DJI Go 4 Crashed in flight

Newbie P4P owner here who has yet to take his first flight. I've read in several places on this forum now about how iPad wifi can interfere with GO 4 operation and I have a question. I will be running my 5th generation iPad which has cellular and wifi connection, which will be running on cellular service when I'm out an about with the drone and away from a wifi signal. Am I correct in assuming that I will be fine even if I forget to turn off wifi since the iPad would be running on cell service?

Yes it will be fine, but best practice is turn off wi-fi and bluetooth
I will say that there have been times in the past that I have had apps just shut down without warning. Using iPads and iPhones. One of the things that I have found to be a cure is to sync the item to the laptop and then it seems to work fine. I had the Litchi and Go 4 app close on me this last week and it seemed to be for no reason. I went back into my office and even tried to use it in there without having the P4P in the air. The app would die. I synced the iPad and then it was no longer crashing. No flights today due to time.

You say the Re Sync solved your problems.

When it Re Synced did it actually update to the newest iOS Version? (Ex: from iOS 11.1.2 to 11.2)
Reason I ask is some others have reported the crashing of the DJI Go4 App using iOS 11.1.2 and it went away after upgrading to 11.2.
Putting the Apple Device in Airplane Mode will work also. I find it easier to select that option.

Putting it in airplane mode turns of the mobile data as well, which sometimes is needed
What Mobile Data would it need sometimes and for what functions. Interested to hear to see if I am doing something wrong.

Mostly mapping if you don't cache maps manually, also setting the mobile RTH point if your moving around and using active track
I'm not sure if WiFi or Bluetooth would crash the Go4 app, however I can guarantee you that an iPad Wifi will breakup video into garbled greenscreens if you're flying a P4P on 2.4Ghz band. If the iPad Wifi is on and not connected to an access point, it will hunt for an access point and ping every channel in the 2.4Ghz band. Since it's so close to the Lightbridge antenna that receives video from the craft, the iPad wifi will overpower the weaker Lightbridge signal from the craft. This interference will make your flight miserable with greenscreen garbage. However, if you fly on 5.8Ghz this doesn't happen with iPad WiFi on, or if you simply turn off the iPad WiFi, then flying on 2.4Ghz is flawless. Frankly I recommend flying 5.8Ghz, I get much better range, especially in urban areas where 2.4Ghz interference is more prevalent.

I have an iPad Pro that I use with the Inspire 1 Pro and I've never turned the wifi off when flying. I did have some issues with connections when in an area where wifi signals were more prevalent but never a problem when flying in the outback desert areas. I'm not saying the iPads wifi can't cause a problem but the factor that seems more important is whether or not you're in a built up area with more RF noise or in a more remote are with far fewer and weaker RF signals.

With my P4P I use a Samsung tablet and I never turn the wifi off on it either. Could that be a factor in the forced closing of the Go app, maybe, but once again I place the blame at DJI's p!ss poor coding skills.

You say the Re Sync solved your problems.

When it Re Synced did it actually update to the newest iOS Version? (Ex: from iOS 11.1.2 to 11.2)
Reason I ask is some others have reported the crashing of the DJI Go4 App using iOS 11.1.2 and it went away after upgrading to 11.2.

It was already up to date. There was not update done just synced to the laptop.
I would say no. If you turn off the RC the craft goes into RTH, which is undesired. There is a way to reboot the app without shutting off the RC, but I forget how, as I don't use the + RC. I think @msinger knows, he knows everything!
Thanks, John.

So, if @msinger gets to read this, I'd really appreciate the advice. (The problem hasn't happened again, yet, but I'm guessing it will sooner or later).
Same problem on P4PO on current version of DJI GO 4 app on iPad Pro 10.5. I updated to IOS 11.2 to see if problem resolved. It never happened to me before but yesterday the app closes itself mid flight. Even when the bird is just sitting and the app closes. It also closed the app while I was trying to find the go app version so I could post it here. No RC or AC connected. The only new that I did before I started having this problem is I started using the histogram. On the IPad, I started using IMovie and loading flight clips using the Apple sd card reader. I have not tested IOS 11.2 yet so I don’t know if this is fixed.
Not sure, but even with my Android, just recently the app has disappeared a few times. I was able to get it to do this by clicking the left back button on the controller. I programmed the 2 buttons to do something, now it no longer shrinks. However, I did have it shut down once 3 days ago, so maybe there is something else happening.
I left DJI go 4 app running on Ipad 10.5 after upgraded to 11.2 when I left home this morning. Later when I get home, connect AC and RC and see if the problem occurs. If the problem persist then my only recourse is to delete the app and reinstall.
I left DJI go 4 app running on Ipad 10.5 after upgraded to 11.2 when I left home this morning. Later when I get home, connect AC and RC and see if the problem occurs. If the problem persist then my only recourse is to delete the app and reinstall.
Deleting the app and reinstalling should help, it's helped others fix these kinds of iPad problems.
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Happy to report that GO4 On IPad 10.5 running 11.2 have not crashed on my initial ground testing. The app was never taken out of memory when I updated to 11.2. Its the same app running when it had that problem. I opened all apps that I normally work on including iMovie. No problem so far. All programs that I use are in the back ground including GO4.
I had the P4P+ Go 4 app shut down this afternoon. First time this has happened. Thankfully, the drone was very near.

Restarted everything and all was fine.
P4P+ customized Android version of the Go 4 app is notoriously unstable. Crashed all the time when I had mine! Get a regular P4P RC and an Apple tablet running iOS GO 4, if you want stability.
Thanks, John.

So, if @msinger gets to read this, I'd really appreciate the advice. (The problem hasn't happened again, yet, but I'm guessing it will sooner or later).
Press and hold the power button on the top of the P4P+ display to reset the app without turning off the RC. You'll need it often! :rolleyes:
Until DJI says otherwise, do not update to iOS 11, if you are currently running GO 4 on any version of iOS 10. iOS 11 is known to cause problems with GO 4.

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