My luck finaly ran out and I think I totaled myP4P

With absolutely no disrespect intended ETC, I'm wondering how you can possibly give Ripper an estimate on the cost of repairs to his P4 Pro when you have no idea of the extent of the damage? You haven't examined the craft, and you don't know if the camera has any internal damage, or if there's any internal damage to the Quad itself.

Sorry, ETC, but I think your guess of "probably less than $20." is a bit irresponsible and gives Ripper false hope for his repair costs.


Perhaps you never crashed and have never repaired any of these copters. I can see by the photo the arm is bent - under $20 and an easy repair. Worst case would be a ribbon add another $30
Anyone who has had multiple crafts and multiple crashed knows what it take to get them back into shape. No disrespect.
Perhaps you never crashed and have never repaired any of these copters. I can see by the photo the arm is bent - under $20 and an easy repair. Worst case would be a ribbon add another $30
Anyone who has had multiple crafts and multiple crashed knows what it take to get them back into shape. No disrespect.
Yea ive had multiple craft and heli's go down and im telling u your "20" dollar assesment is just stupid....first of all u need the ac to look at ....and could be some things damaged on the inside. For instance when u crash as hard as he did most of the time u fry the yaw motor for gimbal because of the electronics that stick out partially where it swivels. (Mosfet for gimbal motor esc) and if u can find a new top and lower shell plus a new yaw gimbal arm and plate, props, possibly ribbon for gimbal etc for 20 bucks fill me in!

P.s. gorilla tape and krazy glue doesnt count
Well if you don't understand physics and are not mechanical I suppose the repair will be costly however a crash will almost never damage the electronics. It will not damage the motors only tear the ribbons and in this case seeing as it's just the arm I would stand on the fact it is just the arm and maybe ribbon.
But if it makes you happy than yes tell the poor guy you are screwed and the thing is a total loss and toss it in the dumpster. As with most message boards there is always that guy who over thinks everything and thinks everything is beyond repair. I will bet you never crashed or did any repairs yourself but "watched someone do it" or just send every minor damage to DJI for a complete rebuild. Stupid is what stupid does.
Well if you don't understand physics and are not mechanical I suppose the repair will be costly however a crash will almost never damage the electronics. It will not damage the motors only tear the ribbons and in this case seeing as it's just the arm I would stand on the fact it is just the arm and maybe ribbon.
But if it makes you happy than yes tell the poor guy you are screwed and the thing is a total loss and toss it in the dumpster. As with most message boards there is always that guy who over thinks everything and thinks everything is beyond repair. I will bet you never crashed or did any repairs yourself but "watched someone do it" or just send every minor damage to DJI for a complete rebuild. Stupid is what stupid does.
Yea thats it no one understands physics and arent mechanical haha and nobody said to send it to dji.... I just don't agree with your $20 take on that rebuild you have no clue what is wrong with the aircraft he could have even bent one of the motor shafts when he crashed..... and I'm not talkin gimbal Motors. Man I would never fly one of your aircraft that you rebuilt.... I wouldn't trust it to be air worthy. But hey I'm not judging you do your thing. Also from the looks of it I probably have way more experience than you I have built more than 30 helicopters ranging from sab, mikado , oxy, align, alees, and many more. and more than 40 quads. I think the mechanical part I have down.
Perhaps you never crashed and have never repaired any of these copters. I can see by the photo the arm is bent - under $20 and an easy repair. Worst case would be a ribbon add another $30
Anyone who has had multiple crafts and multiple crashed knows what it take to get them back into shape. No disrespect.
I would bet $ that the yaw motor shaft is bent, and I too, will disagree that this one is an easy fix.
If the pictures of the damaged gimbal where a little more detailed and not shot in light and dark shadows ??
I would bet $ that the yaw motor shaft is bent, and I too, will disagree that this one is an easy fix.
The entire gimbal assembly is toaste, I believe it's a $500 repair if I do it myself, but I'd love nothing more than to be wrong.
Great news, the damage total was just over $250, and DJI is only charging me $99 to repair through Care Refresh. I literally can't believe how lucky I got. I was sure they would charge me full price, and that it would be over $500. It's good to be wrong sometimes.
Great news, the damage total was just over $250, and DJI is only charging me $99 to repair through Care Refresh. I literally can't believe how lucky I got. I was sure they would charge me full price, and that it would be over $500. It's good to be wrong sometimes.

not sure why you thought they'd charge you full cost of repair. that's what care refresh is for - fixing or replacing your dji product that has damage not covered by warranty. the $99 fee is for the first time you break your phantom. the second time is $149. either way beats 500 bucks. of course if you could fix it for 20 bucks yourself, i guess 99 sounds expensive.
glad it worked for you. hope it works for me just as well if/when the time comes.
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