health information, and credit cards is perfectly acceptable, but the US is the real villain in the world?
I don't think he was suggesting that at all.
He was simply drawing your attention to activities of the kind carried out by the NSA etc.
So are you saying China hacking your bank accounts, drivers license, health information, and credit cards is perfectly acceptable, but the US is the real villain in the world?
I not really sure where you’re going with this?
Think about what you're saying - why would the Chinese authorities want to know your driving license and social security number? Do the US Govt also hold your bank account, Heath information and credit card details? Or are you saying they're hacking all those businesses too? Boy,
that's a worry. I wonder what the Chinese do with all that information? Also, if it's that's easy to hack the US, perhaps all those giant US data security businesses need to start plugging the all vulnerabilities they seem to've missed. Gawd blimey, what a load of old nonsense....
Let's get this thread back on track or it's end is very near.

Leave your politics (regardless which side you're on or which country you're in) in another forum somewhere else. Anywhere but our "Pilots Forums".
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Many people can't understand why people value privacy, it isn't to be able to do something wrong. When ss#'s came out they made a law that it couldn't be used for Id purposes. They valued their privacy. They had a different mind set than today's people. Clinton quietly did away with that law. We are being conditioned to give everything over to the government. Let the government take care of everything. That what's Russia did in the old days. It didn't work. Our old values made us a country of opportunity and prominence in the world. Our socialistic values has brought chaos and a breaking down of values, which in turn brings down our society/ government. My years have seen the change.

Why are people making this out to be anything but a safety issue? When I’m in a plane is scares the **** out of me to think some idiot could be flying a drone is the area. This may save YOUR *** one day. I don’t need privacy when flying my drone.

Do you think people should be able drive as fast as they like or ignore street signs and lights? To you want the Wild West on your streets when walking or when your kids are walking to school?

If you fly a drone that can cause an accident with private or commercial vehicles then your right to fly in secret is not a right at all. To fly a toy in airspace used by people conveying vehicles is absurd in my opinion. I still want to do it so if the toy industry needs to be regulated, so be it and stop acting like big brother want to take away your LEGO’s. It’s for all of our safety.
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There is a significant difference, they access your data Vice read an RF transponder code. Your data is not accessible on the drone but your photos, movies, personal stuff, banking...it’s a door into your mobile device not just your drone...that’s why you should be alarmed...

If you're worried, then get a tablet to download the DJI app and don't use your phone. That way they can't get much personal data. I did that as my eyes aren't very good and I needed a bigger screen than my phone to fly with.
Even your Rumba vacuum is gathering your information.

Roomba transmits their report to China (place of manufacture) where the "Roomba spies" sit in their bunker:

"Attention, attention, Roomba unit FU2 reporting from secret location, deep inside United States territory. I have collected the following information about nefarious household activities on the date of 4/1/17:

1. There is a cat present, and it's shedding all over the kitchen.
2. Someone constantly leaves a trail of Dorito crumbs between the sofa and the TV in the living room.
3. There were cookie and other unidentifiable crumbs around the dining room table

That is all. Over
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Roomba transmits their report to China (place of manufacture) where the "Roomba spies" ...

Ahemmm...Let no one be naive. No worries. The technology is already here...already in your home and elsewhere. Ever heard of the "internet of things?" How about the fact that many products invaded unsuspecting folks' personal info as far back as 2008 (remember the innocent little live picture frames you'd initiate by connecting to your computer - for example, see Virus from China the gift that keeps on giving

What DJI proposes is simply another means of knowing your identity and location for innocent safety reasons. Let's just hope we never have a serious conflict with that country...or any other for that matter. It is truly a bit too late to worry about it now. Unless you are off the grid, all the Big Brothers (both governments and manufacturers and various service providers) have access to to more information about you than YOU do. But relax -- It's more a matter of storing it than actively using it (except maybe Google and doubleclick, etc.).

I do not like all the invasion of information we all must endure, but -- to be clear -- in the mix of things, I am fine with ATC's (only) knowing where I am flying.
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Not just a hacker, but the Chinese Govt...you do realize China is an adversary.
I bet your PC/phone/router/etc are chinese made or with chinese components. Do you worry about your security. furthermore, i bet your underwear and clothes are made in china, do you worry about the chemicals did to your body?
And major retailers embed RFID chips in products to track shipments, but those chips can still be read after you buy it and bring it home so someone COULD park in front of your house and “read” what’s in your cupboards. It’s endless.

I doubt that’s the intention of Aeroscope and that’s why I don’t worry about it... that and because I have no clue what else “can” be read or found or tracked.
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Chinese manufacturer DJI just announced a new technology to identify and track airborne drones. Dubbed AeroScope, this system takes advantages of all the telemetry data sent by the aircraft to give the authorities a detailed vision of the drone presence in a local airspace. This system is mature and has been installed at two international airports since April. Here are the technical details and legal challenges associated with this technology.

How Does It Work? Read more here at the source: Overview of AeroScope, a New DJI System to Track and Identify Drones
DJI is going to open a Can of Worms if they do that! How, tell me How, will they prevent the Bad Guy's from hacking our systems and stealing our ID Information !!!! Several BIG VERY BIG Corporation's have been hacked already that we know of! Unless DJI can Guarantee that Nobody but DJI can access our systems, I will sell all of my Dji Products and go somewhere else, I will not Risk having my ID Compromised. DJI could learn something from Apple about The Customers Come First Concept in regards to CUSTOMER PRIVACY. GOODBYE DJI IT WAS GREAT FLYING WITH YOU.....
I bet your PC/phone/router/etc are chinese made or with chinese components. Do you worry about your security. furthermore, i bet your underwear and clothes are made in china, do you worry about the chemicals did to your body?
With everything you said! atleast we can turn all of those items off when we aren't using them! DJI isn't the only game in town! No more updates for me until I sell all of my Birds to someone else who doesn't care!...for everyone else! DRINK SOME MORE KOOL-AID
Unless LE happens to be watching, in which case your license plate gives away all that information.

In any case, if you want to fly in the NAS then you are going to have to accept some level of surveillance. Too many people seem to want all the privileges of regular, manned aviation, without any of the registration, licensing, regulation, training or monitoring that goes with it.
It's not likely that someone will Reproduce your Car's License Plate and then commit a crime!!!
DJI is going to open a Can of Worms if they do that! How, tell me How, will they prevent the Bad Guy's from hacking our systems and stealing our ID Information !!!! Several BIG VERY BIG Corporation's have been hacked already that we know of! Unless DJI can Guarantee that Nobody but DJI can access our systems, I will sell all of my Dji Products and go somewhere else, I will not Risk having my ID Compromised. DJI could learn something from Apple about The Customers Come First Concept in regards to CUSTOMER PRIVACY. GOODBYE DJI IT WAS GREAT FLYING WITH YOU.....

This technology involves monitoring radio traffic between the UAV and the RC to determine UAV location and identity. What, exactly, are you worried is going to be hacked? Do you keep PII on your UAV?
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