Any experience with Mavic Mini 3 pro?

Aug 7, 2016
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The drone was just released recently and according to the paper, it has a great camera and the correct weight too to fly wherever you want.
Has anybody flown it already?
There are quite a few who have, including Greg Reverdiau from Pilot Institute. Everyone I know who's flown one like it. I'll be getting one soon as well. It won't see much time in the air, but if I need it for a certain gig, I'll have it. I'm just hoping they upgrade it to be able to use the RC Pro for our Mavic 3s.

I do want to clarify something though. You don't say where you are, but the statement that it's "the correct weight too to fly wherever you want" is not correct in the U.S. All airspace laws apply to all drones regardless of weight here. The only thing the Mini 3 is exempt from is registration if you fly strictly recreationally.

I know there are EU rules that apply to this as well, and they have weight exemption for certain locations. But even they don't consider the Mini 3 to be able to "fly wherever you want".

Might want to double check your local rules.
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Agree. Not directly over people but can fly in urban areas.
I'm from Slovenia, EU.
You might be disappointed. The 48 Meg. Pixel isn't as sharp and has more artifacts. It has less manual control over the camera. I read these things on the Mavic forums. There was a very good post on the comparison of the Mini 3 pro and other drone. I tried to find the particular post that was an excellent review. They said a professional photographer would be disappointed, but an amateur photographer might be very happy with it. There is so much to read. If you are thinking about buying one, you need to go to that forum and read for yourself.

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