Airport/plane log. How I get on.

Hey guys....

What no aeroplane jokes then? Thought I would have got something:p

Blimey, you guys have suprised me:D

Oh well.. This is to me

Drink up my friend and enjoy that last sunset. :)
He be hung-over on the way back and every time he looks out the window he gonna see me !
Somebody gota protect his wife .
Hey guys....

What no aeroplane jokes then? Thought I would have got something:p

Blimey, you guys have suprised me:D

Oh well.. This is to me

Fly high and fast my friend!
I think they fixed their plane.;)
I think this comes to mind half way over the atlantic

Poor ol Mrs P

Going down for my last flight on the beach with all the kids from yesterday, should be fun;)
First class seating, up front.

Eh, I'm only along for the laughs... Hahaha

Going down for my last flight on the beach with all the kids from yesterday, should be fun;)

Have fun then. . . Hahaha


Keeping the bacon lean. Hahaha

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Had my last flight on the beach, loved every minute of it;)

Piglet now in its case, batteries charging to 50% so all ready for the flight home.

Going out tonight for a nice meal & drinkypoos with Mrs P. Loved every minute I've spent with her.

We leave the island at 3.00pm local time tomorrow, 3 hour flight to Miami then catch the BA flight home.....:(
Good morning/evening/night, oh who cares:D

My return home starts now;)

I've just arrived at Princess Juliana intl airport. No problems with my P2 case.

Again went straight through security/scanning machine with no problem. Not asked to open the case up;), looking good so far;)

Let's see what happens at Miami;)
Porky sent me some quick pics the wifey took after he got seated.
Looks like he is reading the PhantomPilots forum!
Safe travels Mr. & Mrs. Porky! :)


Good morning/evening/night, oh who cares:D

My return home starts now;)

I've just arrived at Princess Juliana intl airport. No problems with my P2 case.

Again went straight through security/scanning machine with no problem. Not asked to open the case up;), looking good so far;)

Let's see what happens at Miami;)
Safe travels to you and the Misses;). Can't wait for the flood of pictures when you get home;)
Hi all,

Well I'm now back in the UK, been home for about a hour or so;) blimey don't fill like I've been away........:(

Update at Miami.... I had to open my case for security...they swabbed everything in there. Looking for traces of explosives:eek: the guy was very nice & was asking loads of questions about my Phantom.

The flight with AA was good, again I put my case in the overhead lockers, loads of room;)

So my 1st time taking my P2V abroad was hassle free, I had no problems at all;)

So for anyone else thinking about doing it, it will be fine;) even with the props, I took 8 with me;)

Now I need to bore you all with my pics/vids but I need to get myself my iMac 1st which will be within the next couple of days;)

Thanks again to all for following this thread, hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have;) Cor I'm sooooooo knackered now.... Think I'll be having a power nap shortly.

Thought I'd try & upload a picture from home, no problems:D

I now need to sort out my compass problem, update the new app & start upgrading the firmware on my other thing, another day I think;)

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