Litchi POI question

Aug 16, 2016
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I will be flying a way point mission from the summit of a mountain to its base. The flight will be one way and autonimous since it will be, at some point, out of range.
I'm confused about setting the POIs along the way and need some advise. Bear with my awkward attempt to explain:
When setting up a POI you need to indicate the height you want the camera to focus on keeping in mind , I believe, it is relative to the take off point. I think this means that if one was flying past a 300' building at an altitude of 325' and the POI was set to 325' the camera would be looking straight out at the horizon over the top of the building during its flyby. If POI was set to 5' the camera would focus on the base of the building (if one was to fly directly over the building the camera would be looking straight down at the rooftop).
If the POI height setting is relative to the take off point I'm confused about how to set them up as my Phantom's altitude plummets below that of its take off point at the summit. So, for example, if my P3 is 700' below take off point and I want to get an overhead shot of a house that is 200' below the bird do I set the POI to -900' in order for the camera to point straight down?
In the same scenario if I want to shoot horizontal to the camera do I set the POI at -700'?
I hope this isn't too confusing.
Thanks for the help.
My advice is to use Google Earth to calculate the waypoint elevations all at the same height above ground level-- let's say 30m. You will export the path as a kml file and import it into Litchi.

Then in Litchi, drop a POI near a waypoint. You'll know the actual ground level is 30m below that waypoint elevation. Repeat for each POI.

After that, you can set your waypoints at whatever elevation you want or move them around but at least your POIs will be on the ground.


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