My luck finaly ran out and I think I totaled myP4P

Apr 9, 2018
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I’m just trying to figure out where to go from here, I doubt this kind of damage to the gimbal is repairable, but in case it is would you recommend going through the Care Refresh, or going third party? Here’s some pics of the damage, and I’ll upload the flight data as soon as I know what I’m doing. Thank you in advance.
Some more information about what actually happened, I was RTH and used the forward lever like I always do,and it overshot the LZ, which has never happened before. It’s always slowed down as it approaches the LZ, and then lands. I’m out of state, so I’m having trouble accessing my flight records.
Yup u have the carcus... get it repaired ... just called different representative till you get the right one
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If push comes to shove, here’s what I need to do in both forward and reverse;
I’ve decided to give it a chance and try it first, and if that doesn’t work,then I may try a third party repair service. I’ve just heard negative things about going through the Care Refresh program, but I’ll try it myself and make up my own mind.
Its not that bad, I used it twice and the worst part was the three weeks of waiting
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Thats an easy repair an just a dent compared to "normal" totals. It looks like a gimbal arm is all you need and if you do it yourself probably less than $20 to fix
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With absolutely no disrespect intended ETC, I'm wondering how you can possibly give Ripper an estimate on the cost of repairs to his P4 Pro when you have no idea of the extent of the damage? You haven't examined the craft, and you don't know if the camera has any internal damage, or if there's any internal damage to the Quad itself.

Sorry, ETC, but I think your guess of "probably less than $20." is a bit irresponsible and gives Ripper false hope for his repair costs.


Thats an easy repair an just a dent compared to "normal" totals. It looks like a gimbal arm is all you need and if you do it yourself probably less than $20 to fix
there are always horror stories when dealing with dji. while i've only dealt with them thru warranty exchange, i paid for care refresh for exactly the problem you have and would not hesitate to try that route first.
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How fast were you going when you over shot? Looks like it smashed into something pretty hard.
I haven't heard as many bad stories, as I've not joined too many other forums. But I too would be taking care of another attempt at point paying extra for this if they can completely replace the guimbal mech.

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So it overshot the landing and hit something?

Ya, on RTH it overshot the LZ, and there wasn’t enough gas to get back an started to auto land into some tall stands that I was unsuccessful at avoiding. In all my flights, I’ve never had a drone overshoot an LZ on RTH, when I have access to my computer I’ll try to post the flight logs.
How fast were you going when you over shot? Looks like it smashed into something pretty hard.

It was heading for the trees and I unsuccessfully attempted to force a landing between the trees which were very dense.
With absolutely no disrespect intended ETC, I'm wondering how you can possibly give Ripper an estimate on the cost of repairs to his P4 Pro when you have no idea of the extent of the damage? You haven't examined the craft, and you don't know if the camera has any internal damage, or if there's any internal damage to the Quad itself.

Sorry, ETC, but I think your guess of "probably less than $20." is a bit irresponsible and gives Ripper false hope for his repair costs.


Yep, the whole gimbal assembly is toast, and the replacement part is about $500. It’s a fairly straight forward repair, I’m just waiting to see what they’ll charge for a care refresh repair.
RTH is a great feature but I would never rely on it unless absolutely necessary. I've seen it work and land within inches of the marked spot but I also know someone who was shooting near the water and had his bird RTH right into the bay. Sorry yours didn't turn out so well.
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RTH scares me. I do all flying manually, perhaps RTH as "last resort"... for commercial reasons and as a very conservative flying PIC, I like being in total control with the drone in continual visual contact. Any further thoughts, points or opinions gladly accepted.
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