Dec 6, 2023
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Hey everyone,

First of all it is not meant to be the most efficient or biggest improvement in range. But a cheap(free) and easy way to get some boost. Let me explain

IT is meant to be a simple, safe, and pretty much work on every case

If you, like me, have trouble when downgrading below 1.8.10 (or anything for that matter). Like you get IMU error, gimball etc even though is 1.9.20 its working no problem here is my solution.

What you are going to do is downgrade the drone to a lower version, like 1.5.7 or 1.6.8. I used 1.6.8 as its the most recent update with FTP still enabled. In the hope of having some more stability (though i have no proof and 1.5.7 might be better, i dont really know). I heard that 1.5.7 have higher default power, so you can do that too and skip the next step if you dont feel like modifying file in the RC

When the drone and RC is downgraded via the APP (when you downgrade via the app and WIFI, rc is auto updated too)

So, when it's done you can power off drone and RC. Now format the SD card and download the latest update

Again, you can use pretty much what you want, but if you achieve to have 1.6.8 on both drone and RC, then this tutorial is not for you

Put the firmware on the root SD card and then on the drone. When you power on the drone (which should be 1.6.8 version) it should start updating soon.

Just wait for the end of update with the RC off..

The gimball stay green when update is finished

When it is finished, you should have a 1.6.8 RC and a 1.9.2 drone. Even though its not the same version, not much has changed and the RC still work with no problem. The updates are mainly for the drone, as it's on the latest version, you do not lose much if any

Then, connect to the RC wifi and FTP to and go to /sbin/djiled.sh.

User : root
Pass : Big~9China

Yes, you can edit rcS file, but if you fail or something your RC is bricked, and then your drone wont go far away lol. So we are NOT doing this here

Then, enable telnet by adding

telnetd -l /bin/ash &

to the djiled.sh file. Save and reboot the RC

TELNET IS NOT AN OBLIGATION, it just make thing easier, you can disable it after

Then telnet to to check for txpower

Type iwinfo and check txpower. In default EU mode its 17db if i remember correctly

Then in djiled.sh after the telnetd and before the while loop with the led add this:

check_region() {
while true; do
current_region=$(grep "DFS Master region" /var/log/messages | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $NF}')

if [ "$current_region" != "FCC" ]; then

# Mettre en place la région FCC
iw reg set US

# Limiter la puissance de transmission à 27dBm
iw dev wlan0 set txpower limit 2700


sleep 30
check_region &

-Yes it's in french-

It's a script that run on startup, and every 30seconds check if the current mode is FCC by reading the log.

If it's anything else than FCC, it set the 27db mod, and FCC mod, else it doesnt do anything and just wait 30 seconds

Save the script and restart the RC. Then wait 30 seconds or so and it should be FCC with 27 db

We check every 30 seconds because everytime you launch DJI GO it set the GPS to CE mode, so to prevent that and not have to apply everytime. We use this script

And it is DONE.

The mod is only on the RC side, not the drone side. The range is better than no mod at all, but i think it's a little bit worse than RC + drone.
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I did this to help people that may have the same problem as me, in the hope that my many hours of research is useful.

I tried to be as clear as possible.

Please like or reply if this was useful to you, so i know i didnt waste my time
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I need to try this I picked up a phantom3 basic and I have not even flown this one yet I know it has not been updated. I’m looking around in the forum to find the most recommended RC booster or Wi-Fi anyway.
I need to try this I picked up a phantom3 basic and I have not even flown this one yet I know it has not been updated. I’m looking around in the forum to find the most recommended RC booster or Wi-Fi anyway.
Stick to a RC upgrade , Argtec and Itelite are affordable quality, Above not really a guaranteed method dispite efforts to gain range ,as it says if Something fails your bricked and unless you understand algorithms dont attempt what's not understood
Anyway fly it first, it might be sweet
I downgraded my P3S's (both of them) to 1.5.07 and run an IteliteDBS on one. Both drones actually fly way beyond VLOS (shhh...) and the DBS modded much further at 400'(+) altitude.

The firmware mods mentioned by the OP are interesting, no disrespect intended, but there are proven methods on msingers site 'Phantomhelp.com'. if you really want to upgrade/downgrade firmware versions.
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I don’t think I need to say this, but I’m obviously new. Thank you. I appreciate the advice.
We were all 'new' to this at one time.......that's why we hang around here on the forums to help others.

