Forced to Take DJI Exam?!?

I may make enemies on this forum with my position, but I'm OK with that. Having to pass an exam to be able to use a product a person legitimately purchased in a retail store is never OK. It has never been acceptable practice by any company in the free market. Those who feel that it is OK are either mouthpieces for the company, or so passively sheep that they buy into whatever DJI dictates. This is not a slam on DJI technology, for I deeply respect the advances they've made with drones. But from a business perspective, this is totally contrary to a free market society. And from a legal perspective, I would conclude this is not in compliance with full disclosure to the consumer market.
Didn't I see you standing on a ledge somewhere earlier today?
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barred from flying means you are grounded permanently
Until you pass means a minor delay.

Really, this is just silly.
Have you seen the "test"
It's very, very easy to answer and you talk as if your Phantom will never fly again if you get a question wrong.
I can't believe the ridiculous arguments being pushed here.
You keep missing this, it’s not the test!
DJI Is a bully. Wait till they stop you at los. No more pictures of ships. You have some great pictures that I enjoyed. We buy a drone and they change the rules from when we bought it. Let our government make the rules and enforce them. Screw China! That’s the point!
You keep missing this, it’s not the test!
DJI Is a bully. Wait till they stop you at los. No more pictures of ships. You have some great pictures that I enjoyed. We buy a drone and they change the rules from when we bought it. Let our government make the rules and enforce them. Screw China! That’s the point!
Come on ... in some countries, they slip a piece of paper in the box with the rules.
This is just a variation on that that makes it difficult to crumple it up and toss away without reading.
It's not about limiting your flying and despite the frequent gloomy posts here, I still don't see any hint that DJI is trying to limit anyone's flying.
I'll wait till they do before I join in the complaining about what they might (but probably won"t) do.
We buy a drone and they change the rules from when we bought it. Let our government make the rules and enforce them. Screw China! That’s the point!
DJI isn't making any rules or changing any rules.
They are just making a token effort to remind new flyers that there are rules.

ps ... Thanks for the comments on the pics.
"DJI is under no obligation to restrict you from flying your DJI Hardware in areas that pose safety or security concerns. In some instances, however, DJI may limit or disable the operation of the DJI Hardware in locations that raise safety or security concerns and these locations may change with or without notice when DJI determines that a location raises a safety or security concern."

OK, this is the only thing about disabling of the Quad. It says it can if you are violating air space. There is nothing about them determining whether you are qualified to fly it or not, nothing. So, I see no agreement with DJI to allow this test or where they determine the right to issue it. The FAA determines pilot certification, no one else. No laws are current, that require a test for a person to fly a drone for recreation.

So, I stand by what I said. I am not happy they have decided to become my overseer and steward. I did not agree with it. No pop ups should ever cover the screen, after the motors are armed and running, much less after the craft is flying. That is ridiculous. I believe that if a pilot was distracted by this and he inadvertently hit someone with it, due to this distraction, they could be open for a lawsuit. But I would still like to hear from a lawyer on this.

Next is this tidbit. if you don't like it, tough, if you activated it, you get nothing. So, they don't want you to run 3rd party apps and can refuse to provide warranty, they can keep your money, though you don't wish to agree with their terms, how nice for them. So, if you don't like their terms, you must use 3rd party APPS and they have restrictions on that. So you would not be able to take video with your P4P, not a see what is happening without using a 3rd party app. That seems like a pretty crappy agreement to me. California is not so simple a place to pull crap on consumers, hope they haven't started something they will regret.

"If you have recently purchased a product offered by DJI and you do not agree to the Terms, you may be entitled to a full refund of your purchase of the product if you return the inactivated product within the return period in accordance with the DJI After-sales Service Policies (After-Sales Service Policies - DJI)."

What if a person buys this for their kid for Christmas, it sits under the tree for a month, the kid opens it, he does not know the answers to the questions, he can't fly it. The kids is broken hearted, that father is livid after spending all that money. The return time has passed and he is now sitting there fuming. Should the kid know the rules, yes. Should he take the test, maybe. But not when the complete novice had put the thing on the driveway, and started the motors, they are spinning now. This should be something that you have to take before you open the box and register it. After that is it too late to return it.
Sounds like the father should spend more quality time with his kid and help him out.
I dont have a problem with a pop-up screen from DJI telling you the cautions about flying a drone --- that's the same as a caution label on many consumer items --- but actually forcing you to take an "exam" and rendering your plastic toy useless if you dont take it or fail it is definitely crossing a line and most likely illegal to any state's consumer protection laws.

