Drone Drift

Dec 13, 2016
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Today I was taking a pano for dronebase (posted in the other thread). My P3 Pro was on F mode with 19 GPS satellites locked in and over the course of the pano it drifted about 15 feet from its original position. The wind was maybe 1 mph too. It's not the first time it did this either. I can see it drifting a few feet, but it was at least 15 feet... maybe a little more.

Has this happened to anyone else and if so, what is the fix?
I haven't tried it with the drone yet, but I turned on Legacy mode. However, the options in the Pano mode didn't change back to what they were previously. Is that supposed to be the case? Thanks.
By 'options' are you talking about the choice of how many rows/how many photos per row etc etc, robj144?

If so, yes - for me, on enabling legacy mode, those settings remained as they had been set previously and the pano was performed successfully in accordance with the choices selected.
By 'options' are you talking about the choice of how many rows/how many photos per row etc etc, robj144?

If so, yes - for me, on enabling legacy mode, those settings remained as they had been set previously and the pano was performed successfully in accordance with the choices selected.

Thanks. What I mean is in the previous version, the options were different. You could pick Spherical, Cylindrical (I think.) then the gimble angle for each row, etc. Now, it's different and it basically always spherical and the options are different. When I enabled legacy, it still has "newer" options. It doesn't look like the previous versions.

The old version, looks like this:

I thought if legacy mode was enabled it would revert to the previous version of how a pano is done.
Thanks. What I mean is in the previous version, the options were different. You could pick Spherical, Cylindrical (I think.) then the gimble angle for each row, etc. Now, it's different and it basically always spherical and the options are different. When I enabled legacy, it still has "newer" options. It doesn't look like the previous versions.
I haven't got my Phantom nearby so I can't have a look to check and I'm afraid that I can't clearly remember exactly what the interface looked like before.

However I found that with whatever new options were available, if I changed them then they all seemed to be carried out OK. For example, I have the '+30 degrees' option enabled for my gimbal and when I set the 1st row to be taken at that angle I got some nice photos of my props and the sky included in my pano. :)
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I haven't got my Phantom nearby so I can't have a look to check and I'm afraid that I can't clearly remember exactly what the interface looked like before.

However I found that with whatever new options were available, if I changed them then they all seemed to carried out OK. For example, I have the '+30 degrees' option enabled for my gimbal and when I set the 1st row to be taken at that angle I got some nice photos of my props and the sky included in my pano. :)

Thanks. So, is it fair to say since you don't remember the options, the newer options are still there with legacy mode? If so, what does legacy mode change? The internals on how the pano is taken? It's not in Joystick mode as the other thread mentions?

Thanks again.
Thanks. So, is it fair to say since you don't remember the options, the newer options are still there with legacy mode? If so, what does legacy mode change? The internals on how the pano is taken? It's not in Joystick mode as the other thread mentions?

Thanks again.
Yes, as far as the ones I am interested in and want to use, they are still there in a modified form and the interface is certainly different to how it was previously.

According to @chazman, the OP on the other thread I linked to, enabling legacy mode means that HDR+ (giving enhanced picture quality) becomes unavailable but it does seem to solve the problem of drift. Hopefully, now I've tagged him to this thread, he will maybe join in and can contribute any extra information he might have.
From What's new - Litchi but unfortunately there's not much info about what's new in pano mode.

You might want to have a look at the Litchi forum too. Litchi - Community - Google+ I guess that poster 'Chuck Cook' is member 'chazman' here.

Android: Litchi for DJI Mavic/Phantom/Inspire
Version 3.9.2
- fixed bug where optical zoom with Z3 camera would not work
- fixed bug where the phone camera's orientation would sometimes be incorrect in VR mode
Version 3.9.1
- misc bug fixes
Version 3.9.0
- added support for Mavic Pro
- Pano mode revamp and optimizations
- added support for Landing confirmation
- added "Full HD Stream" and "Portrait Mode" camera settings (Mavic Pro only)
- added "5D button" bindings (Mavic Pro only)
- added new custom functions for "Digital Zoom In/Out", "AE Lock/Unlock" , "Center Autofocus" and "Toggle Portrait Mode"
- setting the metering/autofocus is now done with a tap on the video preview
- added support for optical zoom (C2 + left wheel)
Sorry I have been off this forum for a few weeks. I am still experiencing this issue, latest Litchi, latest firmware. The devs at Litchi did not give me any hope of it being fixed any time soon, they simply recommended to use the Legacy mode as mentioned in the other thread.

Loss of HDR+, was a pretty big bummer. I guess there is something in the P3A that causes drift in Joystick mode.

Here is the quote from the VC Tech Devs:

"The new pano mode allows much more flexibility, such as using AEB/HDR capture modes, allowing pitch angles above 0° (horizon), and more.
This is why we switched away from the previous way of doing pano (now called "legacy").
We realize it may not be the best for some configurations especially older ones with respect to wind compensation, but for newer aircraft models the new pano mode does not drift that much and it works well. Please use the legacy mode if you are experiencing too much drift with the new mode."

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