Again, with the dji geofence...


Drone bum...
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score
SC Missouri
I posted a while back on this, and got a few ideas for helping resolve the problem, but they went nowhere. The issue is this: I have a field I need to fly over that lays just outside of Ft Leonard Wood's NFZ. I have contacted FLW ATC and discussed the problem with them, and they told me to fly a kite... Ok, not literally. They said it's not THEIR problem, and that's true. It's DJI's problem, but how do I go about resolving this? There's a very valuable piece of equipment, in the neighborhood of $250k, that will be in this field in a few months, and I'd REALLY like to find the OTHER piece of valuable equipment that fell off the spray company's rig BEFORE it runs thru the combine! The field is in the neighborhood of 52 or 53 acres. I know that doesn't seem very big, but it is when you're looking for something that's about twice the length of a kitchen broom, and a little wider than your standard one gallon milk jug. And it's black, with a steel bar mounted at a right angle to its long axis, and weighs about 250lbs. And it's now in corn nearly 7 ft tall. That equals several thousand dollars damage to the combine I would very much like to avoid. I may not be able to locate it in time this year, and I've repeatedly warned the various possible operators to remember this thing they may run across, but when it's not THEIR money on the line, they're far less likely to be as diligent as the owner. I want to fix this problem in case there are issues in the future. I have a couple screenshots to show the NFZ, and the field that DJI is keeping me out of with their geofence. It actually covers the entire field plus a little. Any help on this, dealing with DJI, would be greatly appreciated!
Have you updated the flysafe database? Because according to the latest DJI Geo system maps, that field is not in restricted airspace. The east end of it is in Class E4 airspace, which shows up as a warning zone but won't prevent flight. Most of the field is in uncontrolled (Class G) unrestricted airspace.

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I have not yet. I just got done looking at dji's flysafe map, and it was fenced initially as the page was loading, but now it won't even show FLW's NFZ... ? Thats a wtf? In my book... gimme a minute to reload this thing...
@sar104 I may have just wasted your time, good Sir! I would like to attempt a flight tomorrow before retracting this thread, but it does appear you are correct! Didn't even think to update. Guess that's why you make the big bucks, huh? ??
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Does the Zone still show in other flight apps like litchi. Apparently the problem is Go. You will have to pay for it but I think you will enjoy it more than Go in most cases.
No @Capt KO, unfortunately it doesnt matter what app you're using. The flysafe map is in the firmware/software of the bird. The geofence doesn't show up on the Litchi app. I had to open GO to find out what the issue was originally. Litchi didnt show anything but the warning that the drone was not able to take off.
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No @Capt KO, unfortunately it doesnt matter what app you're using. The flysafe map is in the firmware/software of the bird. The geofence doesn't show up on the Litchi app. I had to open GO to find out what the issue was originally. Litchi didnt show anything but the warning that the drone was not able to take off.
Thank you. That’s how I learn. Hope you solve it soon. Fly safe. KO
I'm currently dealing with minor farm emergency, but hopefully before the day is out I can get the update done. Sorry @sar104, I didnt catch your post before I answered. Didn't mean to repeat it!

Does the Zone still show in other flight apps like litchi. Apparently the problem is Go. You will have to pay for it but I think you will enjoy it more than Go in most cases.
Sorry Brad, I forgot who I was talking to for a minute. I know you use Litchi. But thanks for the heads up that the Geo fence is located on the bird not the app. Some days are cloudier (in my head) than others. It’s raining!, gotta go fly!
Sorry Brad, I forgot who I was talking to for a minute. I know you use Litchi. But thanks for the heads up that the Geo fence is located on the bird not the app. Some days are cloudier (in my head) than others. It’s raining!, gotta go fly!
Dude... You're nuts! Don't know that I could bring myself to fly in the rain! Don't care what kinda condom ya wanna wrap yer tool in, it just ain't right!!!

But it’s fun fun fun till the mama takes my T-Bird awaaaayy. ⛈Showing my age, if you don’t remember this song. (50's) Missed both storms today but there was no lightning and I wanted some sound. BOOOM! ? When Winds come in from the gulf, like today, we get rain but little lightning unlike From land when it gets Sparky. but we get lots of water spouts which are a blast to watch and drive around offshore. Haven’t had a chance to fly near one yet. The winds are only strong within about 100 feet of the funnel. Have a neat shot of a parasail in the sky with a water sprout only 100 yards away from him. Made it into the newspaper. Long time ago don’t know if I could find it anymore. Opps, Rambling. Ah, Memories
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But it’s fun fun fun till the mama your daddy takes my T-Bird awaaaayy.
Sorry, couldn't help myself... showing my age too eh? :D

I call my Tello T-bird and used that quote on the Tello Pilots Forum not long ago :cool: You guys want to have some pure giddy fun, get yourself a Tello! I can't help but grin every time I fire it up and take off. Except for when I soloed at 19 in a Cessna 152, most fun I ever had with my pants on. :)

@Shoot4fun Hope sar104's suggestion solves your problem
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Same here but I was 20 and had a 172. Nice thing was I owned it. And my dad had a 206. What a ball. I said "the mama" because my wife rules the roost. Goggles are the only thing that comes close to Flying now.
@umanbean I'd really like to get over there and find out! Can't keep the local minor emergencies contained long enough, or get my hay baled fast enough, or any of the ten thousand other things I need to get done. About ready to say pi$$ on it and move back to Florida and sit on the beach and drink rum... Let someone else raise these dang cows! (I say that every year)


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