If you loose video signal, will it start back recording?

Got some coming. Some 32 and 64, type 10, with a high write speed. I'll be playing with that card tomorrow, thanks to you.
Should be good, point away from the sun, until you get more experience, if you point toward it, then pan down
I'll old and slow, but I'll get there.
Slow down the frame rate to get a little motion blur, ND filters do that.
I'll old and slow, but I'll get there.

I'm old too. I recommend you start out recording in 1080X1920. That's plenty of resolution for the beginner, and it will put your 720 iPad cached video to shame. The problem with the iPad cached video is that is shows all of the radio interference in the video, such as those green screen flashes you see in the video, and the white flashes around objects. That was the giveaway that you weren't showing the real video from the SD card.

You can upload your SD card video direct to YouTube through your home computer, but again, that should be 1080 video for beginners. It's more appropriate to edit that ~15min video down to the best 3 to 4min of the flight, add music (when you figure that out) and publish that to YouTube. That's what most people do. Optionally, starting and stopping the video recording in the air every 4 min is a good way to pick your best 4min clip and upload that 1080 direct to YouTube, raw. There will be no sound, just video, but at least you can show your friends from anywhere on the internet.

To edit the video you'll need to become familiar with editing tools on your PC. As a beginner using Premier Elements is a good start (~$60). Adobe has online training for that, or you can get training from Lynda.com which is very good for only $25/mo to learn practically any computer app you want. Most all computers less than a couple years old can edit 1080 video fairly well. 4K video is another story, much more difficult to edit for the beginner, but fairly easy after you get some experience under your belt, with a really good computer. If you don't want to buy a $3000 computer to edit 4K, stick with 1080, I think you'll be happy. You can do amazing things with 1080.
This is extremely helpful. Thanks everyone. My wife, the one that thinks she is smarter than me, has been downloading free books, audio, Hoopla, movies, and apps for years. John, she tells me Lynda.com is free from our library, as well as many others. You have to have a library card. This is not available at all of them, but most.

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