Litchi ASL altitude data?

I understand. I see an "Above Ground" checkbox in hub waypoints. That's what I was asking for. It is not available in the app.
Thank you!
PS: there's also visible the scale rule
It’s available in my app. You need to select all waypoints. Then exit. Then set the height relative to ground. I’m on iOS. But I’d bet dollars to donuts that it’s on Android too.
PS: there's also visible the scale rule
True, this does not account for obstacles in the flight path, it also does not compensate for errors in altitude calculations by the AC or by errors in GE. Always allow some wiggle room in your planning.;)
But I’d bet dollars to donuts that it’s on Android too.
The OP is correct. The mode is only available on the hub, however, when you import the mission, both the set altitude and the AGL altitude are there as planned. I like Krispy Cream doughnuts by the way........:p
I'm wrong. If I check Ground Level checkbox in hub, save and load from device the label shows both heights!!
I would ask Litchi's people to have that setting also in the apps and a general setting to let the user choose to set the checkbox checked by default (both in app and hub)
The OP is correct. The mode is only available on the hub, however, when you import the mission, both the set altitude and the AGL altitude are there as planned. I like Krispy Cream doughnuts by the way........:p
This is not correct. I do it in the iOS app all the time. The test I ran over the lake was done on my iPhone.
This is not correct. I do it in the iOS app all the time.
You forgot that you mentioned Android. That's what I use.......That was for the doughnuts.....and what I said was correct in that respect.;)
You forgot that you mentioned Android. That's what I use.......That was for the doughnuts.....and what I said was correct in that respect.;)
Oh. Ok. Point taken. But since I already made this demo I’ll share. You may find that it IS in android. ;) Usually android gets functionality first.

You may find that it IS in android
As the OP and I both stated, (See Post#24) the AGL check option for Android is only available on the hub. Within the app itself there is no AGL check box, but if you plan on the hub and import from there, both the set ALT and AGL ALT will show up in the mission plan and load accordingly. Bottom line is you just can't plan an AGL mission within the app itself.
As the OP and I both stated, (See Post#24) the AGL check option for Android is only available on the hub. Within the app itself there is no AGL check box, but if you plan on the hub and import from there, both the set ALT and AGL ALT will show up in the mission plan and load accordingly. Bottom line is you just can't plan an AGL mission within the app itself.
It’s possible you are missing the alternative way to do it in the app. I know it’s awkward and inconsistent with the hub. But it may just be there. You need to use batch mode. I checked their docs. They are usually pretty good at saying “(iOS only)” or “(android only)” my attached screenshot showing how to do this in batch mode does not have such a disclaimer. My second screenshot shows how they do that. If you try this avenue rather than looking for the check box you may be pleasantly surprised. I have no android so I can’t test.

It’s possible you are missing the alternative way to do it in the app.
Agreed, however look at the last sentence. In Litchi you can plan a mission with cached maps, however Batch edit is not available unless you are connected to the internet which is basically the same as using the hub to plan the mission which is much easier anyway if you are connected in the first place. So why even bother with the alternative.
Agreed, however look at the last sentence. In Litchi you can plan a mission with cached maps, however Batch edit is not available unless you are connected to the internet which is basically the same as using the hub to plan the mission which is much easier anyway if you are connected in the first place. So why even bother with the alternative.

Ok. That’s you’re opinion that you would rather use the hub unless forced to use the app due to no connection. But others may disagree including myself. So I guess we can agree that the feature IS in the android app for those who MAY wish to use it. At least it offers choice to those who have differing use cases.

And if there is any lingering doubt that you can use this function on android here is a fairly old post:

Litchi - Relative to Ground Update!

