Longest flight to date

Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Yorkton Sask Canada
Went out today and tried to see how far I could go with the phantom 3 went up around 150 feet and flew to 5400 feet strait out got a little scared cause the sun was shining on my tablet and was having a hard time seeing the screen, definitely got to get a sun shade of some sort but was real impressed with my self for going out that far, would have attempted farther but was to hard to see the screen, the iPad mini 2 worked flawless not a glitch, highly recommend it to anyone....anyways was just feeling a little proud and wanted to share my distance with you all, have a great evening everyone and happy flyin......
Went out today and tried to see how far I could go with the phantom 3 went up around 150 feet and flew to 5400 feet strait out got a little scared cause the sun was shining on my tablet and was having a hard time seeing the screen, definitely got to get a sun shade of some sort but was real impressed with my self for going out that far, would have attempted farther but was to hard to see the screen, the iPad mini 2 worked flawless not a glitch, highly recommend it to anyone....anyways was just feeling a little proud and wanted to share my distance with you all, have a great evening everyone and happy flyin......
Nice job Squid it's been a while since I heard from you;) Which one did you get?
Hey Mike how's things going, picked up the Phantom 3 pro and lovin it still get the jitters every time I go out past where I can see it but it's getting easier and learning new things every day, how about you, how's things, took some photos of my kids car tonight just finished posting one up in the photo section have a look, wow the phantom pro sure does a nice job of photos, every time I take a nice one gotta giggle to myself lol anyways great to hear from ya
Hey Mike how's things going, picked up the Phantom 3 pro and lovin it still get the jitters every time I go out past where I can see it but it's getting easier and learning new things every day, how about you, how's things, took some photos of my kids car tonight just finished posting one up in the photo section have a look, wow the phantom pro sure does a nice job of photos, every time I take a nice one gotta giggle to myself lol anyways great to hear from ya
Nice shots. Things are going pretty good. I finally got all the bugs out of my P2V and the RPG. Loving every minute of flying it now and getting great videos. But and here's the big but I've been looking at eBay now and then and one of these nights I'm going to pull the trigger on a P3;)
Hahaha you sound exactly the way I sounded a while back, when ya do you won't regret it or at least I don't she's rock solid flies like a dream and photos and videos are wicked only thing I gotta do now is find something that will play my 4 k video my old computer just doesn't handle it so I just record most things in 1080p which is excellent anyways, just wish we had more scenic stuff to video in the flatland sask Canada where I live but it has its advantages not many trees here just flat farmland so if it ever gets lost shouldn't be to hard to find lol
Hahaha you sound exactly the way I sounded a while back, when ya do you won't regret it or at least I don't she's rock solid flies like a dream and photos and videos are wicked only thing I gotta do now is find something that will play my 4 k video my old computer just doesn't handle it so I just record most things in 1080p which is excellent anyways, just wish we had more scenic stuff to video in the flatland sask Canada where I live but it has its advantages not many trees here just flat farmland so if it ever gets lost shouldn't be to hard to find lol
Enjoy it buddy I'll be joining ya soon. Probably buy it as a Christmas present to myself:D I just order a new iMac or I'd be buying the P3 now. I can't wait to get rid of this windows POS!

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