Gopro Sample Images

Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Sussex UK
These have been uploaded to help people judge the picture quality from a Gopro Black.

This is a jpg taken on 12mp handheld out of the window.

Two more taken hand held

This is a still taken from a 4K video shot handheld using 4K protune. It was imported into Final Cut Pro X and then exported as a still frame Tiff. ... Still.tiff

This is the 4K video if anyone wants to play with altering the exposure etc in FCPX ... rotune.MP4

Hope this is of use. Apologies for the poor subjects but its the best I can do at the moment.

Nowhere near the quality Peter can get with is camera :lol:
Thank you for posting :)
They are really quite good and chalk and cheese compared to anything the FC200 could produce.
As you say, not as good as Peter's shot of the ruined tower with the RX100 but we could not expect them to be as good as the premier compact camera. They are good enough (imo) to be used in web pages but I do not think they would print to A4.

As regards the Phantom family I think you and Peter (and others) have established that currently the gopro black is the best solution for video and the RX for stills. Given that a gimbal is essential for video there is no one solution without needing two P2 bodies.
Yes, thank you very much Ken.

As Paul says, those images are way, way better than I had from my P2V but, unfortunately not of the quality needed for large prints or paper publication.

I really can't believe that there isn't a way to get the video feed from the Zenmuse, through the dronexpert mount, and transmitted out to the monitor. I wish I knew someone locally who was an electronics expert.

Oh, by the way, my system reported the mp4 video as being corrupt, so I couldn't get to it.
Yes, much better than any amount of post can produce on DNG's from my FC200 (and my new replacement camera is as sharp in the centre as any I have seen). I am not an expert but not only is the gopro sharper but there is a lot less noise when zoomed in. As said earlier, that would look fine as an accompanying photo embedded in an article on a web page (up to say 400 x 300*) so for some purposes it could be called 'professional' quality.

* at this size the FC200 would not be good enough unless you were very lucky with the light and were a PS whizz but certainly not reliable enough for everyday use.

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