If you haven't yet, check out msingers site 'Phantomhelp.com' for all the information you could ask for. Just be sure to select the proper drone for information on that model, with helpful tips and listings of mods available.

......and Welcome to the Phantom Pilots family.
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We were all 'new' to this at one time.......that's why we hang around here on the forums to help others.

If you haven't yet, check out msingers site 'Phantomhelp.com' for all the information you could ask for. Just be sure to select the proper drone for information on that model, with helpful tips and listings of mods available.

......and Welcome to the Phantom Pilots family.
I absolutely will thank’s for the warm welcome and Direction. I did read somewhere else about downgrading the firmware to the older release I’ll check it out thanks again.
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Hey, this post is kinda old and only useful if like me you had problem downgrading.

If you have already 1.5.7 it doesnt change from FCC mode, you are always in FCC mode even in europe in version 1.5.7 and below.It is fixed in the next versions

I will see if i post a tutorial to downgrade to 1.5.7 from 1.7.9. But basicly you have to be at the latest version. Then via the app downgrade to 1.5.7 and then apply the 1.7.94 patch via sd card on dronen (yes you can apply 1.7.94 patch on 1.5.7 version without a problem)

And then you can do the mod. But in short : if you are already in 1.5.7 there is no much point doing the mod. The only thing you will be able to mod is the 27db mod, as your drone is already in FCC mode

Hope this help mate
Hey, this post is kinda old and only useful if like me you had problem downgrading.

If you have already 1.5.7 it doesnt change from FCC mode, you are always in FCC mode even in europe in version 1.5.7 and below.It is fixed in the next versions

I will see if i post a tutorial to downgrade to 1.5.7 from 1.7.9. But basicly you have to be at the latest version. Then via the app downgrade to 1.5.7 and then apply the 1.7.94 patch via sd card on dronen (yes you can apply 1.7.94 patch on 1.5.7 version without a problem)

And then you can do the mod. But in short : if you are already in 1.5.7 there is no much point doing the mod. The only thing you will be able to mod is the 27db mod, as your drone is already in FCC mode

Hope this help mate
Thank you, yes, it is very appreciated and it is a very big help. I will have to check what software is on the phantom when I get back home I got it from a friend. It is never even been flown. The battery went bad in the case not charged so it may have well I know it has old software I just don’t know which one once I find out I will respond see what I find. I keep looking around to see if there is a better propeller to go with carbon fiber, a different pitch whatever would make the piloting time or enjoyable, efficient smooth I’m not trying to turn a Fiat into a Ferrari. Just thought I would ask? Ps did you see the video on YouTube where the guy took a phantom3 and removed all the DJI tech and installed brushless motors and built the first phantom 3that will do 70 MPH FLIPS. IT’S PRETTY NEAT TO SEE THE WAY THE THING MOVES. I don’t know if I’m allowed to post links to stuff like that I hope so. If not, I will delete this out of here.

Well i plugged in and it has never flown and that the info that was in there..


That sound right what is stated below ? i do want the 27DB Mod


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It seems to be a pretty old version. If you don't have any issue with it i dont think it's worth upgrading.

Aside from the 27db mod for video you already have the max of what's possible
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Well i plugged in and it has never flown and that the info that was in there
And a click on Battery icon will show how many times charged with each battery ,If sync your flights you'll be able to keep count of minutes, hours ,maps of your flights which handy if you got someone saying you flew over there,well you can check ,height,speed,coordinates ,bit like engine hours on forklift
Flown it yet ? Always keep it close till you gain trust ,couple test flights to see if nice and stable in hover ,all stick inputs are good,there's remote calibration in app if sticks not 100% ,if unsure ,,ask
Otherwise enjoy
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It seems to be a pretty old version. If you don't have any issue with it i dont think it's worth upgrading.

Aside from the 27db mod for video you already have the max of what's possible
yes i do want the 27db Mod for sure my Transmitter Ext will be here on Friday i think it is!! and i need to just upgrade to the 27db
I do apologize if i should be opening a new post to ask the questions im about to ask. if so please by all means tell me or correct me. I have ADHD and i tend to be a little mouthy lets say. Anyway anyone had much experience with DJI Wiki and the oops i copy pasted that as ya can tell.. Ps im only interested in it to modify flight limits and i am not ready for that yet anyway just thought id ask your thoughts.

Phantom 3 and Inspire 1 Modification Overview​


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