Beginner questions - post production

Feb 7, 2018
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Milano, Italy
Hi guys,
I’ll go direct to my question:
Is post-production the only way for amazing pictures?

I’m taking pics and video with my P3SE in “auto-mode” and I couldn’t really understand if I’m doing some error.

All pics seem extremely “bright”.
Then i use the automatic function on my iPhone “improve” (“migliora” in Italian) and they change form this:


To this:


I know that probably these are newbie questions but if someone could please give me some suggestions they will be appreciated.
It’s a flying camera with no computational photography going on (like a modern smart phone). So yes, it will take an average picture but shooting in RAW allows you to post process the image to pull out its potential. Especially RAW. it’s like undeveloped film. You have to develop it to get what you want out of it. More work? Yes. But worth it if you want to learn how to be a photographer. The data is there (especially RAW) you just need to finesse it out of it)
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On your journey of exploration don’t google “how to make drone shots look better” go to YouTube and search for something along the lines of post processing photography. Have a look at Tony Northrop’s channel. There are thousands of instructional videos on photography. Daunting? Yes. But super rewarding.
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Thanks @ravedog
I’m not scared of doing more work.
This is a passion and also dedicate time after flying is part of the game!
I’m really a newbie on doing photo so i couldn’t understand if those amazing pics seen on this a forum came from a perfect shot or there was work of post production.

I’m sorry for the question but for my not perfect English I can understand what you mean in your second post.
Do you mean that I have to look for some video of “tony northrop”?

You also have some suggestion for the software that I could use to work with RAW, apart photoshop?

Thanks for your help
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There are plenty of ways for raw processing but most photographers use s combo of Lightroom and photoshop. I’m sure others will chime in with their favorites but those are the gold standard.


Tony & Chelsea Northrup
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Also luminar might be an option. It’s powerful, handles RAW and even has “drone settings” to get you started. Plus the price is relatively cheap and not a subscription like Lightroom and photoshop
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Thanks for suggestion!
I’ll sure start watching those videos!
I have a last question (maybe stupid...or maybe I’ll have the answer watching the video...):
- shooting in Raw, do i need to set something particular or i have to work in “auto mode”?
Thanks again for your help
It’s basically a camera with all the same settings for a DSLR camera. Again YouTube might help or these forums but don’t think of this as a drone camera. Approach it as a DSLR camera. Understand the settings. For now you can put things in automatic until you learn more
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Learning the basics of exposure is the key starting point. Knowing what ISO, Shutter speed and aperture do and how changing one of these values impacts the image is a key fundament that all should know. Practicing on a DSLR would be better before you’re then trying to do it in the sky [emoji106]

P3 doesn’t have Aperture so no worries there.
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