Do you have a Lilliput 664 monitor? If so, which TX works?

Jun 26, 2014
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I want this monitor for the resolution and readability in the Sunlight.

But I'm doing my research and there seems to be a lot of problems pairing this monitor with a transmitter that works. And this isn't just people buying the wrong flavor of the monitor. Even when people buy the right one, Immersion 600mw doesn't seem to work whereas 250mw works. And monitor specified as avl58 compatible doesn't seem to work well at all with avl58.


I want to hear from people who are using this monitor. What is your setup? :?:

Or perhaps I should be looking for another similar monitor? Keep in mind that I'm looking for a quality screen and an integrated solution. I don't want to have to fumble around with lipos, external transmitters, and wires. I want a nice complete solution that I can easily transport.
Re: Do you have a Lilliput 664 monitor? If so, which TX work

I was going to buy the 664 when the company brought out the new 329W that I bought in the end.
Using DJI's Tx and built-in Rx without issues.
Re: Do you have a Lilliput 664 monitor? If so, which TX work

Yup, it looks like 329W doesn't have any of these issues and works perfectly... but the resolution...
Re: Do you have a Lilliput 664 monitor? If so, which TX work

I have the 329W coupled with an ImmersionRC 25Mw. Soon to be upgraded to a 600Mw.

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