Anyone gone through airport security in the U.S. recently?

Jun 28, 2016
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Alexandria, Virginia
A few years ago, I took a P3 in a hardshell case through airport security in the U.S. with no problem. I'm leaving for Peru next week with a P4. I'm aware that it might be necessary to deal with some issues upon arrival in Lima, but have there been any recent changes in airport security in the U.S. that I need to be aware of?
A few years ago, I took a P3 in a hardshell case through airport security in the U.S. with no problem. I'm leaving for Peru next week with a P4. I'm aware that it might be necessary to deal with some issues upon arrival in Lima, but have there been any recent changes in airport security in the U.S. that I need to be aware of?

If you travel frequently you'll notice things are different from locale to locale.

Best to know the info below... and check with your carrier as suggested.

Just got back from several weeks in Arizona and Oregon from Illinois. I would think going in and out of the country might be different, but I had no problems with TSA. I had 2 TSA locks on my plastic case. I would never ship my P4 in original case.
Went to the Philippines and back recently. No issues at all with TSA. Just remember to have your batteries in a Lipo bag. To be on the safe side, I kept them separate from the drone. Carry-on ONLY.
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Re: Lipo bag. I've used these before in previous trips. On our last trip to Cozumel, I just left them out, loose, in my carryon bag. They went through the scanner without a hitch. I did have 2 bags in the carryon as well, just in case. This was an experiment as several other people had said they don't use the bags. And they were right
Re: Lipo bag. I've used these before in previous trips. On our last trip to Cozumel, I just left them out, loose, in my carryon bag. They went through the scanner without a hitch. I did have 2 bags in the carryon as well, just in case. This was an experiment as several other people had said they don't use the bags. And they were right
I don't know, I wouldn't chance it. But that's me. It's a safety issue.
Thanks to everyone for posting about your recent experiences. I was going to carry the batteries in the slots of the hardshell case, but I will play it safe and carry them in Lipo bags in a separate bag.
Just need to have the batteries in your carry on bag. Never leave them in the luggage which is separated from you.
I don't think TSA is a big an issue. Each individual airlines have their own rules on carrying batteries. Some limit the number of "spare" batteries that can be hand carried.

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