Manufacturing Discusion

I'm talking about searching out vehicles where America benefits the most from your's or my purchase. The window sticker on new vehicles tell what percentage of the total vehicle is made/assembled in America. If Americans would be concerned about that small issue, America would be in better financial status. Chevy or GM, Ford and Chrysler (Harley-Davidson, Indian, and a couple others) are the American big three. Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Nissan, etc., the profits go off-shore. Open the door on the drivers side of any American made car and you will find a sticker that proudly displays where it is made. I always laugh when people have a "support our troops" sticker on a Toyota or a Nissan.
While I support the sentiment, friend, the facts don't support your argument. You would support more Americans by buying Toyota than the "big 3". All the vehicles in my driveway are big 3... but because they specifically had what I wanted in my small town. I would have preferred Toyos or Nissans built in the southern US. My other beef against the big 3 is how much of their $s go to big union honchos out of the frontline workers pockets. More money is going to workers in AL, MS, TN, SC, and TX.

As for DJI, though I hope they improve service and support, the fact is they have the best value product out right now (meaning best mix of innovation, technology, price, and support). That is a simple fact proven by # of sales vs competitors. One of 3 things will happen re service. They will improve. A competitor will catch up on technology and innovation and will become the major player because they have better service. Or someone will fill the void by starting a 3rd party service company.
If one of the big 3 car companies manufactured the Phantom, it would have a $5,000 price tag.

The last thing I wanted to do was buy a GMC truck, but I did. They already have enough of my money.

If Ford still offered the 7.3 maybe not.
I remember back in the 70s, people would have stickers on their car or truck stating BUY A FOREIGN CAR AND PUT 10 AMERICANS OUT OF WORK. At the same time they bought Sony, Panasonic, .and many other brands that were foreign. I think most that displayed these stickers were auto workers. The problem is that America couldn't or wouldn't produce the same quality products in the same price range. American people are spoiled. We allowed all this crap to come from China and the other countries and bought it. We are loyal to our country until it comes to our wallet.
Oh give me a break. Everyone on here stop making excuses for not buying American when you can. You should be ashamed of yourselves. But you are not. I already know that. You can't find American electronics such as TV's, computers, phones, etc. So everyone needs a tv so you have to buy foreign. There is no choice. That's a different story. There are no American made drones that I know of. When it comes to cars, tools, clothing, food, toys and many other items there are choices between American and foreign.
While I support the sentiment, friend, the facts don't support your argument. You would support more Americans by buying Toyota than the "big 3". All the vehicles in my driveway are big 3... but because they specifically had what I wanted in my small town. I would have preferred Toyos or Nissans built in the southern US. My other beef against the big 3 is how much of their $s go to big union honchos out of the frontline workers pockets. More money is going to workers in AL, MS, TN, SC, and TX.

As for DJI, though I hope they improve service and support, the fact is they have the best value product out right now (meaning best mix of innovation, technology, price, and support). That is a simple fact proven by # of sales vs competitors. One of 3 things will happen re service. They will improve. A competitor will catch up on technology and innovation and will become the major player because they have better service. Or someone will fill the void by starting a 3rd party service company.
You got something against American workers making better wages than non-union workers? You want them to take a cut in pay? You too should be ashamed of yourself. In a perfect world if everyone were Union there would be no welfare and no need for Obama care. Your kind of attitude drags America backwards. Since when have your wages gone backwards? When has a loaf of bread or gallon of milk cost less? Foreign cars cost more than American cars at this time. And don't give me that crap that foreign cars are better quality. They are all the same. Most have the same 3 year warranty. None of them last for ever.
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You got something against American workers making better wages than non-union workers? You want them to take a cut in pay? You too should be ashamed of yourself. In a perfect world if everyone were Union there would be no welfare and no need for Obama care. Your kind of attitude drags America backwards. Since when has you wages gone backwards? When has a loaf of bread or gallon of milk cost less? Foreign cars more than American cars at this time. And don't give me that crap that foreign cars are better quality. They are all the same. Most have the same 3 year warranty. None of them last for ever.

Perfect world. LMFAO.
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This thread has been a source of many laughs. Please do continue on.
Comments deleted. Allowed myself to get baited. Aplogies for extending what was never going to become a dialogue.
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I have something against union bosses who are only interested in lining their and their fatcat politicals buddies' pockets, at the expense (by virtual gunpoint) of the working man (and woman). There is a time and a place for unions and I have no personal beef with the concept when appropriate and where necessary, but in many (most?) businesses/industries in today's US economy unions hamper a workforce's ability to produce and earn rather than help.

