This don’t sound good

Yep , they didn’t care about any letter they received about this . The fox is going to watch the hen house because big brother says so . (AMAZON) really

They never do! It's only to appease those involved.
Requiring drone operators to have licenses is like requiring bicyclists and pedestrians to have licenses. We all use the same public roads!

This isn’t really like what you said, “We all use the same roads” sharing it with bikes and pedestrians. The closest comparison using roads is a race track, or the autobahn. If you were screaming down the road at 180mph and some idiot on a skateboard pops up in front of your new Ferrari and it’s too late to correct your course, who’s at fault? Wouldn’t you hope someone would have some rules in place to minimize YOUR chance encounter with someone who might not think everything through?

I don’t really LIKE the fact I have to drive 3-6 miles from my home in order to fly, but I understand why there are rules. While, I trust, most remote pilots have responsible intentions and don’t go out trying to cause trouble, there are others who probably do what they want, no matter the cost to them or others.
I think over 50% of drone pilots fly beyond VLOS (~1500'), almost all the time. Am I wrong?

You've got to wonder why DJI thought it was a good idea for the M300 to have a 15km range, instead of sticking to 10km range (which seems incredible), like the MA2. I understand signal integrity is always better at 1500' (typical visual limit), if the drone can go farther with straight LOS connection, but was there really a demand for something better, 50% better, for VLOS usage? Maybe this helps mitigate disconnects when going behind a building, trees, or mountain. But then you've lost visual. Hmm.
50%? More like 99.99% if you count Larry Curly and Moe. Against a cloudy sky my VLOS is about 300'. What fun is that? Might as well just go fly a kite. Be as exciting and a lot cheaper.
While the right hand dazzles you all with "Flying beyond VLOS is completely unsafe and kills people," you forgot to look at the left hand that was giving you telemetry data and a MAP for the love of God!

I use VLOS when necessary, but not all the time. Sometimes I can see my P4P as far out as 2300'. Other times I can barely see it 1,000' out. As long as I have telemetry and video, I KNOW what my bird is doing and where it is, FAR better than my eyes do. Having "eyes on" doesn't mean a thing when your bird is flying over an empty desert. My telemetry data doesn't confuse me with the parallax effect. Can't say the same for my eyes! Can you??

If your bird goes down, what are you going to use? The place you think you saw it in the sky 1000' out? Or the telemetry data and the map? I say the latter.

I concede that in SOME SITUATIONS VLOS is important. But when I'm mapping 200 acres out in the middle of nowhere, I could give a rats (Mod Removed Language)about VLOS. You can't blanketly assert that "flying beyond VLOS is unsafe." In some situations, I agree. But not all situations require VLOS.

Rules for flying UAV's written by people who have never piloted UAV's....<:^/


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I hope I don’t get flamed for this.
I’ve always flown fpv once I got the hang of flying.
Why you ask as at the altitude of 400-500 feet you can barely see the bird on a good day(forget it if it’s cloudy)
Anyway I always pay attention to my surrounding and listen for other aircraft and if I do hear anything I bring my bird in to say 150 feet and wait till the other aircraft is gone then go back up.
I’ve done it many times without issue and have flown before these new laws and the registration crap.
Granted I live out in the country and not in the city but still.
I never did the registration before I took the last few flights with my phantom before I stopped flying it and not doing it with my mavic mini.
There’s already enough of government overreach as it is and there’s no need to addd to it.
I’ve seen planes and helicopters fly below the permitted low altitude quite a few times in my area(one was a passenger jumbo jet that was way too low that nearly clipped the mountain top near my house(which would’ve put more then one person at risk)

Yes I’ve flown around 500 feet many times and so far haven’t had a problem.
Granted now that I have my mavic mini it makes vlos harder to do unless it’s at low altitudes (300 feet or less)
The way I see it as long as I can track where it’s at I don’t really see a issue(keep in mind I live no where near a airport and like I said I can hear planes or helicopters before they would get close to my bird while flying) the mavic mini allows me to track it in real time via mini map in the app so I know it’s location at all times when flying.
Now a guy I know has taken his well above 600 feet(if not more) and even seen a local police helicopter during one of his flights.(yes he got that high with his once)
I reminded him that he could get into trouble going up that high with his but if he listened to me idk.(especially since he seen a police helicopter during one of his flights)
It’s like telling someone to not speed when driving on the road but the majority of the time everyone does it(including cops) people break the rules and laws more then most think.
....Yes I’ve flown around 500 feet many times and so far haven’t had a problem....
So you're going to wait until you have a problem before changing?
The way I see it as long as I can track where it’s at I don’t really see a issue
The FAA won't care. And the law isn't interpreted as to "how you see it".
Now a guy I know has taken his well above 600 feet(if not more) and even seen a local police helicopter during one of his flights.(yes he got that high with his once)
I reminded him that he could get into trouble going up that high with his but if he listened to me idk.(especially since he seen a police helicopter during one of his flights)
His actions don't excuse yours but kudos to you for reminding him. I must say that it is at least slightly hypocritical as you're warning him about the same law you don't follow...
It’s like telling someone to not speed when driving on the road but the majority of the time everyone does it(including cops) people break the rules and laws more then most think.
That has to be the most commonly broken law. Just about every other one must be adhered to at all times. Also, when law enforcement is in the vicinity, there is little to no speeding.

