iOS Waypoint App Comparison: Litchi 1.0 vs Autopilot 3.0

Yes, I use channel 31 exclusively with the Channel Hack. The channel setting is maintained through the Autopilot app.

yes, sort of. Used some Neumman and Daniel Peters LUTs. But had issues with a new camera on some clips, so was back and forth between sharpness settings. Some clips are too sharp, others blurry. Camera+Aircraft is back to DJI via RMA....
Do you have a link to purchase or download the LUTS?
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AP will RTH upon loss of RC signal if set in the DJI GO app. The official explanation from their flight school documentation is as follows:

Warning Autopilot uses a Custom Flight Controller, which means that Lost Connection Mission Continuation (LCMC) is not currently supported.

I understand but I DO wish AP would make that an option. Personally I prefer to have my mission uploaded and stored in the Phantom. I like having the mission completed upon loss of signal rather than cancel the mission and hover or RTH. IMO.
~ Larry
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I understand but I DO wish AP would make that an option. Personally I prefer to have my mission uploaded and stored in the Phantom. I like having the mission completed upon loss of signal rather than cancel the mission and hover or RTH. IMO.
~ Larry
Same here!
I understand but I DO wish AP would make that an option. Personally I prefer to have my mission uploaded and stored in the Phantom. I like having the mission completed upon loss of signal rather than cancel the mission and hover or RTH. IMO.
~ Larry
It isn't a question of enabling or disabling it. It is a question of what feature set we can offer. This has already been discussed at length here.
It isn't a question of enabling or disabling it. It is a question of what feature set we can offer. This has already been discussed at length here.

Thank you for sending the link to the previous discussion on this. Very enlightening and I understand a little better now your reasoning for sacrificing LCMC to offer a bevy of other features. Don't misunderstand, I love AP as it's so much more robust in features than ANYTHING else out there. I have both it and another app that does allow LCMC if I need it do I've got everything I need.

On your BLOS concern, I was only aggravated because of one time when I wanted to circle a foothill. I didn't know at the time that AP relied on maintaining a signal between the RC and drone. The foothill itself was about 450 above home base. So while a higher altitude would've preserved LOS with me, it would've broken other FAA rules. Of course, so does BLOS for that matter. But unaware the hill was going to cause a dropped signal and the app relied on maintaining a signal, I made the decision to go BLOS for the short time it was going to take to get around the back of that foothill. Once the signal was lost, however, the Phantom stopped clear in its tracks and just hovered until it reached 30% power, then thankfully kicked into RTH. For over 10 minutes, I was freaked out not knowing what happened. All I could think about was the hike I'd likely have to go on to hunt it down and what condition I'd find it in.

I'm awfully lucky, this not being the P4 and all, that my drone cleared the foothil on its way back home. The Phantom was never that far from me (in fact, the entire mission was maybe 6-7 minutes tops) but the hill was just enough to block my signal. Imagine that, a large mound of dirt blocking a radio signal (sarcasm).

So, my point is had LCMC been supported, it would've just continued around the foothill and flew to the last waypoint, above my backyard. Bottom line, AP is an awesome app for pushing the drone into some of the most complex maneuvers, allowing that photographer in all of us to get his or her perfect shot and provides the professionals what they need as well, like nothing else, short of two operators, can. So I'll use another app when I need to go around that foothill and AP when I know I can maintain signal between the drone and RC. Problem solved. If LCMC ever does get added and you're able to do this without sacrificing maneuverability for that photographically crucial shot, then even better.
On your BLOS concern, I was only aggravated because of one time when I wanted to circle a foothill. I didn't know at the time that AP relied on maintaining a signal between the RC and drone. The foothill itself was about 450 above home base. So while a higher altitude would've preserved LOS with me, it would've broken other FAA rules.
If your concern was that flying more than 400 feet above your launch point, to fly to a foothill 450 above your home base, would, in and of itself, break an FAA "rule", the FAA Safety Guideline of not flying above 400 feet does not refer to your launch point! It, instead, refers to Above Ground Level (AGL) below the aircraft at all times. The Safety Guidelines are very misleading in this regard! You could have flown to up to 850 above your launch point, and still been completely in compliance with the AGL Safety Guideline, if the ground below the aircraft was, in fact, 450 feet above your launch point. The 400 foot limit is always AGL. Please understand that, because if you are descending below you, while at 400 feet above your launch point, you will immediately be more than 400 feet AGL, and are required to descend as low as necessary to stay below 400 feet AGL. Depending upon the elevation drop, that could even mean flying at a height in the DJI GO app of below 0 feet! :cool:
I didn't know at the time that AP relied on maintaining a signal between the RC and drone.
Is there a way we can better communicate this fact to users? We have a big orange box in Flight School in the Waypoint Mode section - did you see this before your flight? The whole purpose of this warning is to discourage users from doing exactly what you did.