The irony of your argument is that you seem oblivious to the fact that the union activity you espouse is a major contributor to making overseas competition stronger. Try as you might, you can't bend the laws of economics.
I happen to be a retired Union Business Agent. The fatcats, gunpoint, hamper workforce issues you list are all stigma. You have no proof of any of which you mention. You probably heard everything you list from someone else. In my 42 years of working Union I have never ever witnessed any of which you mention. You want everything cheaper. That's a normal reaction. We all do. But when you seek foreign merchandise over American made your lining you own pockets at the expense of fellow American working citizens wages and lively-hoods. And that is truth.
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The proof is the fact our jobs went overseas partially due to unions. I live where manufacturing and unions were king. Today all those jobs are gone. The perks they demanded made our products unaffordable and the jobs went offshore.
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The proof is the fact our jobs went overseas partially due to unions. I live where manufacturing and unions were king. Today all those jobs are gone. The perks they demanded made our products unaffordable and the jobs went offshore.
If a person can't afford to buy American, then he/she just can't afford to buy period. Get a second job or go without. Not everyone has enough money to buy what they want. Maybe that person just can't afford to buy.
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If you can't afford to buy American, then you just can't afford to buy period. Get a second job or go without. Not everyone has enough money to buy what they want. Maybe you just can't afford to buy.
What does your reply have anything to do with the post of mine you quoted? Where did you get the idea I want for anything?
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What does your reply have anything to do with the post of mine you quoted? Where did you get the idea I want for anything?
Apologies. My reply wasn't specifically directed at you. I edited it. It was my personal opinion only of a generalized statement of the "off topic" discussion.
[disclaimer / long winded narrative.. :D]
Well I deliberately stayed out of this debate because I knew if I posted it would wind up being a diatribe towards both sides of the coin and I’d more than likely just get everyone pissed at me. But with the name I’ve chosen I almost feel an obligation to respond. You see, I too am a Union official and former business representative. In the years I’ve been in this game I’ve learned its best to at least attempt to see AND understand the other point of view. Rarely have I found that any issue or debate is black and white, right or wrong but rather the truth is typically found somewhere in the middle. When I first came into our Union as a business rep (I had worked for 32 years in a warehouse as a union member prior) our Union had a pretty bad reputation and for good reason. I wanted to at least try to change that. I started by letting the members know that the way to get respect from an employer is to give it. Not always does an employer respond in kind and that’s where a Union comes in. I also told the employers that I would not allow any member to hide behind a Union card. If someone did something wrong and the punishment was just then I’d tell the member to “man up”. Another key ingredient I used was TO TELL THE TRUTH! No matter which side I was talking to I’d tell them that they might not like what I had to say but I was going to be honest and up front and let the chips fall where they may. It took a while but slowly as the members I represented seen that I wasn’t like the lying SOB’s that came before me and was true to my word I began to get there trust and respect. Same with the company’s (well most of them anyway) I had to deal with.

One of the issues you guys were debating was car buying which eventually morphed into other issues. Most of my life I bought either a Ford or Chevy. Some years ago for specific reasons (my dogs and I loved to go camping) I bought a Honda Element. Even though I thoroughly checked it out first and found that it was made in Liberty, Ohio by U.S. workers with more than 70% U.S. sourced parts and steel I still caught a ton of grief over it. The leader of that parade was driving a new Chevy Avalanche which was assembled in Mexico with less than 50% U.S. parts. Which vehicle benefited American workers more? This isn’t the 60’s or 70’s anymore. It’s a different world now. With globalized markets and economies the world begins to shrink. If any one major country sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. Please don’t misunderstand. I still feel it’s important if not vital to buy as much American made products as possible but sometime that purchase falls into that grey area.

I won’t go into a Walmart myself but understand why many may need to. If you’re out of work and have a family and trying to stretch your dollar as far as it can go ya gotta do whatever you need to do to provide for your family. I don’t hold that against anyone. I also understand that many people just don’t give a rat’s *** but IMHO if more people did we’d all be better off. I don’t go to the super saver grocery stores because the stores that utilize baggers hire more people so I give my business to them even though it might cost a little more but once again, I’m not in a situation where I NEED to pinch those kinds of pennies so I don’t but someday may need to. I do think Abs is correct when he said we all should buy American when you can. The key words there though are “when you can”.