EDIT: Forgive me if I sound harsh but BVLOS flying is generally not appreciated in the drone community and can get people (and the hobby as a whole) in trouble. If something were to happen, there would be no end to the calls for stricter rules pertaining to the hobby.
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I guess you missed the part of me saying I live out in the country.
I’m not saying that I go over 400 feet every flight(which seems you think I do) it’s mainly if I was to take a pic and that’s only for maybe seconds to take the pic.(maybe longer if if im taking video)
If you seen where I live you would see my point.
Trust me it’s like I live in a bowl in the top of a mountain with the way the terrain is here.
Im probably one of the few who doesn’t go to the max they can go.(I’d like to but I would likely never see my drone if I did as with my luck it would get overpowered by the winds and blown away.
There are worse offenders (trust me YouTube has videos from many of them doing that)
I take it you didn’t see the part where I said I bring it back down if I hear a plane or other aircraft in the area(seriously I’m not kidding on that part I do)
I’ve seen the videos of bird strikes on planes and the aftermath of what happens I wouldn’t want to intentionally do what they are tagging as a drone strike to a plane.
I’ve been flying these for years and thus far haven’t had a problem(and yes I do know the laws really well unless they change them like is done many times on some stuff) besides we all do this to have fun right?
People has been flying model aircraft for how long and the faa only puts up a stink because of the few who really do fly carelessly and attempt to see how close they can get to a real plane with one(I’m not one of them)
It would be nice if the real planes would actually stay about the 500 feet limit the faa sets for them but I’ve seen planes, helicopters and blimps fly over where I live well below that many times and not a single time complain to the faa.
Why it’s because unless there is a crash they don’t bother.

The guy I was referring to had got too close to a police helicopter(seriously he was asking for it) which is why I told him of that but if he did it again I don’t know(honestly till I got my mavic mini I could’ve sworn that the limit was 500 feet for us and 600 feet for other aircraft.
But I’ve seen people go over it many times online and not out in the boonies they would be in busy places.(honestly if my quad crashes it’s literally going to land in a tree most likely)
I’ve put many hours of flight time in behind the sticks of more then just the phantom and also do a flight sim.

You sound like you want to be sky police.
I guess you missed the part of me saying I live out in the country.
With all due respect, the law doesn't say under 400 feet if you live in the country, or under 400 feet if you hear airplanes in the vicinity. It says, under 400 feet at all times. Nothing clearer than that.
There are worse offenders (trust me YouTube has videos from many of them doing that)
There are nearly always "worse offenders" for nearly everything. That doesn't mean it's OK to do it.
You sound like you want to be sky police.
I don't, just letting you know what's right and what's wrong as you seem to have several misconceptions. Anyway, I've done my part and I'll cease to comment.
I guess you missed the part of me saying I live out in the country.
I’m not saying that I go over 400 feet every flight(which seems you think I do) it’s mainly if I was to take a pic and that’s only for maybe seconds to take the pic.(maybe longer if if im taking video)
If you seen where I live you would see my point.
Trust me it’s like I live in a bowl in the top of a mountain with the way the terrain is here.
Im probably one of the few who doesn’t go to the max they can go.(I’d like to but I would likely never see my drone if I did as with my luck it would get overpowered by the winds and blown away.
There are worse offenders (trust me YouTube has videos from many of them doing that)
I take it you didn’t see the part where I said I bring it back down if I hear a plane or other aircraft in the area(seriously I’m not kidding on that part I do)
I’ve seen the videos of bird strikes on planes and the aftermath of what happens I wouldn’t want to intentionally do what they are tagging as a drone strike to a plane.
I’ve been flying these for years and thus far haven’t had a problem(and yes I do know the laws really well unless they change them like is done many times on some stuff) besides we all do this to have fun right?
People has been flying model aircraft for how long and the faa only puts up a stink because of the few who really do fly carelessly and attempt to see how close they can get to a real plane with one(I’m not one of them)
It would be nice if the real planes would actually stay about the 500 feet limit the faa sets for them but I’ve seen planes, helicopters and blimps fly over where I live well below that many times and not a single time complain to the faa.
Why it’s because unless there is a crash they don’t bother.

The guy I was referring to had got too close to a police helicopter(seriously he was asking for it) which is why I told him of that but if he did it again I don’t know(honestly till I got my mavic mini I could’ve sworn that the limit was 500 feet for us and 600 feet for other aircraft.
But I’ve seen people go over it many times online and not out in the boonies they would be in busy places.(honestly if my quad crashes it’s literally going to land in a tree most likely)
I’ve put many hours of flight time in behind the sticks of more then just the phantom and also do a flight sim.

You sound like you want to be sky police.
With all due respect, the law doesn't say under 400 feet if you live in the country, or under 400 feet if you hear airplanes in the vicinity. It says, under 400 feet at all times. Nothing clearer than that.

There are nearly always "worse offenders" for nearly everything. That doesn't mean it's OK to do it.

I don't, just letting you know what's right and what's wrong as you seem to have several misconceptions. Anyway, I've done my part and I'll cease to comment.
He used to know. Something has changed since his 2015 post.
I was wondering because in 2015 he said, "Believe me I never go above 400 feet just for safety for myself..."
That’s the one I’m referring to. But it gave me an error when I tried to include a link.
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