I made the decision to go BLOS for the short time it was going to take to get around the back of that foothill.
Do you think that is a right / safe decision, even with an app that does support LCMC?

If LCMC ever does get added and you're able to do this without sacrificing maneuverability for that photographically crucial shot, then even better.
It maybe be added in the future, but unless the SDK adds a lot more functionality, it will almost certain come at the cost of sacrificing all the stuff that makes Autopilot awesome.
Just to be clear, I really don't think signal loss is something people plan into their missions or ever use intentionally, not responsible drone pilots anyway. I did not expect to lose my signal or I wouldn't have done that...remember my comment about being "freaked out." I did however expect to lose sight of my drone for a short time and I guess shame on me for doing that. But let me make this point, it's a white drone against a large bright sky - who can say they've never lost sight of their drone from time to time and were forced to look down at their screens to fly strictly FPV until visual of their drone was reacquired? Yeah, I'm an idiot for NOT thinking a hill would block my signal and I made a sarcastic comment about that in my original post. But go easy. Signal loss is more common than you may think. Cell towers, interference, other wifi signals, many reasons why you might encounter signal loss other than flying out of range or behind things. It has happened under perfect conditions and while in line of sight.

I don't consider myself reckless though I know I came across that way by flying to the other side of a foothill and out of my line of sight. I carefully checked and there were no people on or around that hill and the only risk would have been my own in losing my drone. I gave it plenty of room for error considering Google maps' inaccuracies and felt I took little to no risk in doing what I did. I was simply giving my two cents on your app for what it's worth (if that) and didn't post here to be judged. I'm well aware of the countless drone pilots (or idiots) out there flying recklessly, interfering with rescue missions, buzzing wildlife, stalking people (which incidentally the Phantom 4's new "visual tracking" feature will sadly be used by some pinheads to do just that) while giving responsible pilots a bad name, adding to the public disdain for drones and the FAA to crack down on the fun they're intended to be, which is unfortunate. I don't consider myself among the reckless and just don't feel you know me well enough to judge otherwise. But read on because you'll find that I actually agree with you regarding your concern with irresponsible drone pilots and how they'd likely use LCMC.

I think there might have been a little misunderstanding too in my use of some of the terms, which I didn't intend to mean planned loss of signal. Trust me, not a good feeling when your screen goes black and you DO lose your signal. I'm sure there's a few here who have done just that and can tell you just how unsettling it is. It's certainly not something you would "plan" into a mission and that's not what I did nor is it the reason I would prefer to have LCMC, but no, not if it came at the cost of other "unique to Autopilot" features.

My only point and perhaps I didn't articulate it well was, if given the choice, in those unexpected and scary situations when you DO lose your signal, again "unintentionally", I would prefer it just finish the planned mission than sit there and hover until your battery drains to the point of activating RTH or kicks into RTH immediately, subject to your DJI Go settings. That was my only point. Let's face it, RTH isn't entirely safe either unless you're lucky enough to own a Phantom 4 which will supposedly avoid obstacles on its return. In some ways, RTH is more dangerous IMO than finishing a "planned" mission. But I get it. There are people who would likely abuse it, push the limits, and plan a mission that included an eventual loss of signal, knowing the drone would finish its mission and return just fine. I understand the concern.

Anyway, I commend you for making an awesome app and as far as sacrificing any of its features to provide LCMC? Well, if it has to be the features "very unique" to Autopilot or LCMC, than no, leave it alone. It does exactly what it's supposed to do and does it well.

