Do motors break in

Aug 29, 2014
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Lee. UK
Does anyone know if the motors break in on the p3 and after time fly the craft a little faster. We took 3 p3s up last night at the club and flew out to see in s line, 2 of the p3s which have both flown around 140k flew around the normal 16/17ms and the new one only managed 14ms. They are all the same model craft with GL 300B controllers and older style motors, the only difference with the new one is it has the new shell which won't slow it down as we know. So is there another difference inside the ones with new shells or will the motors were in and become a little faster. I can't remember mine ever getting a little faster but it would have been hard to tell with wind speeds changing the crafts speed all the time.
Only when active braking causes a rotor blade to fly off the Phantom.

Then while crashing, they can break in, out and all over the place. J/K
Electric motors are always tested, that is the break in. ;-)

I don't think they need breaking in as there is nothing that physically touches (i.e. magnets), however there is the central shaft with bearings but again I doubt this needs breaking engine.

Petrol engines were different, as parts from the pistons etc 'shape' because of bits of metal that have been left in the engineering process.
No break in time needed. They are rated at a RPM level and are good to go right out of the box. Tail winds can boost your speed and also flying in atti mode vs GPS. Some guys have clocked 60 mph with the right conditions etc. most I usually get is 27 mph maxed out.
No this one is slow, I flew it myself last night and it was only doing 13ms while on the same flight with the other 2 both were doing 17ms. I think it runs slower with a lower pitch on idle as well.
Horizontal speed is regulated by tilt-angle.
Yes there are hardware differences (manufacturing tolerances) which may come into play either individually or in the aggregate as well.
It's possible the IMU in the slower a/c is not as accurate (for lack of a better term) as the other two.

Have you tried swapping batts. with one of the faster ones and vice versa?
Yea tried everything, even flying in atti only gets it up to 15. Wind speeds were 1mph at the club last night as well so it was a very easy and accurate test to do. On idle it ticks over slower and as a much lower pitch listening to it. Flys ok tho.
Yea tried everything, even flying in atti only gets it up to 15. Wind speeds were 1mph at the club last night as well so it was a very easy and accurate test to do. On idle it ticks over slower and as a much lower pitch listening to it. Flys ok tho.
Sounds like you may have different props installed. Have you swapped props with the other craft to compare?
There the standard props and we have tried another crafts props. Just come back from the club again now and watched it fly in no wind again, it managed 16.4 this time and I flew it in atti and got it to 17 something so maybe it's just a little slower for some reason. I set it up for him the other night so everything is sweet, the only thing I didn't do was a stick Cali.
Slight chance stick cali. would increase the speed if it was not sending 100% output at 100% deflection.

Worth looking into at least.
ANY moving part will need running in. Of course with small electric motors the effect will be small but they will definitely loosen up a little with time - will you notice the difference? Probably not.
It will be the batteries are in the peak performance zone after a few runs. Takes time for them to run at there best

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