Is it just me??? Or???

Feb 22, 2016
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Valley Center, KS
I keep seeing people in my town post their drone videos and they are good videos but it just seems like people are flying their drones over people and crowds, last time I checked FAA does not permit flying over crowds and people, and even if they did I don't think I would do it anyways because I have heard and seen some of the horror stories where the drone comes down on some one...

Has anyone else noticed this and does it make anyone else nervous when they see this?
There are a couple of blogs with interviews of ones who they have caught under "14 CFR 91.13 - Careless or reckless operation." One was the guy who got pinched for $10K for his Youtube video, but they negotiated down to $3K. Sounded like the FAA wanted the $10K to set an example, but the judge lowered it so it wasn't well publicized.

No doubt others will follow as it will become a moneymaker, much like traffic tickets where they also tack on sundry court and city/county costs and fees to the basic infraction fine where it doubles or triples. Friend's kid got a traffic ticket that was more than my property taxes! My last one six years ago was ~ $850.

Just don't post your drone videos or stills online if you think there could be a violation, or go ahead and do it and be prepared to lose some cash someday.
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Yes, I agree, I never fly over people deliberately, sometimes on a mission it happens, and if I meet someone who I have accidentally overflown I apologise. Everyone that I have ever remotely come close to is quite happy,and very interested.
I am lucky I live on a normally relatively deserted coastline, and have miles of open country all around.
Here in the UK, it is the CAA who regulate us, the rule is not within 50 metres of anyone who is not under your control, not easy when someone wanders up to you and asks questions and immediately puts you in contravention of the guidelines.
I am always very polite with people who ask questions, and my experience so far is 100% positive.
So far in the UK we are still low key, and few restrictions, but I suspect we will follow the US. I think the Mavic looks excellent but may bring problems with new users.
I've seen it more. Whenever we have something going on in town or on the city. I see some vendors with drones taking video and flying all over above ppl. Kind of a slap in the face of people like us who know the rules. I mean they could have had thier part 107. But it made me want to go get mine. It should be able about freedom. I would have loved to do that.
There are a couple of blogs with interviews of ones who they have caught under "14 CFR 91.13 - Careless or reckless operation." One was the guy who got pinched for $10K for his Youtube video, but they negotiated down to $3K. Sounded like the FAA wanted the $10K to set an example, but the judge lowered it so it wasn't well publicized.
Sounds like you are refering to the Pikner case.... as it's the only time the FAA has gone after anyone. It's not a "couple", three, twenty, or more... it's one. It did not go to a judge, it was settled with Pikner agreeing to pay $3,000. So there was no ruling on the case.
I keep seeing people in my town post their drone videos and they are good videos but it just seems like people are flying their drones over people and crowds, last time I checked FAA does not permit flying over crowds and people, and even if they did I don't think I would do it anyways because I have heard and seen some of the horror stories where the drone comes down on some one...

Every time you get in your vehicle, are you nervous? You think someone is more likely to be in a auto accident or hit by a drone? I don't get nervous watching a vehicle in public either.

The FAA states that you need to operate in a safe manner. Would I fly over a person or two? Yes. Would I fly over a huge crowed of people? No. Would I lose sleep at night if I saw a video of a person flying over a crowed? Nope.
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Every time you get in your vehicle, are you nervous? You think someone is more likely to be in a auto accident or hit by a drone? I don't get nervous watching a vehicle in public either.

The FAA states that you need to operate in a safe manner. Would I fly over a person or two? Yes. Would I fly over a huge crowed of people? No. Would I lose sleep at night if I saw a video of a person flying over a crowed? Nope.

+1 This....

A 4lb drone coming from the heavens and hitting someone on the head has got to be about as likely as a lightning strike. All the while, people will stand on the sidewalk with 3000lb rolling steel boxes wizzing by them at 30mph, and I'm willing to bet there are a LOT more idiot drivers than idiot drone pilots. I'm not one to intentionally do it myself, but honestly I don't much mind someone else doing it, and like you said I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

On a side note, how has that guy Casey Neistat been able to get away with so much? He must have 500+ youtube videos with drone footage sprinkled, all monetized, pretty blatant regard for the guidelines, and I don't believe he has any 333 / 107...
What became of the woman who got hit by one falling on her at the beach? Report said she went to the hospital on her own. If it fell on her, I'd guess someone is in possession of it and if it has a registration number on it it's traceable. Any updates?

