Idiots guide please

Oct 5, 2014
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Firstly, I apologise if this question is answered elsewhere . . . . . .

I have a P2 (NON vision) with Zenmuse gimball and Hero 3+.

GoPro app on my phone looses images from the P2 very quickly. Will the DJI app be any better ? (I have installed it on my phone but not tested it yet due to Wx)

Does the DJI range extender that attaches to the Tx improve the range of the GoPro images ? (silly question but I need to confirm)

Do I need to add something to the P2 to transmit flight data (altitude, heading, airspeed) or is that data already being gathered/sent by the P2 to the ground (and will the DJI app pick it up)

My initial intention for all of this is to get better images on video by seeing what the camera is pointing at, and then fine tune using the camera pitch control or re-position the aircraft.

My next move is to be able to fly further away from my launch point.

Any help, suggestions, and gentle humorous comments are most welcome,

If your p2 is on 2.4ghz, and im pretty sure it is you do not want to be using a wifi enabled gopro to stream at the same time.

However, I use a hawking hwren wifi repeater to get more range out of my fc40 camera, and while I havent tried it with my gopro I have no doubts it will work.

Your going to need a boscam 5.8 transmitter and reciever, a usb video out cable, a monitor screen and separate power s ource to use the gopro for fpv.
Running Gopro wifi on a P2 is dangerous as it clashes with the same frequency that the flight controller runs on, 2.4Mhz. This is a well known fact and will cause problem in controlling flight. I think it actually mentions it in documentation, been a long time since I've read it! Get yourself proper FPV as suggested that runs on 5.8 mhz. The dji app is for the Vision range where the flight control freq is 5.8Mhz.
Idiots guide does exist. Checkout the Stickys subforum of the General Forum
Ah, that makes sense now :)

So I need a unit for the P2, and a unit for the ground, together with a monitor. are the units for the P2 as simple as plug and play ?


My FPV equipment on my P2:

- Black Pearl receiver/monitor >> Diversity receiver and 7" monitor
- DJI iOSD mini >> Overlays flight data to transmitted video feed
- ImmersionRC 600mw 5.8Ghz transmitter >> Air to ground video transmitter
- Plug 'n play cable from iOSD to transmitter >> No-solder cable for hooking up the iOSD Mini to the transmitter
- Rave monitor mount >> Mount for attaching the monitor to the controller
- IBCrazy 5.8 GHz Bluebeam Ultra Antenna Set >> Better antennas than included with the transmitter/receiver

Receiver, iOSD mini, cable ordered from Amazon
Transmitter, antennas ordered from
Rave monitor mount ordered from
Hi John,

Thanks for that, most useful. Now to price the bits up . . . . . . :)


IrishSights, you need to not answer if you are so annoyed. You crossed the line.

The question has been answered, but if not mentioned, look at the stickies under FPV. It will give links to the products that you will need. I have all components, but my monitor. This is unacceptable after waiting 3-4 weeks.

After looking for RC crafts and parts, I'm so disgusted that I'm working on my own site. I think I can do better! I may not make money, but I will do better!!

My friends here deserve better service. BTW, no question is a stupid question. Ask any question that you have, or msg me. I will give it my best!
Am I annoyed? What line was that? New to me! Last post here was Nov 2014!

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