Interesting article from the U.S. Airforce magazine Daily Report.

Jan 25, 2017
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USAF-Funded Oxford Research Uses Falcons to Guide Drone Development
The tactics used by birds of prey to hunt can be used in the development of small, unmanned aerial systems to hunt other drones, Oxford University reported in a study originally funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory. The study, released Monday, finds that peregrines’ aerial hunting follows geometric rules, similar to visually guided missiles, to close in on prey. Using cameras mounted on falcons and miniature GPS receivers, researchers found that the terminal attack trajectories use proportional navigation, and the birds rely on information about the attacker’s line of sight to target instead of needing any information on a target’s speed or distance, according to an Oxford press release. “Our GPS tracks and on-board videos show how peregrine falcons intercept moving targets that don’t want to be caught,” said Graham Taylor, a professor in Oxford University’s Department of Zoology. “Remarkably, it turns out they do this in a similar way to most guided missiles. Our next steps is to apply this research to designing a new kind of visually guided drone, which will be able to remove rogue drones safely from the vicinity of airports, prisons, and other no-fly zones.”—Brian Everstine
I would rather they shoot down the yahoos flying in restricted airspace than reduce the airspace that we can fly in even more. I just hope they don't do the latter.

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