NL - The Netherlands, Holland/Nederland

Hi all,
My name is Hugo and I live in Amsterdam, however I still not speak Dutch, I hope that is ok that I write in English here.
I am the new proud owner of a Phantom 3 Standard, but before I flight it I would like to be sure that I am not going to have any legal problem.
I tried to find information regarding the steps I have to do before I flight, as for example if I have to register the drone and also register myself as pilot, however all the information around is in Dutch (obviously and logical) making it extremely difficult for me to know what I should do.
If anybody can guide me regarding the steps I must take before flight outside, it would be very helpful.
My intention is only to use it in empty areas, parks and places like that without people around, or buildings, non commercial use either.
Any advise regarding what to do is more than welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
My name is Hugo and I live in Amsterdam, however I still not speak Dutch, I hope that is ok that I write in English here.
I am the new proud owner of a Phantom 3 Standard, but before I flight it I would like to be sure that I am not going to have any legal problem.
I tried to find information regarding the steps I have to do before I flight, as for example if I have to register the drone and also register myself as pilot, however all the information around is in Dutch (obviously and logical) making it extremely difficult for me to know what I should do.
If anybody can guide me regarding the steps I must take before flight outside, it would be very helpful.
My intention is only to use it in empty areas, parks and places like that without people around, or buildings, non commercial use either.
Any advise regarding what to do is more than welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Hugo. There is no registration of the drone or pilot needed in the Netherlands and you can fly everywhere, except where it is not allowed to fly. Flying in Amsterdam is for the most part not allowed because it is in the CTR (no fly zone) of Schiphol airport.

Drone PreFlight by Aeret

There are also a few general rules:

- No higher altitude than 120m
- Not closer to buildings than 50m
- Always keep the drone in line of sight
- Only flying during daylight
- Respect peoples privacy when filming or photographing

Hope this helps a little bit.
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Hi Hugo. There is no registration of the drone or pilot needed in the Netherlands and you can fly everywhere, except where it is not allowed to fly. Flying in Amsterdam is for the most part not allowed because it is in the CTR (no fly zone) of Schiphol airport.
Drone PreFlight by Aeret
There are also a few general rules:
- No higher altitude than 120m
- Not closer to buildings than 50m
- Always keep the drone in line of sight
- Only flying during daylight
- Respect peoples privacy when filming or photographing
Hope this helps a little bit.

Thank you very much Phantomic for your reply. It is indeed very useful and clarify a few of my doubts. I was planning to fly in a very quite area between Amsterdam and Halfweg tomorrow, a huge grass empty area, but I see it is not allow.
Looking at the link I see the areas that is allow, unfortunately I do not know much the country. Any recommendation of a nice quite area where people use to flight drones not too far from Amsterdam to practice?
Maybe in Zaandam area? I am living in West, so that direction is easier for me to take.
Thanks again.
Hi ik ben Marcel en ik woon in Ridderkerk. Ik heb sinds een week een P3A.
Helaas had ik na 3 batterijladingen al flinke scheuren in een motorarm en een klein scheurtje in een andere arm.dus mijn drone staat al weer sinds gisterenochtend bij DJI in Barendrecht voor reparatie. Een slechter begin kan je haast niet hebben. En voor de duidelijkheid: geen crashes of harde landingen en niks geraakt en alleen in de beginners modus. Voor mij is het dus een grote teleurstelling tot zover.
De service van DJI lijkt wel goed te zijn, er werd tijdens de paasdagen al van alles geregeld. Hopelijk duurt de reparatie niet lang en kan ik snel gaan vliegen.
[QUOTE = "Jorgen, post: 57256, lid: 7015"] Geen idee.
Sinds twee weken, dwz er weer eentje bij gekomen ...; -) [/ QUOTE]
Zins vroege week weer 1 bij
sinds een week nog een in midden limboland een P3SE en een aliexpress SG700

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