Aside, I got a bad feeling the FAA will be after the Casey NYC guy soon and may make an example out of him too. Have to wait and see, but I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when it happens. If they attach a fine to each infraction, or with so many it goes from fine to misdemeanor or whatever - ouch! Feds move slowly, think IRS audits that pop up years later.

I got pinched in Reno on a racing motorcycle and I had front and rear cams on the bike recording my transgressions (ahem!). The sheriff told me they got one runner and took his cameras under a warrant and wrote him up for 7 violations off his cameras and then impounded his bike. Since I stopped I got a warning, but he said two got decapitated sliding out under a guardrail (Body passes under the rail but helmets don't.) north of Virginia City where it winds down a hill into Reno, but they wait for them at the bottom too. No way out.
If FAA are smart rather than charge Casey they should get him onside to promote the safe use of UAV's, that is, if they really want to reach flyers. But, I doubt they're that smart.
FAA make an example of Casey? I think, charging the guy, will just make him into a UAV hero!
Just to clarify I'm not saying I personally have anything against him or the way he films, I'm a big fan. I'm of the belief that pretty much all the drone footage I've seen from him SHOULD be fine, but I know it is against the FAA guidelines.

I don't think he has many "haters" (I'm definitley NOT), but with all the exposure he gets, I'm surprised someone hasn't raised one single issue about him to the FAA. We know from members on here how fast the FAA will swoop down on you. I hope they aren't building a case or letting him dig his ditch even deeper. :(
If FAA are smart rather than charge Casey they should get him onside to promote the safe use of UAV's, that is, if they really want to reach flyers. But, I doubt they're that smart.
FAA make an example of Casey? I think, charging the guy, will just make him into a UAV hero!

Maybe, but for some privacy rights people they may think the Drone Slayer guy is their hero too and stock up on that Drone Munition stuff.

Casey does nice and valuable work for the sUAV community, but unsure as to what the FAA will do as they are safety oriented and the enforcement arm of aircraft matters. Maybe he should move to rural NY state in a plea bargain if nabbed. Drone videos from behind faux bars to make a point.
On a side note, how has that guy Casey Neistat been able to get away with so much? He must have 500+ youtube videos with drone footage sprinkled, all monetized, pretty blatant regard for the guidelines, and I don't believe he has any 333 / 107...

Does everyone with a drone video on YT have an exception? You could also argue that YT is making money from those videos so YT is using them commercially. Does Neistat not have an exemption? Does it really matter?

Truth is, the FAA has shown no real interest in these matters at this time. This was even true when no one could fly commercially. Now that anyone _could_ have an exception I don't see the FAA showing any more interest in this. I suspect it would only be looked as a possible issue if the FAA was required to look into a certain matter.

Note: Yes, there is the SkyPan issue but that is by far the exception and it's really only amounted to a subpoena at this time.
The FAA webinar guy mentioned the FAA has 3,500 safety inspectors, as well as making it sound understaffed so it may be a play for more inspectors too.

Someone on here posted the map of the ones they have caught and the fines both. Most of the ones they do catch are East coast vs. West (Probably because the West has so many **** restrictions, ordinances, and costly permits!), and the highest fine of $18K went to some film company based on the name (The name sounded commercial and not an individual, but there were names on the list too). I don't think they are sitting back and probably ramping up as this drone stuff is still relatively new. They also have some complaint line posted now too: Report Aviation Safety Issues

Also, Sept. 16 was the first meeting of the newly formed Drone Advisory Committee (DAC) the FAA formed. The head is the CEO of Intel (??). No doubt more restrictions and rules will follow soon, maybe with more teeth.
Does everyone with a drone video on YT have an exception? You could also argue that YT is making money from those videos so YT is using them commercially. Does Neistat not have an exemption? Does it really matter?

Truth is, the FAA has shown no real interest in these matters at this time. This was even true when no one could fly commercially. Now that anyone _could_ have an exception I don't see the FAA showing any more interest in this. I suspect it would only be looked as a possible issue if the FAA was required to look into a certain matter.

Note: Yes, there is the SkyPan issue but that is by far the exception and it's really only amounted to a subpoena at this time.

No, not everyone has an exception obviously. I don't. Not everyone with drone videos on youtube has 4 million subscribers, 500+ vids with drone footage, massive exposure, and MONETIZATION on their uploads. Probably very few if any.
Does he have an exception? I don't know.
Does it matter? Not to me, but I'd be surprised if it mattered to no one.
Sounds like you are refering to the Pikner case.... as it's the only time the FAA has gone after anyone. It's not a "couple", three, twenty, or more... it's one. It did not go to a judge, it was settled with Pikner agreeing to pay $3,000. So there was no ruling on the case.

