File numbering silliness

Dec 29, 2016
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Adirondacks, NY, USA
I have file numbering set to continuous.

DJI uses a 4 digit sequence number.

But they wrap back to 0001 after 0999.

Why not go to 1000 ???
Like Y2K, if they go to 1000, all the banks will fail and the electricity will go out.
Yeah. I worked in a Y2K command center at a bank. The only excitement was when the bagels were delivered.
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Of course. But I meant why not go to 1000 NEXT and not wrap to 0001. I could have been more precise.

Sometimes, it's all about the thought process involved. They simply may not be marching to to beat of the same drum there at the manufacturer.
Maybe a suggestion on the DJI Forum may be better suited for making a change. ;)
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Sometimes, it's all about the thought process involved. They simply may not be marching to to beat of the same drum when manufactured. : )
Maybe a suggestion on the DJI Forum may place the info. in the right place.
Good point. Maybe I’ll file a support ticket.
Sometimes, it's all about the thought process involved. They simply may not be marching to to beat of the same drum there at the manufacturer.
Maybe a suggestion on the DJI Forum may be better suited for making a change. ;)
Of course I wouldn’t give up .509 for a fix for this. ;)
It chaps my seat when I'm moving files and it "starts over" in the middle of a job. It only takes a moment to resolve it but it's another thing to "check for" when you're taking pics in a very specific order.

I was doing a series of towers last week and they had to be kept in order so that the client can review them and know which is which for "repairs" etc. Right in the middle of the project the "Numbering Scheme Bug" bit me and started back at 0001. When I realized this (back at home in the office) I had to step back, sort them by date taken and then rename them to keep them in order. Had I not noticed and simply "Bulk Renamed" them in numeric order the entire project would have been useless to the client. I'm sure I could have figured it out after the fact by the date/time of the original files it would just have caused me some embarrassment, extra work, and DELAYS to the client.

Like I said it only takes a moment but I'd like to have more than 999 available. Truth be known even if the scheme was 9999 I'd still be here complaining LOL.
It chaps my seat when I'm moving files and it "starts over" in the middle of a job. It only takes a moment to resolve it but it's another thing to "check for" when you're taking pics in a very specific order.

I was doing a series of towers last week and they had to be kept in order so that the client can review them and know which is which for "repairs" etc. Right in the middle of the project the "Numbering Scheme Bug" bit me and started back at 0001. When I realized this (back at home in the office) I had to step back, sort them by date taken and then rename them to keep them in order. Had I not noticed and simply "Bulk Renamed" them in numeric order the entire project would have been useless to the client. I'm sure I could have figured it out after the fact by the date/time of the original files it would just have caused me some embarrassment, extra work, and DELAYS to the client.

Like I said it only takes a moment but I'd like to have more than 999 available. Truth be known even if the scheme was 9999 I'd still be here complaining LOL.
Yeah. I’ve started replacing the leading 0 with a 1 right on the card before copying it off. But that’s gonna get old.

My canon 5D3 rolls at 9999 and thats pretty manageable. Then again Adobe bridge makes it easy to import into date based folders (e.g. it creates them FOR me and sorts the photos into them FOR me). I’m probably going to have to adopt a date based folder scheme for my drone videos. But it’s gonna be more manual.
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