I got accused of spying

He walked over to talk
Nope that's where your missing it he walked over because he seen his phantom sitting on the porch first thing out of guys mouth was about spying . So in my book the guy came to start crap . All I can say is you and I are not cut from the same cloth . I'm done
Ever watch "Fear Thy Neighbor" on ID Discovery channel?

In this country neighbors do kill over these simple confrontations

Be careful and helpful I say

You never know the mental state of the guy you are messing with
Nope that's where your missing it he walked over because he seen his phantom sitting on the porch first thing out of guys mouth was about spying . So in my book the guy came to start crap . All I can say is you and I are not cut from the same cloth . I'm done
He started it?

I never said he didn't.

I'll shot that thing down!!

me (big smile) that is not really a good idea
See ya

Go back inside call the law
A real confrontation with a shooter will get you shot
Nope that's where your missing it he walked over because he seen his phantom sitting on the porch first thing out of guys mouth was about spying . So in my book the guy came to start crap . All I can say is you and I are not cut from the same cloth . I'm done
Right-o you are obviously unskilled at defusing confrontation

And yes I've seen guns drawn in just this kind of smak talk
"Made the mistakes" can be read as passing blame for the outcome of the situation. And I do watch too much tv, missing out on some good flying time.

Well I guess I did not get the forum etiquette comment then. Sorry
Nope that's where your missing it he walked over because he seen his phantom sitting on the porch first thing out of guys mouth was about spying . So in my book the guy came to start crap . All I can say is you and I are not cut from the same cloth . I'm done

Wake up

Did he talk or open fire?
LOL. "Drone Punk." I like that. There are a few "drone punks" here in Seattle. There are a few on every forum I'm on.
Like skate punks who think they can ride on any crowded sidewalk or public place, and get mouthy and confrontational when you approach them.
Great Descriptor.
Well the OP made the mistakes

He had a perfect teaching moment but devolved it into confrontation.
The guy was obviously curious. Playing amateur psychologist and telling me I watch "too much TV" will make me sure all drone punks are just the same jerks I see on TV.

Good job! Way to Not make it better for all of us.

Grow some spine and have more confidence in yourself how about?

As I stated before, I tried every way possible to prove to him (showed him my complete gallery I had taken from my phantom that I had on my phone, showed him the camera didn't have zooming lens etc) that I wasn't doing what he was so riled up about (spying) and he was still replying in a threatening manner and making it clear he'd still shoot it down. I did all that BEFORE telling him he watched too much news because all the reasoning he had for wanting to shoot it down (spying hidden telescope lens etc) was false things you'd only hear on the news. I don't think what I said was uncalled for or confrontational at all. I wouldn't just go up on his property and tell him he was a drunk for no reason like he walked up on mine telling me I was spying on him when my quad wasn't even in the air or turned on.
Say your a responsible user. Any photo you take is for your own personal use. You have a right to fly within FAA rules. Show him your gun (but don't point it) and tell him to get off your property.
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Happy I don't run into people like that.
Welcome to the forum BlackJack.
Don't shoot, "I come in Peace."
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I agree the OP could have done better. I have been flying in my neighborhood and as soon as I see anyone looking at it I approach them and show them the view and start a conversation. I can tell at first they are trying to decide if it is cool or a threat. So far I have got them onto the cool side...one even said it looks like it is more for taking scenic pictures than spying....
*yeah I know the odds of prosecution by the feds is slim to none but it might make him squirm a little

Lucky for me, one of our family friends is a senior prosecutor for uncle Sam. But he usually only gets involved with high profile cases, the really, really bad guys.
But he has lots of contacts that can be of some help.
I wouldn't be so quick to assume the law will be applied to someone who shoots down a drone. The hysteria and paranoia surrounding private drones doesn't stop at the courthouse steps.

Makes me wonder where is the FAA on this case? I guess they are too busy checking out quad operators who might be posting lawfully obtained videos and pictures on youtube and other social media sites. Which way is it going to be with them, are they considered aircraft or not? If our r/c quads are in fact aircraft, as they claim they are, then why isn't the FAA filing charges against him for interfering with the flight of an aircraft as defined in the statutes?
It's simple, if he shoots down your small toy phantom then you have an excuse to get a bigger toy Reaper with all the bells and whistles and now you have defensive powers.
Target aqasition and not spying will be on his mind now.
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Dear Residents,
Please read the following notice from Constance Robinson, Maple Lawn Commercial Property Manager:

Please keep drones away from the retail, office and flex buildings. We are concerned for the safety of our clients and guests from the perspective of drones falling out of the sky due to power loss and privacy needed due to the nature of our clients businesses. Then of course, from the physical building damage perspective.

The open fields in the commercial area are off limits as well as the open space.

Thank You,
The HOA Office

This was a message that was emailed to all homeowners, WTF!

Message ID: 5556562a91e1d.5526e369987da
A threat like that i would call the po po. Bet he's not so tough when they arrive.

Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk Pro

Dear God...a sign of the apocalypse!

I just agreed with Snerd! ;>

Like it or not: Your neighbor just threatened you with a firearm. Call the police now...get it on record...and consider requesting a restraining order. If anything else ever happens with your idiot neighbor, you'll thank God that you had the foresight to do it

The "first caller" to the police department gets named "victim" on the police report...the courts always favor the "victim", you want that title.
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DreamsHD, I saw your post, I have lots to do with the holidays coming but thought I'd pass along my thoughts, sorry if someone has already asked this. Do you live in Kentucky? It matters not. That judge (in Kentucky) should have been advised by the Federal courts in regards to Federal Law regarding shooting at "aircraft" of which "drones" are considered by the FAA. Shooting at an "aircraft" requires mandatory Federal prison time AND a stiff fine. But hey, the FAA didn't pursue it because it didn't involve the COMMERCIAL use of that Kentucky owner's quad that got shotgunned. If you don't live in Kentucky, then let him shoot it down, but wait until you know he's outside, call the cops to tell them the threat he made, get a buddy to video him doing it, hopefully just as the LEO shows up in his squad car... then the LEO can turn him into Swiss cheese with his Glock. Problem solved. Merry Christmas. No really folks, I'm here all weekend, try the veal.
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Did he actually come on to your property? If it happens again call the police, tell him in their presence he is not welcome on your property. If it happens again have him arrested for trespassing. As far as shooting the drone out of the sky, depending on your state law and city ordinances, discharging a fire arm inside the city limits may be against the law as well as a form of reckless endangerment. I know it is here where I police.
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