How come manufacturers of power saws and hair dryers do not "force" a buyer to take a safety exam before using their product? A power saw and hair dryer in a bathtub can most certainly kill somebody, whereas a drone falling out of the sky merely causes a big welt on your head.

COMMON SENSE, FOLKS --- that's all life is about.
Rather than simply say it most likely violates consumer protection laws, why not prove it does?

So much hypoerbole and hypotheticals.

Make an argument not an assumption.
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Rather than simply say it most likely violates consumer protection laws, why not prove it does?

So much hypoerbole and hypotheticals.

Make an argument not an assumption.

There is no "assumptions" about violating consumer protection laws --- any consumer forced to take an "exam" or else their product is rendered useless is a direct violation of Federal law as well as laws of all 50 states.

If a product truly required an "exam" to use it then the examination process would have to be administered by a government body. That's why when you buy a car the "exam" to operate it on the public roads is administered by the DOT of each state. According to DJI, they would want Ford or Toyota to administer the "exam" required to operate their vehicles. Thus, you can see the stupidity of a DJI "exam" to operate one of their drones.
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There is no "assumptions" about violating consumer protection laws --- any consumer forced to take an "exam" or else their product is rendered useless is a direct violation of Federal law as well as laws of all 50 states.

If a product truly required an "exam" to use it then the examination process would have to be administered by a government body. That's why when you buy a car the "exam" to operate it on the public roads is administered by the DOT of each state. According to DJI, they would want Ford or Toyota to administer the "exam" required to operate their vehicles. Thus, you can see the stupidity of a DJI "exam" to operate one of their drones.

Actually reading the DJI forum, and speaking with DJI if you fail the test you get stuck on beginner mode. You show your “license” to say you did the “exam” and you prove you have “insurance” before you leave the lot, or you can’t buy the vehicle. Department of Transportation is a separate entity from division of motor vehicles. I don’t recall going to the DOT office for my license. Lol
So many cry babies it’s a stupid **** test swallow your pride or lawyer up(and spend lots of money) against a corporation who has what you want, or better yet go get a crappy eBay model.
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There is no "assumptions" about violating consumer protection laws --- any consumer forced to take an "exam" or else their product is rendered useless is a direct violation of Federal law as well as laws of all 50 states.
Your assumption that failing the test renders your Phantom useless is the problem with your rant.
Do you really think DJI want to do that?
It's a silly little test that you'd have to try hard to fail, but if you do fail, think a little more and do it again and perhaps you'd learn something in the process and the test would have achieved something.
I find it mind boggling that people have the time to invest to get themselves all worked up over a nonsensical topic.
I can just picture them in their parents basement, surrounded by an empty sixer of Mtn. Dew pounding on the keyboard trying to validate their thoughts on this forum.
Yeah, did you read the post in the other thread how this reappeared? Annoying, yes, but it shows a couple of things. It is embedded in the software and can return at will. Not comforting, sounds like a bug.
It also shows, that at their whim, they can turn your P4P back into a child's toy, for what ever reason they deem proper, again not comforting. :(
When it popped up for me, there was some kind of notice where I could ignore it four times - implying that I would not be able to ignore it five times. Fortunately I was at my kitchen table at the time and completed it then and there. I would be irritated to have to do it at a launch site while my AC is on and waiting... seems to me they could figure out a better way to quiz me...
Just shows that some people will go over the top about the most trivial things.

I disagree; I think it shows there are still folks who deeply care about how our freedoms are being slowly eroded one TRIVIAL? item at a time. Perhaps falsely attributed to hitler, but very scary and true today right here in the world's last hope for freedom, America:

''The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode their rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which those changes can be reversed.''
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Godwin’s Law now achieved.
Time to close thread.
How many aircraft pilots get into the cockpit and are forced to take an exam before starting up? Zero. Why is this ok? In the last two weeks I've had this stupid quiz and numerous firmware and software issues all of which is quickly adding up to why am I involved with DJI, increasingly unreliable. Hard to build a business around a company who does not have the best interests of their customers in mind.
I disagree; I think it shows there are still folks who deeply care about how our freedoms are being slowly eroded one TRIVIAL? item at a time. Perhaps falsely attributed to hitler, but very scary and true today right here in the world's last hope for freedom, America:

''The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode their rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which those changes can be reversed.''
I agree. First, they changed connect four pieces from red & black to red & yellow. Then they replaced the boot in the Monopoly game with a rubber duckie. Now I have to take a 60 second quiz to fly my toy!
I will not stand by while my toys are changed without my consent or permission.
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