Anyone doing volumetrics

Nov 2, 2013
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Olympic Peninsula USA
If so, and you are not using MME or DD for processing, what software are you using. I just tried out Photoscan Pro and to me it seems fine for a stockpile or 2 but very labor intensive if you have dozens to calculate. I'm interested in what might work better. I will get a trial of Pix4d but have not yet as even if it is good, the amount I'm doing does not justify what Pix4d costs.

Looking forward to your comments.
One company I know of does not do post processing in house but uses 'Stockpile Reports' at what is to them a reasonable cost when you factor in the cost of an employee doing the work. Around $5000 a year was a figure I heard. They are attempting to bring some of the stuff in house but are like you having trouble finding a program that fits just right.
At the moment it seems that that the post processing market is chasing the drone market and most mass market drones are just expensive toys with their inherent quirks. Paying more money at either end does not necessarily give better results.
The industry is taking off and I hope the technologies can catch up an compliment each other.
I spent a few hours today watching videos of CloudCompare to get an idea what it can do with stockpile volumes. It looks more than capable but not as easy as Pix4D, DroneDeploy or PhotoScan. If the cost of those aren’t an issue, they are probably the best options.

The decision always seems to boil down to— fast, good or cheap— pick 2. Speed isn’t my issue right now so OpenDroneMap and CloudCompare could be a good fit.
i guess, if you want flexibility you will havve to use modelling software as Civil 3d, surpac or other cad software for earth building purpose.

agisoft works only if the heaps are on a flat base.

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