Abs, I’m not trying to speak for you but I think what you may have meant is that when it comes to the typical American worker it should be a race to the top, not the bottom. I will agree that shouldn’t come at the cost of hamstringing a company but neither should a highly profitable company continue to make enormous profits at the cost of substandard wages. Greed on either side benefits no one. Not many people actually realize that Unions are responsible for much that is taken for granted today. Just to list a few, the weekend, the 40 hour work week, paid vacations, sick leave, overtime pay, child labor laws, workplace safety and standards, holiday pay, Americans with Disabilities Act, Laws abolishing sweat shops and that’s just the short list.

SENC, I too have something against Union bosses who are only interested in lining their own pockets and any good, decent and honest Union official would as well. Does it happen? Hell’s yeah. I’m not going to sit here and try to deny it happens. Just in the last couple of years there’s been some really big stories of Union corruption. All one has to do is Google it. BUT, I’m not going to try and hide or cover that kind of **** up. It needs to be brought out in the light of day and believe it or not there are many, many people within the Unions trying to ferret out that kind of scum that gives us all a bad name.

I’m not going to deny that some of the U.S manufacturing jobs went overseas due to Union demands but there is also a flip side to that. Many U.S. companies kept demanding more and more concessions of Unions not so they could compete but to increase profits for shareholders. When Unions fought back these companies simply pulled the plug and went offshore which is what they were after anyway. There’s always two sides to any story. Kind of reminds me of this:

I may not always agree with someone but I ALWAYS respect someone’s right to their opinion and try to discuss it in a reasonable way so I do appreciate the conversation . I have a little saying I used to tell at negotiations. You know what the definition of a compromise is? It’s when BOTH sides feel they got screwed… LOL
Well now that I’ve sufficiently pissed off EVERYONE it’s time to duck and cover… LOL

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blank stare.png
**** what a first post to read before my coffee ! Now I got to go and get some Donuts from Wal-Mart
for the sugar !
I carry a Union card and my wife is the union steward and secretary treasure here for the city carriers for the USPS .
Small town and the Super City closed down most of main street . Where do ya go to get anything...Wallyworld .Where most of the folks work here.
Have no issues what so ever about it . I do try first to shop elsewhere but if they don't got it... Wallyworld .
Where do most of our local businesses get there stuff...Sam's Club :eek: What ya gonna do ? Not doing without for sure ! Get lots of stuff off the
internet , well ya know where that comes from. I do try my best to get my stuff from at least from an American seller but ya know where he gets what he's selling. And here I fly a DJI product :rolleyes: At least most of my food is from here :) I grow it or kill it ! Course if I kill it..I grill it . Way of the south .
Now look what ya did Bot o_O Still ain't got that coffee !
Hey ..I do drive a 90 GMC 4x4 so I know that sucker was made here :)
And BOT....get ya [ ll ] out from under that table !
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View attachment 26169 **** what a first post to read before my coffee ! Now I got to go and get some Donuts from Wal-Mart
for the sugar !
I carry a Union card and my wife is the union steward and secretary treasure here for the city carriers for the USPS .
Small town and the Super City closed down most of main street . Where do ya go to get anything...Wallyworld .Where most of the folks work here.
Have no issues what so ever about it . I do try first to shop elsewhere but if they don't got it... Wallyworld .
Where do most of our local businesses get there stuff...Sam's Club :eek: What ya gonna do ? Not doing without for sure ! Get lots of stuff off the
internet , well ya know where that comes from. I do try my best to get my stuff from at least from an American seller but ya know where he gets what he's selling. And here I fly a DJI product :rolleyes: At least most of my food is from here :) I grow it or kill it ! Course if I kill it..I grill it . Way of the south .
Now look what ya did Bot o_O Still ain't got that coffee !
Hey ..I do drive a 90 GMC 4x4 so I know that sucker was made here :)
And BOT....get ya [ ll ] out from under that table !
Well Dirk I did put a disclaimer on it.....:p
Thanks for the real world example, that's pretty much the point I was trying to make.. er, I mean ramble on about.. :) Not everybody has a choice. We all can "try" to do our best to work toward that goal but sometimes circumstances prevent it and we never know under what circumstance someone does whatever, so a little bit of understanding goes a long way. Sometimes we need to try and see things from the opposite point of view with understanding while all along working towards the middle. And hey, that GMC?... It'll probably STILL take ya to the moon and back.. :D

Good for your wife Dirk! Being a steward is not an easy thing to do. Most of the time it's a thankless job that no one else wants to do. I'll bet she's **** good at it too!
Thanks BROTHER..... ;)
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Yea she is and the Postmaster just loves her to dealt :D..:eek:
I know about going postal brother as I hear it for 45 minutes everyday when she comes home after these hot days in the little mail truck :D
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