Helicopter meet Phantom. Phantom lost

I sort of understand where your coming from here :

"John Q. Public quits buying airline tickets etc because they are worried about manned to sUAS accidents they could become banned "

Truth be told .... if pscho-muslim terrorists that have NO regard for their own lives in carrying-out their demented, terroristic acts of blowing-up planes loaded w/people hasn't disuaded John Q., then collisions with even a DJI class quadcopter isnt going to even register ontheir concerned radar!

Besides..... realatively speaking, arent the UAV essentially the same weight, speed as med to large birds? Isnt a UAV collision with an airplane or helicopter almost identical in physics to a bird-strike??

Besides..... realatively speaking, arent the UAV essentially the same weight, speed as med to large birds? Isnt a UAV collision with an airplane or helicopter almost identical in physics to a bird-strike??


No - a magnesium-cored airframe with a dense lipo battery is not at all equivalent to a relatively soft, low-density, compressible bird. The resulting forces are much higher because the rate of change of momentum is much higher.
I know what I'd rather have thrown at me at 150MPH and it's not the quadcopter. Try treading on a dead bird and then a dead quad and tell me which one was harder. Smash a bird with the sledgehammer and you'll have a gooey mess, smash a brushless motor with sledge hammer and still have a very solid hunk of metal. Those fans in the front of a jet turbine may be tough, but nowhere near tough enough to withstand an attack by quad. Plus birds aren't made of carbon fiber and bits of metal. No doubt somebody will be going to the trouble of running tests firing quads into tethered jet engines in the not too distant future. I hope they broadcast the results on the nightly news. Hopefully it'll stop a few flyers and make them think. Then again maybe not, some people simply won't take any notice.
I know what I'd rather have thrown at me at 150MPH and it's not the quadcopter. Try treading on a dead bird and then a dead quad and tell me which one was harder.

True that! I agree with you both on your corrections.
What can I tell ya guys..... it was early in the morning and I didnt have my Weedies yet!! ;)
Isnt a UAV collision with an airplane or helicopter almost identical in physics to a bird-strike??
No doubt somebody will be going to the trouble of running tests firing quads into tethered jet engines in the not too distant future. I hope they broadcast the results on the nightly news. Hopefully it'll stop a few flyers and make them think. Then again maybe not, some people simply won't take any notice.
I don't see why this has to be featured on the evening news every night for a year in order for people to "get it". The info has been published and more work is ongoing.

The US, the UK and China have all done airframe testing. The data can be found using Google in less than thirty seconds without even having to resort to clicking on a second page.

As for engine damage potential, the damage projected in simulations doesn't look good.

Below are reports from the US and UK, not including the bazillion links to various news agencies reporting on the release of those reports.

Researchers Release Report on Drone Airborne Collisions

Drones and manned aircraft collisions: test results

For the short attention span crowd, here's a quote from the first paragraph of the US FAA release:

"drones that collide with large manned aircraft can cause more structural damage than birds of the same weight for a given impact speed."

More to chew on...


What Really Happens When a Drone Strikes an Airplane
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Your perspective seems a bit skewed by conflating personal risk with third party risk, amongst other things. Risky behavior is often allowed as an essential element of personal freedom, with the caveat that the risk is primarily to the individuals doing the activity. In the case of UAVs a reckless pilot is not risking his own life but rather the lives of others..
But in fact there are irresponsible and reckless drivers that endanger other vehicle operators on a constant basis. I ride a motorcycle daily and have the video to prove it.
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We were discussing risky behavior.
You can fly or drive legally and yet risky at the same time.

Not sure what you were discussing. My original comment was that risky behavior is often legal if the risk is primarily to the participant(s). As opposed to flying drones in the NAS where the physical risk is entirely to others.

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