Some Dirt Bag Stole My Drone Video!!!

The guy who stole the video is still using it, still making money, and lying about it. The question of integrity comes from how much you value the videos that you create. If you don't shut down the "scum bag" that stole you video, i don't think you value your own product very much. The guy was a "scum bag" untill money changed hands. Is there a part 107 violation either way?

The difference is he is NOW using with the original owner/creator's consent. From that point on everything else is a moot point really. The video was briefly taken down by YouTube until the conflict was resolved by the OP and the YT Channel owner. After that exactly how is the OP's integrity jeopardized? It is not.

On to point #2:
A) If the "scum bag" didn't make the flight he isn't liable for the Part 107 so long as he didn't solicit the flight originally.
B) If the original creator flew as a hobbyist and later sold the video then no Part 107 is needed. It's 100% about the INTENT at the time of the flight and not about $$ changing hands. The FAA clearly stated that a hobbyist can indeed exchange their footage at a later time for compensation so long as the original flight was completely within hobbyist/Part 101 guidelines.
The difference is he is NOW using with the original owner/creator's consent. From that point on everything else is a moot point really. The video was briefly taken down by YouTube until the conflict was resolved by the OP and the YT Channel owner. After that exactly how is the OP's integrity jeopardized? It is not.

On to point #2:
A) If the "scum bag" didn't make the flight he isn't liable for the Part 107 so long as he didn't solicit the flight originally.
B) If the original creator flew as a hobbyist and later sold the video then no Part 107 is needed. It's 100% about the INTENT at the time of the flight and not about $$ changing hands. The FAA clearly stated that a hobbyist can indeed exchange their footage at a later time for compensation so long as the original flight was completely within hobbyist/Part 101 guidelines.
The op posted the video and said he got money from youtube.
And i guess integrity is a mater of opionion.
Sorry, he was a "dirt bag" until money exchanged hands.

Your acting like an mule, yes I let the person who stole the video use it. I was compensated for my time and effort. I would have let him use it for nothing if he had asked. And yes, he was a dirt bag before I was compensated, and yes he will still make money with it......and life goes on
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The op posted the video and said he got money from youtube.
And i guess integrity is a mater of opionion.

The FAA made it very clearly a year or so ago that monetizing your YT channel does not make the flight Part 107 (I think it was Section 333 Exemption at the time they made this declaration). Part 101 flights can be uploaded to YT channels that are monetized.
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The FAA made it very clearly a year or so ago that monetizing your YT channel does not make the flight Part 107 (I think it was Section 333 Exemption at the time they made this declaration). Part 101 flights can be uploaded to YT channels that are monetized.

Do you mean part 107 flights?
Do you mean part 107 flights?
It just seems like a fine line between post a video to youtube for money and selling a video to a real estate agent.
For instance if i do a roof inspection and post it to you tube and the "client" watches it there and then decides to compensate me? Why get a part 107 at all?
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Do you mean part 107 flights?

Part 101 (Hobbyist) can upload their flights to their YT even if monetized.

It just seems like a fine line between post a video to youtube for money and selling a video to a real estate agent.
For instance if i do a roof inspection and post it to you tube and the "client" watches it there and then decides to compensate me? Why get a part 107 at all?

The difference is you can NOT go out and work for a Realtor and it be a hobbyist flight.

While it's entirely possible to be flying as a hobbyist and later realize you have captured something worth while to sell. It's all about the INTENT of the flight and not about $$.
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Part 101 (Hobbyist) can upload their flights to their YT even if monetized.

The difference is you can NOT go out and work for a Realtor and it be a hobbyist flight.

While it's entirely possible to be flying as a hobbyist and later realize you have captured something worth while to sell. It's all about the INTENT of the flight and not about $$.
Sorry it was not my intent to upset people, just my opinion on integrity.
As far as part 101 or 107 and posting, it is a fine line, in my opinion.
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Using the POI mode is very simple. If another person took the same video, chances are that you both used the same center point. Then, the flight altitude and flight speed could also have been the same. My first POI flight below was so easy. The drone flew like a precision instrument; I did nothing except keep a VLOS on the drone for safety reasons. I image my video could also have been easily duplicated and there was little value added by my editing. By the way, I gave it to my former church and they put it one their website. A good way to get publicity.

First video with P3P using POI mode of operation:
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Sorry it was not my intent to upset people, just my opinion on integrity.
As far as part 101 or 107 and posting, it is a fine line, in my opinion.
Part 107 make you a business video drone person, which mean you talk to businesses about creating aerial footage for them. Me as a hobbyest, I can't do that obviously. I had put a lot of content in YouTube and their are monetized . However, I have not received any money from YouTube. Monetizing your content in YouTube does not make money at all. At some point long in the future, you maybe able to receive something. So to resume, there is a big, big line of difference between 101 and part 107.
Actually this is the second time I've gone thru this, the first time took 17 days......

Heres the funny part, the guy contacted me and is pleading with me to remove the copy right and let people see it. He's very sorry blah blah blah. I know why he wants the video back up. He had a half million views, thats money out of his pocket
Tell him to write you a check.
We had a tornado (actually several)come through the area several years ago. I was talking to my brother on the phone but had my video camera in hand when I saw one forming. I began recording and recorded the entire tornado as it went past (about 2-3 miles away).

I edited the footage to remove the audio expletives I had said while recording and inserted my name and copyright in the middle of the video.

30 minutes later someone claimed it as their own. I found it a few days later. The ignorant idiot did not remove my copyright note. He also blocked me from posting to him, probably because he knew what I would be saying.

I notified YouTube and told them to watch the video to the time mark where my copyright note was, they pulled it down within hours.

People will steal anything!
Actually this is the second time I've gone thru this, the first time took 17 days......

Heres the funny part, the guy contacted me and is pleading with me to remove the copy right and let people see it. He's very sorry blah blah blah. I know why he wants the video back up. He had a half million views, thats money out of his pocket

do it but make him pay $$$ for your work.
Actually this is the second time I've gone thru this, the first time took 17 days......

Heres the funny part, the guy contacted me and is pleading with me to remove the copy right and let people see it. He's very sorry blah blah blah. I know why he wants the video back up. He had a half million views, thats money out of his pocket

how many views haha, thats insane, wish mine got that many views, more like half a hundred or half a thousand haha

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