PC ground station alternatives to waypoint flying

Nov 8, 2015
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Hi guys, it's my first post here :) I'm a happy owner of GJI P2 :)

I'm using my phantom to photogrammetry flying throug waypoints generated by PC ground station, but as far as I know DJI PC ground station will be useless in december, is there ANY alternatives (i know there is iPad gs but it's only 16wp - maybe it's enought??) or in about month from now my phantom will be useless for me? Do you have any knowledge about it? Thanks in advance :)
I have GS too but yours must be one of the older versions.Mine will work with PC or iPad,it's just a matter of which you have and downloading the matching software.
The version I have,Wireless Data Link Module,2.4G Data Link LK24-BT Bluetooth Support,only has 16 waypoints regardless of weather you use PC or iPad.

I have in the last few days made attempts to contact DJI about the discontinuation of PC support requesting more information about what options I have and what their intentions are regarding firmware upgrades and such but so far they have snubbed me and disregarded my questions by simply telling me I have sent my message to the China sevice center and I should address my concerns to a sevice center closer to me.Then they provide links to North America,Europe,Korea and Japan,not much use to me in Australia.
Regardless of which sevice center/region I send messages to they come back almost imediately to tell me I have sent my message to China.
Google Earth is ending and GS used the maps, hence the end of PC GS.
Also, the old sales units contained both PC & iPad versions, the newer sales units did not, it was either one or the other.
With GS built into new P3's the writing was on the wall. :(
Wel I'll consider myself lucky that I got the version I did then.At least I can still use it if I can find an ipad that will have ios 8 on it.
Mind you I would prefer an Andriod version of the software or something because ipads/ipad minis are very expensive here,$400 to $500 used and $500 to $1200 new.
Hi PTCX I have been using the iPad version of GS for over a year, I started with the pc version but borrowed an iPad and went out and bought an iPad Air. I was starting to like it when iOS 8 came out and killed my Dual Bluetooth receiver for 3 months but the GS kept working. iOS 8.4.1 got everything working again but then IOS 9 killed everything. If I were you I would wait until DJI addresses this issue and then buy an Ipad. I am sure you will be happy with the iPad GS which uses different satellite imagery from google earth by the way. Make sure you wait for the iOS 9 to be fixed because I had to buy a second hand IPad with iOS 8.3 which works with GS but I can't find any way to get iOS 8.4.1. I upgraded my first iPad and after a few days you can't go back.
Especially photogrammetry options which plan your waypoints in the area you want to "film"
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Thanks Johnbig,some details there I was not aware of.
Many of the ipad/ipad air that are available here have ios 7,does that work OK?
I can always update to ios 9 later when DJI sort something out with that.

I won't get much time to play with the PC version by the looks of it so maybe I won't miss any extra features as much as those who have had it longer.
Hi PTCX I could only mannage to get 8.3 but GS works with that. My BT receiver needs 8.4.1 but the phantom supplies the GPS to GS.
I'm working with a bloke from Gyra who got a 2nd hand Ipad with 7 something on it but he is still learning and I dont know if it is his setup, the GS or the IOS and it's a long drive from Sydney to Gyra
but he might be able to come here so we can sort something out. I will let you know which version of 7 he has when we sort something out.

I received a reply from DJI in response to my questions and they said there will be an update for the system to work with ios 9 soon,this month.
Well there were two replies to two messages sent,one said ios 9 update this month,one said may be this month.Make of that what you will but heres hoping.
It should make those who have updated to ios 9 happier.
So I will wait to see what happens and ask santa for an ipad for xmas.
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To answer the question, even if a little late... UgCS

The basic version is free. I'm just getting into it, but it's very powerful. You can even load in camera profiles to assist with your photography planning.
I have a Phantom 2 with a go pro 3+ silver. With fpv, what I would like to know is if with the necessary accessories for the fpv, I can carry out scheduled flights using mapsmadeasy.com
I have never done it and I do not have experience but I would like to be helped, since I dedicate myself to agriculture and would like to do some topography.
Can somebody help me??

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