HDMI monitor and iphone

May 17, 2014
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I have a question that i cant answerer till next week myself as i am away from my quad and just havent tried this, but if I have my HDMI monitor plugged into lightbridge and then i plug the iphone or android into the lightbridge do i get the telemetry on the iphone or android, its one thing i just have not tried to look at att the same time, as i would like to have osd off on HDMI monitor but see telemetry on a iphone or android next to it without video?
According to the manuals, you cannot hook up both at the same time. I have not tried it.
you can definitely hook both up at once as i have used it to turn on and off osd, i just cant remember and didn't look to see if telemetry was on the iphone when i did some aerials latley for a festival, i was just wondering.
You can use one to control, the other to view. It will not output 2 simultaneous video feeds from both the USB and HDMI ports- only one or the other. You can for example, use an iOS device to control the lightbridge settings and view telemetry then plug in an HDMI monitor to view the FPV video. Whichever is the last one to get plugged in takes the priority video feed. If it looks like they are both working at the same time it's because the iOS app freezes the video on the last frame before you plug in an HDMI monitor.

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