Lastly, I do feel somewhat stupid because, yes, I somehow managed to miss the big orange box, even though I DID read the instructions :eek:, as overwhelming as it was to do so. There's a lot to Autopilot and I've barely scratched the surface on its many capabilities. You made a great app and I wasn't criticizing it in the least. But signal loss is just a fact of life, due to many factors, and can happen at any time, even at close distances and with perfect line of sight.
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I really don't think signal loss is something people plan into their missions or ever use intentionally.
Sadly, most of the people requesting that we add this feature expect just that (signal loss).

I guess shame on me for doing that.
We are not trying to shame or judge you, rather we are trying to understand your decision making process and our communication failure so that we can both better inform our users about the risks, and potentially bring updates to Autopilot that allow LCMC for legitimate and safe use cases.

who can say they've never lost sight of their drone from time to time and were forced to look down at their screens to fly strictly FPV until visual of their drone was reacquired?
This is spot on, the key difference here, however, is that you still have control of the aircraft and can avoid danger, which is not the case during LCMC. Even the most well planned missions have the potential to encounter unforeseen dangers.

I'm well aware of the countless drone pilots (or idiots) out there flying recklessly, interfering with rescue missions, buzzing wildlife, stalking people (which incidentally the Phantom 4's new "visual tracking" feature will sadly be used by some pinheads to do just that) while giving responsible pilots a bad name, adding to the public disdain for drones and the FAA to crack down on the fun they're intended to be, which is unfortunate.
If you sensed any exasperation on our part it is precisely because of these people. It is hard to distinguish between responsible and irresponsible operators on the internet, and sadly, the irresponsible people seem to be the most vocal and are ruining it for the rest of us.

if given the choice, in those unexpected and scary situations when you DO lose your signal, again "unintentionally", I would prefer it just finish the planned mission than sit there and hover until your battery drains to the point of activating RTH or kicks into RTH immediately, subject to your DJI Go settings.
The current firmware bug aside (the one that prevents RTH from activating immediately on signal loss), our position is that immediate RTH is much safer than LCMC because:
  1. Users know it could happen at any point along the flight path, which means the mission must be designed such that RTH from any point would be safe
  2. If signal is lost, the safest course of action is to regain signal as fast as possible (assuming #1 is a given). The fastest way to regain signal is to close the distance between the aircraft and the RC and the fastest way to do this is for the aircraft to fly directly toward the RC.
Anyway, I commend you for making an awesome app and as far as sacrificing any of its features to provide LCMC? Well, if it has to be the features "very unique" to Autopilot or LCMC, than no, leave it alone. It does exactly what it's supposed to do and does it well.
Thank you for the support!
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The current firmware bug aside (the one that prevents RTH from activating immediately on signal loss), our position is that immediate RTH is much safer than LCMC because:
  1. Users know it could happen at any point along the flight path, which means the mission must be designed such that RTH from any point would be safe
  2. If signal is lost, the safest course of action is to regain signal as fast as possible (assuming #1 is a given). The fastest way to regain signal is to close the distance between the aircraft and the RC and the fastest way to do this is for the aircraft to fly directly toward the RC.

Completely agree with @autoflightlogic on these two points.
a noonish question
someone using DJI GO right now and just 2hrs flight time which is better?
i have iOS devices ...
a noonish question
someone using DJI GO right now and just 2hrs flight time which is better?
i have iOS devices ...
Keep using DJI GO until you get more flight time. When you are ready to start doing more complex waypoint missions or other modes, then you can choose Autopilot. Litchi right now is limited to waypoint and orbit. Focus was just added to beta but is not released yet.
Prior to buying, read up on the features and see if you need them
Let autoflightlogic fight for their opinion... and we buy other Apps with LCMC :D It is that simple! We are adult and I prefer to decide it by myself.
Let autoflightlogic fight for their opinion... and we buy other Apps with LCMC :D It is that simple! We are adult and I prefer to decide it by myself.
No one is forcing anyone to do anything. If you want LCMC, use Litchi or whatever tool is best suited for that mission. When you want to do things that only Autopilot can do, use Autopilot. It's that simple.
from the videos shared here, Litchi seems to do smoother turns n pans
autopilot looks more complex and detailed
thanks for the advice though @2nd2non

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