Jan 8, 2019
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Dallas Fort Worth, Texas
I purchased their labels from the adv on FB. When you sign up with them, you assume that your phone number is going to be on the label, but NO, their phone number is on the label. So I go to their website and cannot seem to get setup. So now, I go in as someone who found my drone, put my FAA Reg # in only to be told that no such number exists in their system. Any else use this service?
So now, I go in as someone who found my drone, put my FAA Reg # in only to be told that no such number exists in their system.
Of coarse not. Even the FAA will not give that information to an individual.
@MrMagus ...The only way that this service can work, IMO is that whomever the lost (reported) drone belongs to must also be enrolled with the service. Making it quite useless IMO.
Update. I sent Reclaim Drone an email off of their web site and within 20 minutes got a return email and phone call. When I got the labels, all I saw was the ones with their phone number but it was explained to me that there should have been at least one with my number on it. I can now see the benefits to their service. Seems to be a solid company and I really appreciate the customer service.
I can now see the benefits to their service.
Not agreed as far as I can see. The FAA will NOT provide information directly to any company or individual. As I explained above, the ONLY way that "they" as a company can know the FAA registration numbers is if they are registered on their site by the owner. What I am saying is that they are NOT directly affiliated with the FAA. As I mentioned above, ONLY those aircraft that are registered on their site will be able to utilize the service, lost OR found. Therefore making it basically useless unless the aircraft is registered there.
"explained to me that there should have been at least one with my number on it"

Well, was that what was explained to you, or is that what you received?? AND why would only 1 have your number and the rest not??
Sounds like a pure scam, as fly dawg states above...
I purchased their labels from the adv on FB. When you sign up with them, you assume that your phone number is going to be on the label, but NO, their phone number is on the label. So I go to their website and cannot seem to get setup. So now, I go in as someone who found my drone, put my FAA Reg # in only to be told that no such number exists in their system. Any else use this service?
I just printed my own on a small tape printer. I also added my phone number.
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Get off the FB and go fly.

Seems like u have been taken advantage of by the FB community.
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I typed and printed my own. I typed my contact # ending with a $ symbol just underneath my FAA registration #. Taped it securely to the top of my P4.
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I purchased their labels from the adv on FB. When you sign up with them, you assume that your phone number is going to be on the label, but NO, their phone number is on the label. So I go to their website and cannot seem to get setup. So now, I go in as someone who found my drone, put my FAA Reg # in only to be told that no such number exists in their system. Any else use this service?
This is Allen from Just wanted to clarify and help if possible.

We offer drone label sets that have 3 labels in the set.
1 - FAA #
2 - Phone #
3 - "If found go to:"

People then choose what they want to put on their drone from the set. If they choose to use #3 "If found..." they need to go to our website and register your drone in our lost drone registry. It is 100% FREE and we do not use, share, rent or sell the limited information you enter. You will NEVER get an email from us, or anyone else using this information, unless we use it to tell you your drone has been found.

Please note that we DO NOT automatically register you in our lost drone registry if you purchase drone ID products from us. It needs to be your choice because you have options when registering that we cannot select for you. You can enter a message that the finder of your drone will see when they come to the site and enter your FAA #. You also decide what the finder will see in terms of how to contact you (Name, phone(s), email(s), etc.). You can even ask that they not see any contact information and we will allow them to enter their information and email you without the finder seeing your email.

In your case, you entered your FAA # without registering and it was not found. We only search through those FAA #s, or if a Canadian, TC #s that their assigned owners have registered. If you place the label on your drone that directs them to our website, or create your own, the finder will find your FAA #, enter it and be able to contact you.
"explained to me that there should have been at least one with my number on it"

Well, was that what was explained to you, or is that what you received?? AND why would only 1 have your number and the rest not??
Sounds like a pure scam, as fly dawg states above...
This is Allen at responding to this post. I just wanted to clarify some things being discussed here. I know there are countless scammers online, but we are NOT one of them. It is actually easier to be a scammer these days than to be the good guy. Today if you offer a great product and service at a great price and get almost exclusively 5 star reviews for doing so, people don’t think it can be real. “It has to be a scam” they cry. “Nobody gets that many 5-star reviews.”

It’s gets even worse when you offer something that is 100% FREE that helps people get their lost drone back. Because it’s FREE people think it’s a scam, after all who would actually do something for FREE? They wouldn’t, so surely nobody else would. “They must be collecting and selling the information they collect.”

To all those that read this, we are old school. We believe in earning and keeping people's trust. We actually believe in creating raving fans and jump thru hoops daily to do so.

People on this site have posted about how we,, allow people to register their drones on our website. We do offer a 100% FREE lost drone registry. Some on here say it’s a worthless service. Tell that to all the people who got their drones returned by using. Also ask anyone who has registered their drone on our site just how many marketing emails they have received from us using their information. If they say anything but “zero”, they are lying. We don’t EVER share, rent or sell their information with anyone and NEVER use it ourselves, unless it’s used to tell them their lost drone has been found.

So, please don’t believe the “scam” comments. You won’t find a better online vendor for high quality drone ID products. Maybe someone can be as good, but not better in terms of value, quality, service and responsiveness.

Any questions email me your name and phone number at [email protected] and I will actually call you to answer them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

If you place the label on your drone that directs them to our website, or create your own, the finder will find your FAA #, enter it and be able to contact you.
This point was made previously. The verbiage is very vague and misleading to many people. You need to be more exact in your descriptions of your service that you are NOT in any way affiliated with the FAA. This would help in clarification for those who wish to utilize your service as opposed to "luring" advertising and vague statements. Some think that because you are "registered" with the FAA that your service is inclusive. In fact, a far cry from that.

So, please don’t believe the “scam” comments. You won’t find a better online vendor for high quality drone ID products. Maybe someone can be as good, but not better in terms of value, quality, service and responsiveness.
Personally, I never stated the word "scam". Misleading, Yes. Scam No. I highly suggest you re-think your advertising and claimed statements as mentioned. An assured, very prominent statement of non-affiliation with the FAA would be great start.
These are just my opinions.
This point was made previously. The verbiage is very vague and misleading to many people. You need to be more exact in your descriptions of your service that you are NOT in any way affiliated with the FAA. This would help in clarification for those who wish to utilize your service as opposed to "luring" advertising and vague statements. Some think that because you are "registered" with the FAA that your service is inclusive. In fact, a far cry from that.

Personally, I never stated the word "scam". Misleading, Yes. Scam No. I highly suggest you re-think your advertising and claimed statements as mentioned. An assured, very prominent statement of non-affiliation with the FAA would be great start.
These are just my opinions.
After thinking about it, I think your point about making sure people don't misunderstand that we are not affiliated with the FAA is valid. We thought it would be obvious, but apparently it is not clear enough. Thanks for the input.
If you buy their stickers, it'll have the FAA #, your phone # and then the reclaimdrone label sticker (unless you also buy the extra FAA registered ID).

If you want to make use of the service, register your drone in, enter you FAA # and contact information. Do this right away, so if you do lose your drone, and assuming whoever finds it is honest enough to return it will see your phone and call you, or they go to the website and contact you there. This works if you have registered your drone info in the for obvious reasons. You are not obligated to use in any way. It's just another chance for you to recover your drone if lost.
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I personally don't quite understand all the uproar about Reclaim Drones. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I figured out that they were NOT affiliated with the FAA and that there were three stickers (which I received) and that only one would have my phone number on it. I have never had to use the actual service for a lost drone (thank goodness) but think the stickers are very high quality and durable, and that it is a good thing they are doing.

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