DJI factory selfie

Mar 17, 2015
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I found this picture somewhere on the Internet. My guess it is the birthplace of all our RTF quadcopters from DJI. Would love to see how they pack our stuff anyway ;)
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This is a nice picture. The actual birth of the bird. And it is nicer because it is not a prepared advert pic but a casual one.
Would be cool to see more of those. :)
Thanks! And here is another picture for those who are still waiting on their Phantom 3 :)
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They are probably in a new bigger higher tech factory after 3+ years.....
Another old thread re-awakened.... I'm not so sure about that, - In China, labour for repetitive ie: 'factory work' is cheap and, (I guess), building rental costs are relatively low... A lot of the component manufacture is subbed-out anyway.... So why rent/build a massive, costly, impressive and tailor-made manufacturing plant when you can keep it rented, small(ish) and subbed-out and cheap? It minimises your risk and investment, no matter how much money you might be making from selling the products.

Here's a link I posted on another DJI factory thread recently, but it's to another drone plant:- Inside DJI Factory - OK, not DJI - but something very similar, and I would guess that it's still not far off the mark of how DJI products are made = a cooperative of subbed workers and factories, working from smaller, separate units to put together the finished products which sell well, phenomenally well, in fact..

Of course, if someone can post a genuine photo showing a massive and high-tech DJI factory, then I will apologise profusely and hang my head in corrected shame at this post.. :)

On the other hand, some manufacturing facilities in Shenzhen are massive and comprehensive, as you can see here, but it's not for drones.

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