$28k worth of fines

It says in the article that there was video evidence. Also this has been going on since 2017. Buddy was obviously threatening them with the drone. I agree that this idiot males it harder for us law abiding pilots. I'd like to hope that if it was an honest mistake or over exaggerated, the penalty would be much less. On the other hand..... Is the government really gonna throw us all into the same class? Wonder if his drone was registered? Bet not. Mine is! So now how exactly does this regs and licences make it safer for the public or myself? I paid the dues but the ppl they catch doing this retarded stuff I bet didnt. Maybe we should just need a life licence test if you pass your welcome to do as you like with revelant training of course. The ppl who fail get thrown from the cliffs into the ocean like we used to do. I'm not that guy and being treated like him because we both fly a drone.
It says in the article that there was video evidence. Also this has been going on since 2017. Buddy was obviously threatening them with the drone. I agree that this idiot males it harder for us law abiding pilots. I'd like to hope that if it was an honest mistake or over exaggerated, the penalty would be much less. On the other hand..... Is the government really gonna throw us all into the same class? Wonder if his drone was registered? Bet not. Mine is! So now how exactly does this regs and licences make it safer for the public or myself? I paid the dues but the ppl they catch doing this retarded stuff I bet didnt. Maybe we should just need a life licence test if you pass your welcome to do as you like with revelant training of course. The ppl who fail get thrown from the cliffs into the ocean like we used to do. I'm not that guy and being treated like him because we both fly a drone.

Registration wasn't law until July 1 2019 here in Aus.
Its cheaper being caught doing 45km/hr or more over the 40km/hr speed limit in a school zone with the possibly of injuring or killing groups of school kids .$2-$3k fine and loss of licence (I looked it up ) .
These CASA fines are ridiculously out of proportion to the offence .

If you think that's excessive try this fine for not registering your drone in the states

More than 342,000 people have already registered. Failure to register with the FAA could result in one or a combination of the following: a civil penalty of up to $27,500; a criminal fine of up to $250,000; imprisonment for up to three years.
Are you sure about that?

Sure am
Got the email from CASA
The thing is there's been nothing since so I don't know what they're doing.
Apparently it was going to be phased in gradually?
About halfway down page
New technical requirements for remotely piloted aircraft
There are new technical requirements for RPA, commonly known as drones. The new rules are contained in the Part 101 (Unmanned Aircraft and Rockets) Manual of Standards (MOS) 2019.
Primarily they affect commercial and professional RPA pilots and operators - however, most of these rules will not come into effect for another 12 months. This is to ensure industry is ready, particularly RPA training organisations.
Right now, you don’t have to take any action. CASA is currently developing guidance material to help with the transition, including advisory circulars and templates.
However, you should be aware of two new rules in effect immediately:
  • Introducing specific requirements for the on-going approval of extended visual line of sight (EVLOS) operations
  • Ensuring there is a buffer between your RPA and any controlled airspace above it.
The other rules due to commence in 12 months include training and competency standards for remote pilot licences (RePL) and standing approvals for certain kinds of operations near aerodromes. Requirements for RePL training instructors will commence in 18 months.
Registration news
We’ve also published the responses to our public consultation on an RPA registration and accreditation scheme – more information on how it will work coming soon.
Email: [email protected]
Regardless of Drone Laws and when enacted : most countries have Harrassment, Endangerment, Safety of Operation rules / laws etc.

I am not saying these are applied in this case - just commenting that often new laws only focus or add to existing for specific incidents or infractions.
They usually come about because of some clever Defence Counsel sneaking through a technicality or loophole. Not because of new technology !

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