NYPD Where’s their Waiver? 107.39

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Actually, my post #19 was referring to posts 13, 16, and 18... sorry if there was any confusion.
Your rants against the NYPD have nothing to do with drones, waivers, or FAA compliance.

You've turned this thread into your own personal soapbox, and obviously have a chip on your shoulder against the NYPD.

I made the comment about crossing T's and dotting I's in relation to DRONES (remember drones?) and FAA compliance, not the overall culture of the entire force.

Please take your vitriol against the NYPD elsewhere, unless you have evidence that they are flying DRONES illegally.
The question was whether or not the NYPD filed the necessary paperwork to fly.

Nobody has presented evidence that the department filed the necessary paperwork.

There is on the other hand a preponderance of evidence that in general, the NYPD does its best to circumvent legally required paperwork, due diligence, etc. That is in fact their culture. Chip or no chip.

If the NYPD put as much effort into performing their responsibilities as the department does avoiding them, the city would be a much better place. A lot of money gets wasted on payouts to wronged individuals and on legal battles that should never have had to begin. Some of these suits, such as the one I pointed out regarding FOIL requests, are over the very fact that the department goes to great lengths to not "cross its "T"s and dot its "I"s". Imagine what those hundreds of millions of dollars every year could accomplish.

You want to talk about evidence. Great!

Do let me know when you have evidence that the NYPD did in fact fly their drones legally.

Until then, the actual evidence we have says the department did not.

Blind, misplaced faith is not evidence.
No, wait, back the truck up...

I should apologize...

I got it...


The question was whether or not the NYPD filed the necessary paperwork to fly.

Nobody has presented evidence that the department filed the necessary paperwork

And no one has presented evidence that they did NOT. It's not the job of anyone reading this forum to go find that out. Proving a negative is tough, some say impossible... but if you want to convince everyone here that the NYPD drone department are all scoundrels YOU prove it.[Language Removed by Moderator].

Do let me know when you have evidence that the NYPD did in fact fly their drones legally.

You live there and feel so strongly about it, dig it up yourself.

Until then, the actual evidence we have says the department did not.

I haven't seen any evidence except your anecdotes about beat cops hassling cyclists, done dickering with you, 'unwatching' this thread.
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If all you've seen is stuff about beat cops hassling cyclists, you have a reading comprehension issue. And you're trying pretty hard [Language/phrase removed by Moderator]

Lotsa' luck. Bye!
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Aaaaahhhmmmmm. {deep sigh of relief}

Thank you, I feel like I can move on with my life now!

...think I'll go fly something
I'm with you on this one @Bad Andy . I've seen a cop run a stop sign and get T-boned by a bicycle. Biker flew over the hood. Cop started thrashing him for hurting his car.
To turn a phrase NYC cops don't [Language/phrase removed by Moderator] about rules and regulations
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**** Thread CLOSED****

Due to personal attacks, rudeness, and the inability to not use "Unacceptable Language" this thread is CLOSED! Posts edited and WARNINGS issued.

We are better than this ! ! !

If the OP wants to add to this story just PM a staff member and we'll open it up for you.
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