23 Drone Operator Prosecutions by the FAA – What Every Recreational and Commercial Drone Operator Needs to Know. - Drone Law Attorney Services - Rupprecht Law, PA

Minnesota Man Faces $55K in Fines After Flying Drone

The FAA Gave Us a List of Every Drone Pilot Who Has Ever Been Fined

The FAA's Drone Fines: How Much - and for What? - DRONELIFE
From above: The FAA Gave Us a List of Every Drone Pilot Who Has Ever Been Fined


Take a look at the link and map and zoom in over NYC, specifically Manhattan and click on the orange dot.

"SkyPan, Various Flights
This is the largest drone fine ever levied.
According to the FAA, SkyPan repeatedly flew near high rises in restricted airspace in midtown Manhattan. It was fined $1.9 million."

No doubt their insurance - if they had it - negotiated a lessor settlement.

Little south, another orange dot shows some pilot flying SkyPan's drone who also had a commercial manned aircraft pilots license had it suspended. It was some overflight made of the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating contest.

So yeah, the FAA is out there. Casey isn't on it....yet.
Famous Youtubers (like Casey Niestat) will never get fined, only the unknown Youtube flyers get hit with fines. Every flight Niestat posts in in Manhattan, and as anyone knows, everywhere in Manhattan is a no-fly zone. Obviously not enforced. Also, he never flies with FAA stickers on his drones (obviously not registered w/FAA), also a violation. Obviously never enforced. he will never be fined, because the enforcement of drone rules are random, and pure bad luck for the ones fined. There aren't drone police out there looking for people who violate these drone laws, otherwise there would be tons of stories of people being fined.

Thank you for the correct. I had no idea that the FAA sent out fine letters to people. But keep in mind, I only know of 1 actual court case. That is, where someone questioned the FAA's ability and fine.

Man I wish I had extra time on my hands to really look into this. I find it very interesting.

Let's just take a quick look at this first list/link....

I think one of the most famous listings is Shawn Usman who is the government employee who crashed his drone into White House property. The link states the following from the FAA:


An internet search reveals the following information:



The letter from the FAA states that Usman and the FAA agreed to a $3,000 fine. The posters website never mentions this. The posters site mentions _some_ reduced settlements but certainly not in this case. It also mentions many fines with no info on what was settled.

If you also look through some of the letters sent out from the FAA they appear to state a the person was in violation, quotes the maximum fine and then asks for payment. They letter also points out that the letter lists the opinions of the FAA. None of these are actual court cases. So no one was found guilty of anything nor did any of these people agree they were guilty.

My opinion... if these people plead not guilty I suspect their fines would be dropped and the FAA would drop the matter. The FAA does not want anyone to actually test their authority in these cases. Indeed, some of the cases look like total crap. One claims the 2 drone fliers caused damage to a hotel but confirms that they actually hit each other. The person stated they then fell into the ocean. In another it appears the FAA was told the person interfered with a police helicopter but it was later shown that the helicopter chased the drone.

Good info. Thanks for post this.
tcope, I've been involved in a ticket or infraction where the judge tosses it out, but you still end up making a few house payments to your defense lawyer who got you out of it or expunged it off your record. You win, but you also lose too. Sometimes the fine is less than the lawyer, but you are off the books too. If someone has a lot of drone videos and they generated a lot of FAA violations, some lawyer will make a haul reducing a lot of them so even if they toss them all, he'll own your house in fees and time spent doing so.

I don't think the feds have 3,500 safety inspectors not seeking violations and citing people anymore than the IRS does with their auditors. They wouldn't need them if true. That's how the above lists were born and I suspect there are a lot more that aren't on it and just paid and left the building. That Huntington Beach ordinance video posted here tells of the conflicts between agencies and why things get dismissed or reduced. That's why the police chief was trying to get the ordinance enacted so he had some tooth so his guys on the street could make charges stick and not get into a bind with the federal rules and tossed out.

Best to avoid posting drone stuff to Youtube or any social media site unless you have a 107.
Do not fly over unsheltered people without a waiver.
Do not fly at night without a waiver.
Do not peek into people's windows either.
Stay out of No fly Zones and TFR areas without authorization.
You get paid, then better have a 107 too.

Can't think of anything else they may go after, but I'm sure there is some.

Stay clean everyone - else this whole hobby/business/recreation thing may get buried like this guy did to his P4. ;)

Post apocalyptic story with the Phantom 4
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