Spokane fly zones

Mar 6, 2017
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Getting my first drone in a couple of weeks just wondering where everyone flies in the area.
Thanks John
Hey John did anyone every give you an answer to this? I'm waiting on my first P3S to show up and I was wondering the same thing. I'm trying to understand where / how high etc I'm allowed to fly in the area(s)
Hey John did anyone every give you an answer to this? I'm waiting on my first P3S to show up and I was wondering the same thing. I'm trying to understand where / how high etc I'm allowed to fly in the area(s)
Nope didn't get a reply so I've only been flying mostly from my backyard. I do know that FAA rules for vertical height is 400ft maximum
Well since there’s no other suggestions maybe the parking lot outside the south hill dog park. No one’s there and at least 1km LOS. Bring lawn chairs
Let me know, i’d Love to join in
Getting my first drone in a couple of weeks just wondering where everyone flies in the area.
Thanks John
You can get this app called BeforeYouFLy, its by the FAA and they have mapped out fly zones and restriced areas. it helps you plan safe flights and track data too.
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Well I've taken my up twice now. Once in Colbert area on a buddy's land, love the video quality. Then in my front street, no more then about 30 feet up just to play with the controls. So if anyone wants to get together, especially if you know where we can go "legally" :) let me know. I would like to meet some new folks and have a great time with this drone.

[email protected]
I do most of my flying around downtown, and around the train yard and the silos there. On the "legally" note, check out a recent lawsuit back east regarding the ability of the FAA to regulate hobby flying, Taylor v. Huerta. The court discusses the legality of the FAA regulations. Also look at United States v. Causby, which sets the limit of how high a landowner's property extends into the airspace.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed attorney and everything I say in this forum should be taken at face value, and nothing, express or implied, establishes an attorney-client relationship, nor is it legal advice, and should not be taken as such. As a law student, I am able to tell you what the law is, but not interpret or apply it to any individual or specific fact pattern.
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I went out to the Mirabeau Park area and flew over the river. It was a blast, just bummed that I'm not getting the distance they say you should. I'm only getting a little over a quarter mile and not the half mile they state. I think I should have bought the SE version. But still fun.
Hey all

I live in the south Spokane Valley (use to live on the north by Shadle High School). Been wanting to meet up and fly with some people but have not had the time. I have a P3S I have flown around at my new house as well as my old, also I have have gone about 10 miles west of Fairchild AFB, and between Cheney and highway 195 on private land. It would be
great to go to some new places and also have some people to fly with. I have been wanting to fly at Lake Roosevelt but its not legal to do so. I dont get on here much but shoot me a pm and we can see if we can meet up and fly.
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Wish I would have seen this last weekend I would have reach out to you. I would like also meet up with others and go flying. I went out Sunday to a buddy's property and flew, my 2nd battery failed but I still had a good time. Here's a video from it (still learning to edit).
Good video. That looks like it would have been a fun place to fly and shoot som video. Just let me know sometime when you want to go fly.
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Hi!..Im in Clakston WA and looking for places too..Im 100 miles away but 2 hours and I'm there..not many here to fly with...in fact none that I know of.....have also heard there is a race program up there somewhere.....would love to get into that too
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Hi!..Im in Clakston WA and looking for places too..Im 100 miles away but 2 hours and I'm there..not many here to fly with...in fact none that I know of.....have also heard there is a race program up there somewhere.....would love to get into that too

Hey Bobscott look on Facebook for Spokanefpv for the racing drones group. I'm still trying to figure out gold spots to go around here.
Hi again!.....the legal way to find a place to fly is to make sure you are 5 miles (at least) from any airport and no higher than 400 ft....yoi can set it in the app once you get up and going. You can ask google the distance between any 2 addresses and it will tell you.....works great....I so it all the time..and don't fly over people...thats a big no no
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I've been flying for a few years. Just upgraded to the Phantom 4 Pro v2.0. I love how quiet it is. I'd like to know of some good places to go as well.

Spokane Falls and the Monroe street bridge are just outside of Felt's fields and Spokane Int'l's 5 mile radius. B4UFLY apps says its in a clear area to fly. This time of year with the Spokane Falls raging could produce some very cool video. Just be careful, most of Riverfront Park is in Felt's 5 mile radius.

Iller Creek (Tower Mountain / Rocks of Sharon) is another cool place to fly.... You can see downtown and the Palouse. I'd like to film there at sunset. The trailhead is off of Palouse Hwy and there are signs along the way.

Mt. Spokane could be a cool place to shoot, not sure if its allowed in the State Park though.

I mostly fly from my house by University High School, Hwy 27, and the LDS Temple.
Spokane Falls and the Monroe street bridge are just outside of Felt's fields and Spokane Int'l's 5 mile radius. B4UFLY apps says its in a clear area to fly. This time of year with the Spokane Falls raging could produce some very cool video. Just be careful, most of Riverfront Park is in Felt's 5 mile radius.

I've flown within the Felts Field radius with no issues. All you need to do is call the control tower and let them know where you are located, how high you plan to go and time frame. All they have ever asked me to do is call them back when I was done. They are polite and easy to work with.

But I've also been curious where else I can fly. I've been out in the valley along the river myself.

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