Camera points 30 degrees to the right

May 5, 2018
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Hey guys crashed my drone back in may , I have had to replace a lot of parts and learnt so much about my drone thanks to all the posts on this forum. Just when I thought I would be back in the sky I have another problem. I bought a donor gimbal board and after the rebuild I had no video feed with gimbal disconnected error. So I did firmware update and reconnect to control and it was up and running, but now the camera points to the right.
As I have researched this problem it hasn’t been fixed by gimbal calibration, imu calibration , compass calibration or even tighting grub screw on yaw arm or tighting of centre. When I fire the bird up it just points to the right and no amount of forceing keeps it there.
Any suggestion?
Well I guessed this issue was too unusual for anyone to answer, but what did was put my old gimbal board back in and the camera sits straight. So I guess the donor board has issues.
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I have the same problem on my P3P.
I got some strong wind gust during last flight. no crash, no choc.
I'm about to make a complete calibration.
I found nothing on service manual.
do you have any solution ?.
You can’t get a device manual , just read about what others have done and watch a lot of u tube videos of repairs. No I don’t have a solution yet , but I put a donor gimbal board in and it points to the right . I tried pulling apart and putting old board back in and it points straight, so at this stage it’s something to do with the board .

About P3P manual, here is a link to DJI download documents and any other DJI drones.
Phantom 3 Professional - Specs, FAQ, Tutorials, Downloads and DJI GO - DJI

About the Gimbal problem, I did fix it with an Halen wrench...
the camera was pointing on the left side and then was shaking.
My solution:
In between the drone and nacelle, the Yaw shaft is tight with an halen screw on a flat part of this shaft.
you can see the flat from underneath to make sure it is the right position.
I did some test an the camera is on the right postion and not shaking anymore.
I did no calibration.

I hope you can understand my explaination...

Best regards


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