4,000+ Miles Flown---Anyone Have More?

Most flights are now averaging over 10 miles completely stock, in an isosceles right triangle, 3 miles to a side, and a 4.25 mile hypotenuse. My vision has improved with age! :p

What is your definition of VLOS? Recently, I’ve learned it means you can see the orientation of you drone NOT just being able to see it.
What is your definition of VLOS? Recently, I’ve learned it means you can see the orientation of you drone NOT just being able to see it.
What's VLOS? ;)
Orientation is always in the direction of the FPV when flying forward! :D
My average maximum height is 50 feet above my launch site, and 80% over water, with unobstructed LOS throughout.
What's VLOS? ;)
Orientation is always in the direction of the FPV when flying forward! :D
My average maximum height is 50 feet above my launch site, and 80% over water, with unobstructed LOS throughout.
Believe it or not ... manned aircraft fly much faster than your drone. With FPV goggles, you can’ see faster aircraft that are overtaking you from side or back angles. 50 feet should eliminate most manned A/C issues ... But where I live, sea planes and ultra lights are a real hazzard to safe drone operation even at that level. They are mostly over water.
Amazing achievement!
Excuse my ignorance but can you please advise how you land at 7% battery when it forces landing at 10% (unprogrammable)?
The Autoland at 10% is always able to be overridden with sufficient forward left stick to either hold elevation, or actually even still ascend, if needed, while still navigating back to the Home Point, or a suitable ditch point, if you have bitten off more than you can chew! Try it in a safe location at 30 feet off the ground 20 feet away, if you have no prior experience with it. The P4P and P4 battery algorithms are far more conservative than the P3 battery algorithm. 0% remaining battery will still have all four cells well above 3.5V, instead of at a critical 3.0V where it shuts off as soon as any cell reaches 2.99V, even if in the air!
Believe it or not ... manned aircraft fly much faster than your drone. With FPV goggles, you can’ see faster aircraft that are overtaking you from side or back angles. 50 feet should eliminate most manned A/C issues ... But where I live, sea planes and ultra lights are a real hazzard to safe drone operation even at that level. They are mostly over water.
True, but along the shore around here, they are still required to be 500 feet away from the shoreline, and I am well within that 500 feet. My biggest risk is a bird strike from a sea gull, but the sea gull would likely lose, while the drone will likely recover, with enough altitude. No goggles for me. iPad Air 2 works just fine, and allows me to still keep a lookout for aircraft and line myself up with known landmarks.
Congrats..That’s a lot of airtime. Impressed you got that much time out of the equipment. I am wondering what country you are in. Don’t you have VLOS rules where you are at? Just curious.
Congrats..That’s a lot of airtime. Impressed you got that much time out of the equipment. I am wondering what country you are in. Don’t you have VLOS rules where you are at? Just curious.
See post #8. Eyesight has improved with age ;), and VLOS for hobbyists is a guideline, rather than compulsory, as under 107. Signal requires clear LOS and I have a clear view and auditory recognition of all manned aircraft and hazards from my elevated vantage point, and know the area well! Mostly all over water anyway. I suppose one could just fly circles around the home point until the battery died, but that would be very boring and annoy the neighbors! Happy neighbors, happy life! :cool:
4,000+ Miles Flown---Anyone have more?
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You've got me beat, I'm at 1100 miles. Notice my last flights, Hawaii. I survived the missile threat this morning.
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You've got me beat, I'm at 1100 miles. Notice my last flights, Hawaii. I survived the missile threat this morning.
I've done the equivalent of flying to Hawaii, but wouldn't quite have made it all the way back! :eek: :p

Good thing the triggering event for the ballistic missile threat this morning in Hawaii was only a "button" incorrectly pressed by an incompetent emergency alert system trainee of ours in Hawaii, and not "The Button" pressed by Kim Jong-un in North Korea (even if his "Button" is smaller than our "Bigger Button")! :cool:
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Vlos for hobbyist is the same as 4 part 107 you must maintain visual line-of-sight of your drone this also includes having observers as the pilot in command must be able to see the drone at all times while in operation. The end
They sure do! However, the quality is worth it, and storage keeps getting larger and cheaper every year! My first 250 MB hard drive was $850! Look at us now! 6 TB for $119! 24,000 times as large, for 12% of the cost!
OK you brought back a memory... my first HDD (which I still own in an Amiga 2000) was 10MB @ $760... back then about 20% were bad sectors out of the box.
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You can always just put the drone in a truck or car and fire it up without the props and it will count out mileage as you're driving.

Also if you've ever uninstalled and then reinstalled the app you will lose your stats. So you can't always count them as accurate.
Vlos for hobbyist is the same as 4 part 107 you must maintain visual line-of-sight of your drone this also includes having observers as the pilot in command must be able to see the drone at all times while in operation. The end
Did I mention I have spotters all along the route every time I fly? There are so many I just can't remember all their names at the moment. ;)
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You can always just put the drone in a truck or car and fire it up without the props and it will count out mileage as you're driving.

Also if you've ever uninstalled and then reinstalled the app you will lose your stats. So you can't always count them as accurate.

Happened to
Amazing. Was all this mileage clocked by the same drone?
I wish! No, that's cummulative since and including the P3P, but over 50% is with completely stock P4P's, since the camera is so much better than any of the P4’s or P3P's.
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You can always just put the drone in a truck or car and fire it up without the props and it will count out mileage as you're driving.

Also if you've ever uninstalled and then reinstalled the app you will lose your stats. So you can't always count them as accurate.
Or, you could probably just fire it up before boarding a plane, put it in the window, and have it track your progress with the tablet and RC. Might be better on a private plane or jet, as the flight attendants might take issue with your electronic "device" otherwise! :eek:

Not if you first sync all your flights recorded on that tablet with the cloud. Immediately after reinstallation of the app, just resync all flights back from the cloud. Works across multiple tablets and with all DJI aircraft. However, China will know where you have been! :D

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