CRPAA Survey - Getting Involved - Phantom Pilots Input

We are getting really great information and feedback from the pilots here. Thanks a lot for all of the opinions and contributions.
I have heard of ARPAS, and what they charge for membership. At this stage of the game that price is high for me, as I only work for charity. I do not expect them to work for charity either, but flexibility would go a long way and gain them at least my membership. Sadly that is not to be.
CRPAA Survey Update: Thank you again to all who participated. CRPAA is gearing our updated business plan directly towards how to best help drone pilots as a direct result of your feedback from this survey and other polls.

There's a lot of [valuable] information to comb through. Since the close of the survey we've had one Board meeting in which a portion of the time was spent reviewing a summary of the results. A more detailed report is in store but it has been requested for an update sooner and we are going to try to formulate an overview summary report before the end of this week. We'll see how detailed we can make it in that short of time.

Thank you again to all who participated and support the Certified Remote Pilots Association of America.

Eric Pensenstadler
CRPAA Founder
Thanks for your patience everyone. As promised, here is our best attempt to try to summarize the data that was collected in the survey into easy to understand and useful information. In many cases we will just give you the most popular answers as some get to be lots of tiny percentages.

Q1: What part of the US do you line in?
A1: Southeast - 24%, Northeast 23%, Midwest 18%, West 14% Southwest 12%, South 8%

Q2: How long have you been flying drones?
A2: Largest answers: 2-3 Years 25%, 1-2 Years 22%, 4-5 Years 17%

Q3: How much experience do you have?
A3: 100-250 Flights 24%, 50-100 Flights 18%, 250-500 Flights 18%

Q4: When did you receive your Part 107 Certification?
A4: More than 12 months 46%, 3 - 12 month 20%

Q5: Do you have a license to fly manned aircraft?
A5: No 81%, Yes 19%

Q6: Do you operate your own business
A6: Yes 64%, No 36%

Q7: Select all options that describe your services
A7: General Photography 71%, Inspection 53%, Video Production 53%, Real Estate 49%, Advertising and Marketing 48%, Mapping 40%

Q8: On average, what is your typical revenue per job?
A8: $100 - $300 36%, $300 - $500 19%

Q9: What percentage of your overall income comes from drone services?
A9: Less than 25 62%, 25-50% 14%

Q10: How much did you earn from drone services in 2017?
A10: Under $5000 60%, $5000 - $20,000 22%

Q11: How much of an investment do you have in your equipment?
A11: $3000 - $10,000 34%, $1000 - $3000 31%

Q12: How many organizations do you currently belong to?
A12: 0 31%, 1 21%, 2 21%

Q13: In your opinion is there currently an organization that already best serves your needs as a remote pilot?
A13: No 81%, Yes 19%

Q14: If yes, what is the name of the organization?
A14: This response had a small response level of various organizations.

Q15: For an organization looking to dedicate itself to Certified Remote Pilots, which items have the highest importance level to you?
A15: Definitely Important: Advocacy, Discounts, Professional Development (all of these responses had a 50% response rate or higher)

Q16: If you had to choose the single most important benefit for you, which one would it be?
A16: Advocacy and Lobbying 31%, Job Postings 10%, all other responses below 10%

Q17: When considering an organization to join, how important is the tax status (i.e. non profit)?
A17: On a scale of 1 through 10, the average response was 3.5 indicating it was not very important.

Q18: If an organization met all the services you wanted from a remote pilot standpoint, what is the maximum you would pay for a membership?
A18: $50 - $100 31%, $25 - $50 24%, all other choices under 15%

Questions 19 and 20 allowed people to leave their contact information for follow up or to receive the results and also to leave comments about the industry. The information provided is not something we could summarize for you to review.

Again, thanks everyone who participated and to the forums who allowed their members to participate (and for us to ask for your participation). We appreciate it and hope some of the information is useful to you or others you collaborate with.

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