If someday you find yourself doing an AGL mission on your android app, thank me. LOL. ;-))
Ok. That’s you’re opinion that you would rather use the hub unless forced to use the app due to no connection.
This is really not an opinion, it is a fact of the difference between the IOS app, vs the Android app. They are basically the same but with that subtle difference. There really is no way to plan an AGL mission ( at this point in time) with the Android app alone. Although this, as you stated is there for the IOS users. The AGL option, is only available through the hub for Android missions, again at this point in time. This is not argumentative, nor is it intended to be. It is a difference in the functionality of the app itself vs the two OS's. So there is really no point in debate. It is simply an app difference, no more, no less. I have very little experience with IOS, as you have admitted with Android. So I don't think either one of us is right or wrong on this issue, at this point. So you can keep the doughnuts for now..........:)
Additionally, this depends on the aircraft you are flying as far as how the app interfaces. P3's vs P4's....the apps work differently. So which are you referencing?
This is really not an opinion, it is a fact of the difference between the IOS app, vs the Android app. They are basically the same but with that subtle difference. There really is no way to plan an AGL mission ( at this point in time) with the Android app alone. Although this, as you stated is there for the IOS users. The AGL option, is only available through the hub for Android missions, again at this point in time. This is not argumentative, nor is it intended to be. It is a difference in the functionality of the app itself vs the two OS's. So there is really no point in debate. It is simply an app difference, no more, no less. I have very little experience with IOS, as you have admitted with Android. So I don't think either one of us is right or wrong on this issue, at this point. So you can keep the doughnuts for now..........:)
Actually it seems you are misreading my posts. The functionality appears to be in both iOS and Android. I think you need to read my posts and attachments more carefully. Unless I am totally missing something. But I don’t think I am. But I’ll be open to you pointing out where the android app lacks this functionality. I even pointed to a post from someone who exercised it. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just try what I’m explaining. Would you rather be right then find out that you can do something you thought you couldn’t? I don’t think so because I’ve read many of your posts. So I’m puzzled as to why you resist what I’m showing multiple ways. I’m sure it’s some misunderstanding. Either I’m not being clear enough. Or I’m missing something you are saying.
Additionally, this depends on the aircraft you are flying as far as how the app interfaces. P3's vs P4's....the apps work differently. So which are you referencing?
Ok. That’s May very well be a fair point. I’m referencing a P4P at the moment. But I think I’ve also done this on my P3S
The functionality appears to be in both iOS and Android.
The functionality is there, but it is in the way it is presented by the app. In my case there is no way to plan an "offline AGL" mission. That is to say that if you attempt to plan your mission on the app itself, with no internet connection, even with cached maps, there is no option within the app to profile AGL. Yes, you can set everything else as you wish, but there is no AGL option on Android to do so while offline. Which is why this requires doing so on the hub for the GE terrain profile data.
The functionality is there, but it is in the way it is presented by the app. In my case there is no way to plan an "offline AGL" mission. That is to say that if you attempt to plan your mission on the app itself, with no internet connection, even with cached maps, there is no option within the app to profile AGL. Yes, you can set everything else as you wish, but there is no AGL option on Android to do so while offline. Which is why this requires doing so on the hub for the GE terrain profile data.
I get that. But it’s not an android vs. iOS issue. I would have the same problem in iOS if I had no internet connection. The fact is that many/most people I think usually do. I know not always. But usually. If internet connectivity is generally a problem for your phone or tablet then, yes, in your case you are limited. And/or if you have a tablet without cell chip then you are more limited out of the home. But none of these are android related. These are factors related to internet access.
The functionality is there, but it is in the way it is presented by the app. In my case there is no way to plan an "offline AGL" mission. That is to say that if you attempt to plan your mission on the app itself, with no internet connection, even with cached maps, there is no option within the app to profile AGL. Yes, you can set everything else as you wish, but there is no AGL option on Android to do so while offline. Which is why this requires doing so on the hub for the GE terrain profile data.
I guess my point is that, in deference to the OP, he should have the facts and understand whether the internet limitation applies to him. My case in chief is that the functionality is there albeit in a different place in the hub and I think the OP might benefit from that if he’s not hampered by lack of internet access.
I guess my point is that, in deference to the OP, he should have the facts and understand whether the internet limitation applies to him.
Reading back through this long drawn out bru ha ha, I confess that I should have left this well enough alone. The OP was speaking of IOS, however, I was able to point out the function was available. As far as our discussion goes, I think we have gone way past what the OP posted in the first place and this is completely irrelevant to what he was asking. I will pass the answer torch to you in this instance. I do much better at analysis than I do at issues such as this. I have made this mistake before. I just prefer, if possible to keep a thread on topic, although granted this one went far past that.
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@bsartist ....{ No offense intended in the previous post, long day today} Hope none was taken. Peace....
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