P3P lost during litchi waypiont mission!

Aug 22, 2015
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My P3P lost signal and never came back from waypoint mission... is there any way to find it?
Find my aircraft is not option because people saw drone way after that position.

Please any any help appriciated.

.csv mision is attached


  • Cetina golubovo_csvand3dkml.zip
    2.7 KB · Views: 372
here is flight log from phone witch was connected...


  • 2018-04-17_13-36-17_v2.zip
    245.1 KB · Views: 381
Perhaps you can try this site created by @msinger . It has directions to get the correct flight log file which you then upload to the viewer.
Post the resulting link (not file) back to this thread.

DJI Flight Log Viewer
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Please provide a link to your mission, if you planned this on the Mission Hub.
Find my aircraft is not option because people saw drone way after that position.
Can we assume that the position you are referring to is shown below by the red dot?? Also, the reason we need to see the mission profile, primarily to see what your final action setting was. Judging by the profile below, you were set to "curved turns" and any actions at set waypoints will be ignored, except for your final action in the mission settings.

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Yes... that is position that I m referring and drone was seen about 100m after that point... and there was no actions at all... I was just recording pressed during flight.
and there was no actions at all.
Primarily I am referring to the "Finish" action in the mission settings. There are 5. None ( Meaning Hover ), Go Home, Land, Back to first waypoint and reverse.
People sow drone at this point (blue dot on picture bellow)... and I think important to say that those two lines (pointed with red arrows) are paths from massive electric power line in the air...

From the last reported location, it looks like you past the power lines a good 300 ft or so. ( Last location in red, power lines in blue ). I am surprised you did not hit them. Your altitude is quite low ( 108 ft ).
Would still like to see the mission profile from the hub if possible.

I have uploaded on first post mission from hub...
That is only the .csv and kml which we already have from the log. We need to see the actual mission with a link to your hub plan. Such that we can verify the waypoint locations and full mission settings profile.
Here is link:
Mission Hub - Litchi

I have edited this mission from mobile because there was error told that was too much distance from point 4 and 5... and from point 4 have inserted new point on hight 33m...

attached saved csv file...


  • Cetina golubovo_csvand3dkml.zip
    2.7 KB · Views: 369
Here is link:
Mission Hub - Litchi

I have edited this mission from mobile because there was error told that was too much distance from point 4 and 5... and from point 4 have inserted new point on hight 33m...

attached saved csv file...

That mission profile was flawed - take another look at the waypoint elevations. If you plot the 3-D profile on GE, you will find that you flew it into the ground not long after it lost downlink. Yellow is the profile, red is the recorded flight track, and green is the recorded ground track.

I have edited this mission from mobile because there was error told that was too much distance from point 4 and 5... and from point 4 have inserted new point on hight 33m...
Editing just confirms a mission planning error as @sar104 mentioned. We needed to see the pre-edit actuals to confirm this, but I think that your edits confirmed that theory.
I don't have saved edited mission from mobile... and I'm sure that hights was good because I have checked them after edit and before take off.
Theory that drone flawed is true because it was seen at 7m hight and he should be on 30m hight.
I dont understand what happen with the app... was the editing on mobile reason for flawed mission... and for signal lost reason are those massive power cables?
Btw thank you guys for help...
I spent two days searching for drone in that wood... ;) unsuccesfuly...
I dont understand what happen with the app... was the editing on mobile reason for flawed mission... and for signal lost reason are those massive power cables?
The power cables have nothing to do with it. Per the logs you somehow made it past those, and for the most part they play no role in the incident. And generally speaking would have no input in regard to flight or control interference.
I don't have saved edited mission from mobile... and I'm sure that hights was good because I have checked them after edit and before take off.
Theory that drone flawed is true because it was seen at 7m hight and he should be on 30m hight.
I dont understand what happen with the app... was the editing on mobile reason for flawed mission... and for signal lost reason are those massive power cables?
Btw thank you guys for help...
I spent two days searching for drone in that wood... ;) unsuccesfuly...

Did you confuse the "above ground" setting with the regular "above takeoff point" scheme for entering flight altitudes?
Crash site.JPG
Based on my very crude use of GE, It looks like to me the craft flew into the trees in the red box. Not knowing the relative heights of the various trees in that area, it could have made impact anywhere along the line in the box with the cross hatches, or in the farthest box. At the beginning of the box it seems the aircraft was 60' AGL at the end of the box it was approaching 15' AGL. The flight path actually flies the craf
Crash site.JPG
t into the ground just south and east of the village or about 370 feet from the end of the last box.
I newer to Google Earth and may be reading wrong, but that's what it looks like to me. I would search inside the cross hatched box and follow the path along until you find it
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