New Firmware V01.04.0602

Hi everyone! Today I tried the new firmware on my Phantom 4 Pro. I went about 1 km away and my height was about 120 meters. Camera works great and I tried to change resolutions between flight successfully. The only strange thing was the RTH function which I previously set to 30 meters and my bird came back without descending too much and auto landed from 120 meters height approximately, propably didn't manage to do the descend correct because I enable RTH in a very close distance from my position.
RTH will not decend to your RTH setting, if already above it, when RTH is initiated. No need. It ascends to it, if it is below it, to avoid obstacles, per your setting.:cool:
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I would until the dust settles. Frankly all updates always come with a helping of complaints, mostly erroneous, but in this case the sheer number of reports makes me think that there may be some actual problems with this one. .
LOL, The first thing I noticed was the video feed is totally unacceptable in a local park I flew at dozens of times.. I was looking at a green screen 95% of the time.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
LOL, The first thing I noticed was the video feed is totally unacceptable in a local park I flew at dozens of times.. I was looking at a green screen 95% of the time.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
BINGO! Same problem. Laggy, freeze, green and horrific live video feed. I hope you are reporting it to DJI as well, particularly Bladestrike on RC forums or on the DJI forums as well.
BINGO! Same problem. Laggy, freeze, green and horrific live video feed. I hope you are reporting it to DJI as well, particularly Bladestrike on RC forums or on the DJI forums as well.
Why bother I just downgraded the FW and went for a test flight and everythings back to normal I'm sure they know its crap by plenty of other people...
I’m not sure if it’s me but it seems to like to jump to 2.4ghz more now compared to before. Before the update, it will mostly sticks with 5.8ghz most of the time
I’m not sure if it’s me but it seems to like to jump to 2.4ghz more now compared to before. Before the update, it will mostly sticks with 5.8ghz most of the time
Exactly the issue I also noticed ... it is always on 2G speed (where it complains of WIFI interference all the time) until I reset it to 5 and the next time I boot the RC it is back at 2 :-(
I think it's safe to say that this fecal firmware is a huge step backward in so many ways. A poor live video feed is pretty much one of the worst things that DJI can implement in a previously working craft.

The 800lb gorilla in the room here is that pretty much the most basic testing and QA would have manifested these common issues now being brought up. The only explanation is that DJI really does almost no QA prior to releasing this cruddy coding which cripples craft and frustrates customers. Then they are left to deal with totally useless DJI customer service staff who appear to know nothing about the product to begin with and are not able to do anything anyway (which apparently is an "improvement" over the past).

Even worse is that this isn't the first time this type of experience has happened which is evidence that DJI doesn't even learn from its previous mistakes when it comes to this and simply repeats them, albeit at a worse scale. I see how some people like BladeStrike get defensive, because part of their job is to test this stuff before it comes out, and unleashing this toilet firmware in some senses makes him look bad (indirectly).

The funny thing about the outpouring of this diarrhea firmware is that features were lost, bugs introduced, and no one can point to a single "improvement" over the previous firmware. We are in for a long wait (seems to be 5-6 weeks) before this toilet bowl stain of a release gets even partly sanitized.
I have no confidence in the update to fly much at all when I could lose over $2K of hardware due to the firmware messing up. Can you help me get the previous firmware update for the P4P+ RC unit? I can't find it anywhere. It was released in May.
If you press and hold this icon on iOS for 10 seconds and let go a special firmware menu pops up to downgrade the remote.


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Exactly the issue I also noticed ... it is always on 2G speed (where it complains of WIFI interference all the time) until I reset it to 5 and the next time I boot the RC it is back at 2 :-(

Ahh so it’s not my imagination then. Because i always finding myself needing to pick 5.8ghz everytime

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